This page contains general transit knowledge. Please refer to 'Aspecting the Cosmos' , a daily planetary aspect post, for additional information on lunar aspects to enhance your understanding.
The Moon in Aries is highly energetic as well as impulsive and not afraid to be bold! We may feel a bit combative and feisty at this time.
Debates would be right up our alley, especially over something we're passionate about. Just avoid allowing them to evolve into arguments!
If we're typically shy and hold back from speaking our truth,
The Moon in Aries is highly energetic as well as impulsive and not afraid to be bold! We may feel a bit combative and feisty at this time.
Debates would be right up our alley, especially over something we're passionate about. Just avoid allowing them to evolve into arguments!
If we're typically shy and hold back from speaking our truth, but suddenly feel unafraid to stand up for something or one we believe in, thank Aries!
I've known many reserved individuals who made the comment, "I honestly don't know what came over me!" after an Aries' Moon! Especially if it's a full or supermoon!
I giggle because Ares, the God of War and ruler of Aries, is one of my planetary co-rulers, so I'm quite used to his aggressive burst of energy.
Others, not so much.
Aries being the first sign of the zodiac represents the energy of new beginnings. Be they personal projects, self-improvements, job-seeking, or even relocation plans. Be it person, place, or thing, the energy is there to set the ball in motion.
Thank goodness Taurus is next up in line, because Aries energy isn't known for finishing the job!
When the Moon enters earthy Taurus from fiery Aries, we immediately feel more grounded and goal oriented.
While Aries can get the ball rolling, they have little staying power to complete the task. However, Taurus not only ensures it keeps rolling, but it's also up to furthering and/or completing the task at hand.
That's because Taurus is
When the Moon enters earthy Taurus from fiery Aries, we immediately feel more grounded and goal oriented.
While Aries can get the ball rolling, they have little staying power to complete the task. However, Taurus not only ensures it keeps rolling, but it's also up to furthering and/or completing the task at hand.
That's because Taurus is uncomplicated and focuses on the desire to sate its sensualities. We want a comfortable and safe home, to feel fulfilled from a satisfying meal, and money in the bank to take care of our needs.
Everyone wants most of these things daily; however, these desires are amplified and magnetic while the Moon transits Taurus.
Venus-ruled Taurus appreciates beauty, and the simple things life has to offer. In addition to the above desires, we may engage in more play at this time, and are sensitive to the beauty of the Earth.
We may feel more accepting of ourselves just as we are and even partake in childhood joys like jumping on a trampoline, playing karaoke, getting a massage, or mani/pedi to indulge in self-care followed by the drink of our choice, be it coffee, tea, a cocktail, or fruit-flavored water to maintain our balance.
Avoid indolence and obstinance and don't focus on changing others, or situations we have no control of. In acceptance lieth peace, contentment, and balance.
The Moon is currently in the social air sign of Gemini, which allows emotional versatility; however, may not include duration and depth of feeling but variety and novelty.
As a matter of fact, Gemini moves so quickly we may feel restless during this transit. There's a real push-pull between our desire to socialize and have fun and commit
The Moon is currently in the social air sign of Gemini, which allows emotional versatility; however, may not include duration and depth of feeling but variety and novelty.
As a matter of fact, Gemini moves so quickly we may feel restless during this transit. There's a real push-pull between our desire to socialize and have fun and committed obligations.
It is, however, a wonderful atmosphere for any form of communication of short trips, as Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the Messenger of the God and protector of travelers.
We may find our minds are able to come up with shortcuts that can resolve our obligations in a more expedient manner. Unless, of course, we become too scatterbrained and fickle about what we really want.
Gemini is playful and witty but does have the ability to focus and get things done when it calls on its higher power. Afterall, getting things done sooner lends more time for play!
The Moon is dignified in Cancer, meaning when a planet is in the sign it rules, this will strengthen our response to it.
If a planet is dignified, we control our circumstances—or at least how we view them. Perspective can alter our emotional outlook and response regardless of the tangible conditions.
This is a nesting and nurturing place
The Moon is dignified in Cancer, meaning when a planet is in the sign it rules, this will strengthen our response to it.
If a planet is dignified, we control our circumstances—or at least how we view them. Perspective can alter our emotional outlook and response regardless of the tangible conditions.
This is a nesting and nurturing placement that turns our attention and care to home and family. This is demonstrated by our sympathetic and understanding nature toward others.
We enjoy taking care of others by providing a good meal or a firm hug to whoever needs it.
A little cuddling never hurt anyone.
It is important to know that during this time emotions will be amplified so it's best to guard against uber-sensitivity, dependency, or neediness. Focus instead on a home-based project or consider hosting others for a dinner party or soiree.
The Moon in Leo is a return to our inner child, as Leo's natural home is the 5th House ruled by the Sun. It's a house of creativity and life featuring romance, affairs, children, and amusements! Highly creative Leo loves to be the center of attention and has a great sense of humor. Our need for recognition, praise, and affection are ampli
The Moon in Leo is a return to our inner child, as Leo's natural home is the 5th House ruled by the Sun. It's a house of creativity and life featuring romance, affairs, children, and amusements! Highly creative Leo loves to be the center of attention and has a great sense of humor. Our need for recognition, praise, and affection are amplified with the transiting Moon.
We feel more imaginative, creative, and embrace a sense of freedom with this energy. We seem to innately recognize solutions to problems that aren't readily apparent.
This is because our imagination also includes inventive thinking that reveals a new dimension to all relationships, personal and business.
It is here we are at our most inspiring, and our energy is infectious, inspiring others right along with us!
A caveat is our ego, which may feel slighted if we don't perceive we are getting the attention, affection, or praise we deserve. Yes, we know our worth and the value of our contributions; however, without keeping our expectations of others in check, there could be trouble in the Lion's den!
The Moon in Virgo presents motivation and inspiration with a side-helping of reality. Read more for transit and natal aspects.
Virgo Energy encompasses simplicity, as well as appreciation of beauty. The Virgo lesson is adaptability to ever-changing circumstance.
Combined with the energy of the Moon makes is a perfect time to slow down a
The Moon in Virgo presents motivation and inspiration with a side-helping of reality. Read more for transit and natal aspects.
Virgo Energy encompasses simplicity, as well as appreciation of beauty. The Virgo lesson is adaptability to ever-changing circumstance.
Combined with the energy of the Moon makes is a perfect time to slow down and get organized to avoid the overwhelm of complication.
Life is full of the unknown and we never know what curveballs will be thrown our way on any given day. Stay grounded and you have a better chance of navigating through the things that are coming.
This applies to personal situations, opportunities, and offers. Make sure to consider the legal aspects of small print. Good thing Virgo's influence is logic and practicality, which can assist you to slow down and think before you speak or act.
Virgo energy is laser-focused on the details. This could come off as criticism, but it's a part of Virgo's love language: they want to improve everything. This can risk crossing over into perfectionism; therefore, keep the criticisms to a minimum regardless of how good your intentions. Instead, refocus on the attainment of your goals.
Earthy Virgo creates a perfect platform to spend some peaceful time in nature. Because she is all about health, focusing on healing through meditation. Perhaps you're ready to pick up a healthier habit by releasing an old one. Now is the opportune time to put it into motion.
A Masculine, Cardinal Air sign, Venus-ruled Libra favors beauty, harmony, and balance ( this includes what is given and received ). This charming sign places socializing and entertaining as a priority in their life.
The largest caveat is their people-pleasing nature, which can lead to paying any price ( including the truth ) for peace and
A Masculine, Cardinal Air sign, Venus-ruled Libra favors beauty, harmony, and balance ( this includes what is given and received ). This charming sign places socializing and entertaining as a priority in their life.
The largest caveat is their people-pleasing nature, which can lead to paying any price ( including the truth ) for peace and companionship rather than being their authentic selves.
The Moon in Libra transit is mostly focused on relationships and partnerships ( be it personal or business ). The desire for balance causes sensitivity to emotional imbalance within the dynamics of relationships.
Although the Moon's influence in this social and polite sign have us willing to compromise, we do need to avoid the aforementioned caveat of obtaining that balance at any cost, especially to ourselves.
We will lean toward beauty and desire to surround ourselves with aesthetically pleasing environments. It's a wonderful time to start that redecorating project we've been considering, or even visiting places of inspiration and beauty that we've always wanted to see.
Set plans in motion that reflect our true selves and desires. Be willing to compromise to get there, but not to the point of sacrificing whatever we truly yearn for to appease another.
With the Moon being in her fall in Scorpio, we're going to experience difficulty expressing our authentic nature. It's akin to being a guest under a host you aren't comfortable with.
We may feel at dis-ease in our surroundings or private life involving secrets or that which is secluded.
We may notice a tendency to lean toward privacy and
With the Moon being in her fall in Scorpio, we're going to experience difficulty expressing our authentic nature. It's akin to being a guest under a host you aren't comfortable with.
We may feel at dis-ease in our surroundings or private life involving secrets or that which is secluded.
We may notice a tendency to lean toward privacy and depth, honesty, and deep, meaningful conversations over chitchat.
As this lunation is occupying a water sign, we'll be more in touch with our feelings because our emotions are closer to the surface. That doesn't mean we'll be wearing them on our sleeves, however.
Scorpio is a secret keeper and focuses quiet and intently on that which evokes an emotional response. We could find ourselves feeling quite obsessed with the object of our focus, being Scorpio is a fixed sign.
Because the Moon represents the feminine principle, our domestic, emotional, and nurturing urge will be influenced. The method in which we nurture others and wish to be nurtured will be affected more intensely than in any other sign.
The Moon moves quickly, changing signs approximately every two and a half days, so this intensity will soon pass.
When the Moon enters freedom loving Sagittarius from intense Scorpio, the emotional shift enables an aura of relief from feeling everything to the nth degree.
Instead of brooding or obsessing over something, our mind shifts toward travel and adventures.
Or, because this is the house of higher learning and open minds, we may opt to engage
When the Moon enters freedom loving Sagittarius from intense Scorpio, the emotional shift enables an aura of relief from feeling everything to the nth degree.
Instead of brooding or obsessing over something, our mind shifts toward travel and adventures.
Or, because this is the house of higher learning and open minds, we may opt to engage in a study of something that has always interested us. It could be anything from religion to philosophy, being this is the sign which contains prophecy and wisdom.
This is a spontaneous atmosphere filled with gaiety, fellowship, social events, and a love of the outdoors. The only caveat is over-indulgence. Take care to honor our bodies, time, and nature by avoiding waste.
Happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and optimistic, at times they can be restless, careless, and extravagant. Their tolerance allows them to work well with all people, and they accept most people for what they are.
Their extroverted nature can unintentionally hurt others who are more sensitive by being blunt and/or impatient.
While the Moon is in her detriment in Capricorn, that simply means that it will assume the coloration of the sign, which includes organization, practicality, and professionalism.
This sign brings out our cautious and dutiful nature with a side order of pessimism.
Our future goals take center stage while our emotional side waits in the win
While the Moon is in her detriment in Capricorn, that simply means that it will assume the coloration of the sign, which includes organization, practicality, and professionalism.
This sign brings out our cautious and dutiful nature with a side order of pessimism.
Our future goals take center stage while our emotional side waits in the wings. We turn to our responsibility to family and business dealings.
It's time to take charge and rearrange or organize any aspect of our lives that appear disheveled or unproductive.
This is accomplished by implementing guidelines and setting clear boundaries as well as seeking avenues of learning to further our expertise.
We should take care not to eschew the emotions of others by acting to professional or businesslike.
This lunation brings out the rebel and warrior within us. We're ready to make our mark by acting out authentic selves.
We're ready for new adventures and experiences that highlight who we truly are to others. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is all about individuality and the freedom urge.
There's an air of urgency to everything from causes to
This lunation brings out the rebel and warrior within us. We're ready to make our mark by acting out authentic selves.
We're ready for new adventures and experiences that highlight who we truly are to others. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is all about individuality and the freedom urge.
There's an air of urgency to everything from causes to schedules ( though expect some disruptions in those due to Uranus' influence ).
The caution here is to act with genuine intent vs. acting for the sake of acting. If we're not careful, we can become fanatical or addicted to the action itself rather than the cause behind the action.
This could lead to burning bridges for the sake of watching a fire rather than for our own good.
The Moon in Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is a sleepy, dreamy, trancelike state that allows us to escape from the harshness of reality.
However, the reality is that the only way we can induce this state is to succumb to sleep, meditation, drugs, or alcohol.
This transit portends susceptibility to emotional assaults, especially when we're in
The Moon in Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is a sleepy, dreamy, trancelike state that allows us to escape from the harshness of reality.
However, the reality is that the only way we can induce this state is to succumb to sleep, meditation, drugs, or alcohol.
This transit portends susceptibility to emotional assaults, especially when we're in a nostalgic, wistful state, or the most impressionable state.
It's also when we're at our most spiritual because our boundaries have been lowered. This produces compassion, increased intuition, and sensitivity to those less fortunate.
This is the perfect time to hold or attend a sacred circle or some other type of spiritual event or group.
This natal aspect is known as emotionally aggressive. Take the transit ( lasting roughly 2.5 days ) description above and apply it for a lifetime! To you, life is an adventure to be explored, filled with new discoveries that transform experience into an avenue of self-realization.
Your enthusiasm for life is both natural and genuine; howe
This natal aspect is known as emotionally aggressive. Take the transit ( lasting roughly 2.5 days ) description above and apply it for a lifetime! To you, life is an adventure to be explored, filled with new discoveries that transform experience into an avenue of self-realization.
Your enthusiasm for life is both natural and genuine; however, your impulsive nature requires you learn the art of patience.
Your temper can be combustive, but the good news is that it ends as quickly as it began! This susceptibility to a hot temper also produces nervousness and headaches.
While you appear to be aggressive, there is a sense of insecurity you hide from others, especially when it comes to asking for help.
You can appear emotionally detached; however, your feelings are sharp and used as a conscious instrument to benefit you—you are very warm when interested but impersonal when not inspired.
You excel in atmosphere or positions that require quick decisions. You trust your sense of perception and are able to act immediately without consideration. On the contrary, you jump into action from these feelings rather than logic.
You have great originality and inventiveness but are often restless and lack persistence to complete a task that was initiated quickly. This is because you are not methodical, resent authority, and dislike unsolicited advice.
You demonstrate excessive confidence during the onset of projects, but it's contrasted with insufficient forethought on what it will take to complete it. Cultivating perseverance with the aforementioned patience would benefit you.
You're ambitious and pioneering, and others are impressed by your dynamic, self-reliant and take-charge attitude. But you attempt to dominate them emotionally and gain authority because you make a better leader than follower.
The Moon is exalted in Taurus, which de-emphasizes its changeable aspects and brings out its reflective and steady side. You are stubborn as the bull and will stand your ground. You can be blindly faithful, sentimental, affectionate and basically timid. Being too fixed is your ways is something you need to guard against.
This natal place
The Moon is exalted in Taurus, which de-emphasizes its changeable aspects and brings out its reflective and steady side. You are stubborn as the bull and will stand your ground. You can be blindly faithful, sentimental, affectionate and basically timid. Being too fixed is your ways is something you need to guard against.
This natal placement is centered in the material plane, and your emotions are attracted to possessions and material comfort. You want the best of everything, and you rarely settle for less. You react slow to sensory perceptions but are strong. You will reflect on something longer than most other signs, using grounded premise, personal ethics and ideals, assimilating all the information possible prior to acting in a methodical manner.
Once you've made your mind up, it's difficult to change it, and you don't appreciate unsolicited advice or interference in that decision. Your determination and developed intuition guide your sound judgments. Because you desire to excel in whatever undertaking you choose, you take to curiosity to learn whatever it is you wish to accomplish, including possessions and friendship.
You have a highly developed sense of touch and taste and are known for appreciating the finer things in life. You indulge in all things that make life enjoyable, including song, dance, music, and art to glorify your appetites for beauty and luxury.
Because your temperament is stable, you only entertain concepts that are compatible with yours. You can be narrow-minded, conservative, and conventional. Therefore, you must guard against pride, laziness, and jealousy.
You typically adhere to family traditions taught to you by your mother, to whom you were close, though not necessary happily linked. You are loyal and lasting in your relationships.
Gardening abilities are also favored with this placement.
If you were born with your Moon in Gemini, then you are more than likely emotionally versatile, but are only interested in intimate contact of the moment.
Lasting commitment beyond the current moment doesn't interest you, as you like to take things one moment at a time. This is because your emotional personality requires variety and novel
If you were born with your Moon in Gemini, then you are more than likely emotionally versatile, but are only interested in intimate contact of the moment.
Lasting commitment beyond the current moment doesn't interest you, as you like to take things one moment at a time. This is because your emotional personality requires variety and novelty rather than duration and depth of feeling or undivided loyalties.
Your senses serve the intellect rather than emotion, which results in an ability for dispassionate observation and reasoning. Your mind is changeable and at times chaotic, but you can assimilate an indefinite amount of detail. Multitasking comes naturally and you may have two vocations often at the same time.
While not really intuitive, you are observant and quick to form impressions that are verbalized with concision. You are drawn to artistic and literary professions or any area involving communications. A preference, even a need, to do several things at once is important for you psychological well-being.
The intellectual ability of this placement often makes you an avid reader or talented artisan.
You can appear cold to others because you are reserved in personal matters.
Take care not to spread yourself too thin and scatter your energy, as this can manifest in anxiety or nervous tension. You know how to play up to others, and at times you may be too shrewd for your own good. Your restless nature is always in search of something new.
In a woman's chart, this moon may indicate superficiality and a lack of domesticity. A man with this placement seeks an intellectual partner who can fit into any social role or situation.
Here you are considered emotionally tenacious. Although you are maternal and sympathetic by nature, you can be patronizing and naively trust your own feelings and are apprehensive about matters out of your control.
Your sense impressions are very accurate, but you do not often act upon them. Your mind is meditative, and your reactions ar
Here you are considered emotionally tenacious. Although you are maternal and sympathetic by nature, you can be patronizing and naively trust your own feelings and are apprehensive about matters out of your control.
Your sense impressions are very accurate, but you do not often act upon them. Your mind is meditative, and your reactions are slow and uncertain.
Sensitive to outside influences, you pick up negative vibrations from others which can make you moody and unhappy if these feeling spill over into your personal relationships. You have a tendency to hide from your true feelings and strong emotions under a hard shell.
You possess a special love for home and family, which are also your primary attachment. Here you are happier with a gentle, peaceful love than passionate. You often have a deep and strong bond with your mother, but if the umbilical cord isn't severed in time, relationships can be tense and problematic.
You are very intuitive but overly sensitive to outside influences because you sense conditions from a psychic view. You need to guard against harboring long-term resentment when imposed upon.
You are thrifty, economical, and careful with property and money. While you love your home, you also love to travel and make changes in your life through learning opportunities. You will always love returning to your homebase. You are artistic, creative, and dramatic, which makes you a perfect candidate for music, poetry, or acting.
A woman with this natal position can be easily hurt and needs to dominate the home environment to feel secure and safe. A man with this position can be overly sensitive and desires a partner who is more of a mother than a mate.
Those with this natal configuration are often generous, dignified, and magnanimous. While they will leave things alone unless personally concerned, they love to get involved in causes that are worthwhile and work hard toward achievement.
Once they have decided to act, they are resentful of interference and criticism because they are emot
Those with this natal configuration are often generous, dignified, and magnanimous. While they will leave things alone unless personally concerned, they love to get involved in causes that are worthwhile and work hard toward achievement.
Once they have decided to act, they are resentful of interference and criticism because they are emotionally attached to their belongings and whatever reflects on their ego.
Self-centered and somewhat pompous, the Lion is known for his pride and expects to be praised, or at least noticed, for their achievements. And just in case anyone has missed those accomplishments, Leo isn't shy about announcing them!
They are able to make quick, accurate evaluations of other people and their motives, and their fiery temperament can quickly cut other people down to size.
Yet they have a blind spot or lack of objectivity in their emotional perspective and can become overly dramatic, domineering, and commanding. Their heart must be involved to truly enjoy any relationship, and they love to impress their friends and family through storytelling of past experiences and adventures.
They are sexually magnetic and charming but may also be arrogant. In a man's chart it makes him romantic, fun, and sexy, as long as conceit and/or an overbearing ego doesn't get in the way. He seeks a partner with flair, enthusiasm, and good taste. Women with this placement are highly attractive and magnetic as well.
They are straightforward and their honest intentions are apparent; however, there is a tendency to become bossy and domineering. Being a 5th house native, they love the arts, music, luxury, children, and typically have a sunny disposition.
Their emotions in this aspect are powerful and they give affection generously. They are warmhearted, strong-willed, and free-spirited. Ruled by the Sun, Leo's personality is a bright and courageous. In this natal aspect, they are born entertainers who live life with a flair for drama and stage production.
They'll surround themselves by admirers but will defend their reputation passionately! Take care of negative criticism or interference lest you meet the Lion's wrath!
If your natal Moon is in Virgo, you are known as emotionally discriminating. You respond to encouragement, appreciation, and have a deep hunger for sharing experiences and self-realization with others.
Take care that this hunger doesn't make you overeager or prone to dictating the course of your relationships. You can be very insistent an
If your natal Moon is in Virgo, you are known as emotionally discriminating. You respond to encouragement, appreciation, and have a deep hunger for sharing experiences and self-realization with others.
Take care that this hunger doesn't make you overeager or prone to dictating the course of your relationships. You can be very insistent and even petulant if not aware because you want what you want the way you want it.
Generous with your time and service, you enjoy helping others but have difficulty understanding their feelings. This natal aspect emphasizes your mental qualities sans the restless nature of Gemini.
Instead, you demonstrate steadiness and practicality. You love the application of knowledge and don't seek it for its own sake. This enables you to analyze and criticize all sense impressions with care.
You possess a fondness for science and/or the occult and can be clairvoyant or psychometric and have a great intuitive ability if you choose to develop them.
Though temperamental at times, you prefer to earn everything by your mental ability and your fertile imagination. Despite the Virgo tendency to be picky and argumentative, you can appear quiet, shy, and unpretentious.
Proper and conservative, your religious inclinations surface in a broad-minded way. With this mutable Moon, you have many acquaintances, frequent changes in your life and numerous short trips.
You are shrewd with a good business sense and meticulous attention to detail. You could do very well in psychoanalysis or diagnosis of any kind. Counteract fussiness or a lack of self-confidence.
In a woman's chart, this position can often indicate emotional insecurity, which expresses itself as a lack of warmth and at times inhibition. In a man's chart it attracts a detached, non-clinging mate, because he does not want emotional demands made on him.
If your natal Moon is in Libra, you are often considered emotionally refined, and often see life as a means of self-discovery through trial and error.
Because you are social, you seek shared opportunities while demonstrating a charming yet impersonal feeling for humanity. Your deep desire for all to like you can lead your emotional well-b
If your natal Moon is in Libra, you are often considered emotionally refined, and often see life as a means of self-discovery through trial and error.
Because you are social, you seek shared opportunities while demonstrating a charming yet impersonal feeling for humanity. Your deep desire for all to like you can lead your emotional well-being to dependency upon the approval of others. This makes you eager to please.
You enjoy living in the moment and run the scale of highs and lows with every shift of events. While friendly, easy-going, and popular, this lunar position can also be capricious, fickle, and critical. Learning to say "No" can be difficult for you because you succumb to flattery so easily. Learning to be self-reliant doesn't come natural to you, but it is a necessity that protects you from being taken advantage of.
You also have tendencies to indolence and flirtation which need curbed.
Your sense of impressions is strong aesthetically; therefore, you feel a desire to serve beauty. Like Virgo, you experience the senses through the mind, and evaluate the facts; however, you do not analyze nor criticize them. Your airiness lacks the practical application of the earth sign Virgo because you are more contemplative and build great ideas that you aren't necessarily ready to act upon.
To you, judgment is more important than execution.
Decisiveness isn't a strong quality, but your illusive sweetness hides a great strength. You gravitate toward the arts: music, poetry, and visual expressions. While you do have some ability to create these forms, you more often appreciate rather than perform.
This makes you in high demand in social circles. Those around you do affect you, and your love life depends on how much you are appreciated.
Libra is the sign of relationships; thus, partners are important to you because you work best in conjunction with others. Try not to be too dependent on their reactions.
A man with this placement seeks a refined, sociable, and fun-loving partner who is attractive, well-groomed, and intelligent. A woman is social and a good hostess who enjoys beautiful surroundings, decor, and clothing.
The keyword for this natal placement is emotionally possessive, indicating that their emotions are intense and are often based on willful desire. They can be impatient, moody, and even given to brooding if not careful.
Easily hurt and without awareness, they can become jealous, hold grudges, and take revenge. Take care not to judge others
The keyword for this natal placement is emotionally possessive, indicating that their emotions are intense and are often based on willful desire. They can be impatient, moody, and even given to brooding if not careful.
Easily hurt and without awareness, they can become jealous, hold grudges, and take revenge. Take care not to judge others too quickly and feel a need to dominate through subtle means.
This position will not tolerate opposition to or interference with their goals, but often they will sacrifice a great deal for kindness. They possess executive ability and are resourceful and enterprising.
Although abrupt and impulsive, they have self-confidence and the ability to attain success. They have a tendency to get what they want; however, may discover it's a hollow victory.
Unfortunately, this position of the Moon doesn't promise a harmonious marriage unless they are aware and in control of their jealousy, pride, and possessive traits.
The desire to dominate is expressed most in their relationship with their children and can even be the result of a parent's domination over them. Mothers with this position have been known to be overly-possessive with difficulty in letting the child go, especially if a male.
They become emotionally content on completing and enjoying any project they have adopted, and they can seem lacking in sympathy when so absorbed. Their personality is deep, and they have shrewd insight into other people, probing into deep and unknown fields.
Thier senses are instruments of pleasure rather than knowledge, responding intensely and passionately to life and sex. They have an unlimited ability to observe, and their willpower is latent and used for the benefit of mankind.
Take care against excess: sexual, inhibition, perversion, or even addiction, such as alcohol and drugs. Their greatest lesson is to learn to forgive and forget. This proves difficult with their strong, deep feelings.
In a woman's chart, this could indicate sexual promiscuity, self-indulgence, and family challenges. A man seeks a sensual partner, but one gentle enough so he can possess and consume her. He needs an intuitive mate who can sense his moods.
If you were born with a Moon in Sagittarius, you can be open and friendly; however, also socially naive and unaware of the power of human indifference. That's because you respond to others as though they were an extension of yourself; thus, tend to merge and melt into them.
You need and want to do everything with everybody and are open an
If you were born with a Moon in Sagittarius, you can be open and friendly; however, also socially naive and unaware of the power of human indifference. That's because you respond to others as though they were an extension of yourself; thus, tend to merge and melt into them.
You need and want to do everything with everybody and are open and friendly as a puppy. You have a keen prophetic inspirational sense; however, you are always searching, which leaves you restless and often with a lack of continuity.
While you are gifted with insight and wisdom, you often succumb to that sense of restlessness. This lack of consistency keeps you seeking what you already have the power to know.
You have a keen sense of judgment but need to guard your words before expressing them, as there are times that unfiltered honesty can cut the feelings of others as a knife. Exercise and/or activity can curb the restlessness of your mind and body and keep you from zeroing in on one thing to appear to have a one-track mind.
Your mind detests confusion and will reject anything irrelevant to the issue at hand. You have strong psychic and occult tendencies, and harbor an inner sensitivity hidden by a free and breezy attitude.
You are a natural teacher with an innate talent and insight into religion, philosophy, and the arts, such as poetry or music. This enables you to help others.
Independent and freedom loving, you can also be offhand. You can negate this tendency with tact and thoughtfulness.
A man with this natal placement may indicate a late marriage, bachelorhood, or philandering. It often indicates early baldness. A woman with this placement can be too independent and even footloose.
While you outwardly appear strong and powerful, deep inside you are supersensitive contrasted with a critical nature toward others. But when you are genuinely interested and untiring/wavering in support.
This natal placement often indicates a reserved coldness which masks a shy insecurity about your own self-worth. You can also be overse
While you outwardly appear strong and powerful, deep inside you are supersensitive contrasted with a critical nature toward others. But when you are genuinely interested and untiring/wavering in support.
This natal placement often indicates a reserved coldness which masks a shy insecurity about your own self-worth. You can also be oversensitive when it comes to perceived slights against you.
When this happens, however, you don't seek revenge but rely on honor and dignified actions to justify yourself. This balances the scales by neither appearing overly sympathetic or emotional.
The combination of Saturn and the Moon can produce a morbid melancholy and tendency to brooding. If not cautious, this placement can also act too quickly to impressions with antagonism or anger. It's also produced fanatics such as Napoleon, Hitler, and Joseph Smith.
This earthy, lunar position will react to the best part of the chart with easy aspects or the worst if there are too many challenges. The former will produce leadership and administrative capabilities while the latter result in lack of creative energy.
If you fail to handle this position, you could succumb to additions such as alcohol, drugs, sex, or a need to achieve power at any cost without concern for the consequences, especially involving others. This position also portends making enemies easily whether justified or not, which can cause havoc on your reputation.
Caution in money matters and common sense combined with practical ability can also become extreme. Watch for signs of over-caution, gloominess, and austerity.
Cultivate warmth and tenderness. Learn that freely giving without expectation of return, is more fulfilling than self-seeking demands made on others.
If your natal Moon is in Aquarius, then you most likely consider experience a proving ground. Your reactions are utilitarian and idealistic at the same time.
You have a tendency to become emotionally overloaded and seek causes or projects to release the tension. If you cannot find a way to release, then frustration can lead to restless wa
If your natal Moon is in Aquarius, then you most likely consider experience a proving ground. Your reactions are utilitarian and idealistic at the same time.
You have a tendency to become emotionally overloaded and seek causes or projects to release the tension. If you cannot find a way to release, then frustration can lead to restless wanderings and search or to spiritual enlightenment.
Also, you need to be cautious against an overabundance of emotional energy, which can cause your nervous system to suffer.
Impressions form quickly for you and your mind and emotions react together from both mental clarity and personal involvement. You are able to blend humanitarian causes, religious doctrines, and scientific notions together.
This natal placement indicates a thought-process that is before our time. There are very few people that you cannot intelligently engage in conversation with and are also a charming friends and companion.
However, you must avoid being too impersonal, detached, or indifferent, or it could lead you to loneliness and difficulty with emotional relationships.
Your friendly nature enables you to hide a good bit of selfishness, and your feeling nature can be cold when you do not understand the emotional needs of another.
Politics and education, or unusual subjects, such as astrology or the occult, capture your attention. Because your imagination is fertile, your abilities include originality, ingenuity, and inventiveness. Though you are broadminded and idealistic, personal independence is invaluable.
If you've been raised with good morals and ethics, then it will be easier for you to control erratic behavior, such as unpredictability or aloofness, known to this Moon sign. You act friendly, but not necessarily intimate, suggestive, or penetrating.
This is known as the most psychic position of the Moon, yet, because of the presence of the 12th House, your natural home ruled by Neptune, there might be sorrow and many obstacles in reaching your goals.
Your emotional needs require shelter and love to promote beauty, harmony, and comfort, as you suffer from adverse environments.
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This is known as the most psychic position of the Moon, yet, because of the presence of the 12th House, your natural home ruled by Neptune, there might be sorrow and many obstacles in reaching your goals.
Your emotional needs require shelter and love to promote beauty, harmony, and comfort, as you suffer from adverse environments.
You can be very responsive to the depth of human experience and have understanding and affection for all people, particularly when your guard has been lowered.
During this time, it's possible for you to overlook the shortcomings or deficiencies of others. This is contrasted with feelings of hurt and bouts of crying and feeling sorry for yourself at any given second and appear as the proverbial Russian who loves to be sad.
Your feelings are so sensitive that your relationships can suffer at times you eschew facing facts coldly and objectively. Truth and reality can really upset you because you want to believe the best about everything. This, coupled with your overdeveloped sense of romanticism and optimism, portends that your senses often betray you.
You are typically gifted with musical, poetic, and artistic talent, and often pursue those avenues as a profession. You are typically quiet and amiable, and sympathetic to the underdog.
You are also gentle, and at times easygoing, unworldly, and dreamy. You can change your mind at the drop of a hat, and can be undependable, easily discouraged, and depressed.
Depending on the aspects, this can be the worst or best position of the Moon. When favorable, it presents true vision. If unfavorable, it produces total illusion or disillusion.
In a woman's chart, this position can indicate emotional excess and health problems. A man with this placement desires a devoted, affectionate, and sympathetic mate who is likely to be indispensable in his private life, but not career.
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