Hello and welcome; I am Tammy, a former third-world missionary and teacher hailing from an Episcopalian, Pentecostal Holiness, and Southern Baptist background; thus, I am familiar with the desire for expansion and the transition from a fear-based foundation of belief to a more peacefully tolerant and inclusive co-existence. I've studied most major religions and practiced many. This enabled me to evolve into a spirituality that encompasses many tenets of various faiths whose common denominator is Love.
As an Astrologer & Certified Professional Soul Coaching® Oracle Reader, I gently guide individuals seeking liberation via alternative paths through the delightful process of discovering the answers they seek have been within themselves. These answers will lead them step by step to where their soul yearns to belong by simply doing the next thing. That doesn't necessarily mean it will be outside the confines of their current system of belief. It may just mean a shift of perception in order to view life in a more balanced and peaceful manner of life without the association of fear.
We are all soul family through Love despite gender, origin, or belief. Life is a gift of experience, and each individual evolves in their method and timeframe. These methods and timetables of spiritual evolution and contracts must be honored to properly guide anyone toward their destination:
Love—beginning with self.
The most difficult thing a person can accomplish is to love and forgive themselves; but, once they have mastered both, they can walk and live the true path of Unconditional Love. As an Astrologer and Certified Professional Soul Coaching® Oracle Reader, my mission is to gently guide others toward their own answers.
My clientele range from religious to spiritual and everything in between. All seek a common denominator of Love. I consider it an honor to assist them navigate their choices. As an Astrologer and Certified Professional Soul Coaching® Oracle Reader, I offer a simple reminder most have forgotten in this human form: we are spiritual beings here by choice to experience as much as possible.
Our ultimate experience in tangible form is love and joy because being happy is the cornerstone of all that we are here to experience! And the most remarkable thing is that YOU have the opportunity to choose how you will feel every Blessed Day.
Bernadette Brady
My adoration for Mother Gaia and her enchanting capacity to cultivate beauty from barrenness or desolation is boundless. In the past, my rituals were dedicated to the Moon and the whispers of the night wind. However, a few months ago, I chose to direct these offerings to the Earth, allowing them to transform into wondrous creations that
My adoration for Mother Gaia and her enchanting capacity to cultivate beauty from barrenness or desolation is boundless. In the past, my rituals were dedicated to the Moon and the whispers of the night wind. However, a few months ago, I chose to direct these offerings to the Earth, allowing them to transform into wondrous creations that would enrich humanity.
I often ponder the resilience of nature, how life finds a way to flourish in the most unlikely places: delicate flowers sprouting through concrete cracks, robust trees clinging to cliff faces, ferns emerging from the ashes of wildfires, and vibrant blossoms springing forth from lands scarred by conflict. In the presence of death, life persists with a stubborn hope.
In my backyard, there's a vast, barren area that I've been unsure how to utilize. It seemed an ideal location for burying ritual ashes. Throughout the winter's chill, I paid it little mind; however, upon tidying the yard recently, I noticed new growth emerging from the very spots where the ashes were interred!
I am certain of the exact locations because I have marked them with sticks. The most recent one I planted is empty - let's see what unfolds there. Witnessing the process of transformation instills a profound belief that, regardless of destructive forces, there is something greater at work.
As integral elements of nature, we stand resilient, bearing witness to our own endurance. We recognize that, amidst life's tempests, we shall persist in some cosmic manifestation.
#photos - my yard
I saw this earlier, and it profoundly affected me because there's so much truth contained within.
When we initially react in a judgmental way, many tend to feel guilty afterward. That guilt can lead down the path of self-blame and feelings of worthlessness.
We can undervalue ourselves and judge our experiences as negative. But without con
I saw this earlier, and it profoundly affected me because there's so much truth contained within.
When we initially react in a judgmental way, many tend to feel guilty afterward. That guilt can lead down the path of self-blame and feelings of worthlessness.
We can undervalue ourselves and judge our experiences as negative. But without contrast we can never learn - that contrast isn't just inclusive of physical experiences but mental, emotional, and psychological.
What if, after every thought we perceived as judgmental could be recognized as 'conditioning' or 'contrast' instead of 'negative' or 'judgmental'? How quickly could self-blame and 'unworthiness' dissipate in place of truth?
And how quickly, in recognizing the conditioning, could we course correct and be proud of ourselves instead?
Is it really any different than turning the wrong direction down a one-way street, saying, "Oops! Wrong way, Tammy!"?
Because it's what an initial judgment is - a one-way street we've inadvertently turned into going the wrong way.
And as silly as we may for missing the traffic sign, it's certainly nothing to blame ourselves for. On the contrary, it conditions us to pay closer attention next time.
And that's all judgement is too.
#art: Am attributed and corrected version of an image that was too fuzzy.
"Spirituality is always about identifying with something that lies beyond our personalities, yet so much astrology is endless “me, me, me.” Can the two ever be reconciled, and if so, how?" ~ Steven Forrest, Evolutionary Astrology
"As above so below" is the entire theory of astrology. The sky above is a part of us below, and we above are a
"Spirituality is always about identifying with something that lies beyond our personalities, yet so much astrology is endless “me, me, me.” Can the two ever be reconciled, and if so, how?" ~ Steven Forrest, Evolutionary Astrology
"As above so below" is the entire theory of astrology. The sky above is a part of us below, and we above are a part of the Earth below. The infinite Universe is the presence of God in each person's chart, the same as the spaciousness between words that form sentences, or between notes that form music.
The nothingness is an everythingness required to form anythingness.
We recognize space; however, cannot define it beyond the term "space". It's a binding agent for energetic formation. And even in that formation is contained space to differentiate the various particles contained within. When I look at someone's natal chart, I note the shape of the chart, the space between placements, and the "empty houses" of space where lessons are not prevalent in this life.
We can learn as much from that which is empty, waiting to be filled, or having been fulfilled than we can from that which is definitive. Is that not spirituality outlined by astrology?
I have seven empty houses in my chart. It's the space that points to where I need to look. It's the space that says, this place has no consequence to your birth outside of aspectual transits. I know some astrologers won't agree and that's okay.
Space is the binding agent between all things astrological and spiritual.
Image: Carcosa by Joakim Nordin
When I went to schedule a post for today, I was told to pause, that something was coming. I just finished a webinar with Gordon Smith, the creator of The Healing Spirits Oracle deck. I was told to pick a card from the deck, and I drew No 14. "Your life path is unfolding as it should".
Its image is a beautiful light spirit on an indigo
When I went to schedule a post for today, I was told to pause, that something was coming. I just finished a webinar with Gordon Smith, the creator of The Healing Spirits Oracle deck. I was told to pick a card from the deck, and I drew No 14. "Your life path is unfolding as it should".
Its image is a beautiful light spirit on an indigo-blue background with spots of light surrounding it.
The moment I saw that card, I was in awe. On December 2, 2020 @ 9:45 AM, I took a photograph of a light spirit appearing in the middle of prism reflections on my living room's indigo wall over my grandson when he was reading.
I immediately rose to see if there was anything outside of the window ( sun reflecting off a car etc. ) that would cast that light. There wasn't. I even stepped in front of the window to see if my presence would block it, but it didn't. I could never bring myself to delete the photo, knowing I would understand its presence deeper one day. It took me over a year to hang anything on that wall, because I thought it might reappear.
I even took a photo of the same wall at the same time the next day, to prove to a few naysayers I had shared with, that it wasn't the light coming in through the door that was casting the shape. I do have prisms hanging in my windows, but that's it.
As you can see, the card is an affirmation of the vision I had over two years ago. And its message is simple yet succinct.
"There is no such thing as coincidence, and when you know this, you are ready to look more closely at your life plan. Your spirit guide has already opened the way for you and will you confirmation that you are truly on the right path. Synchronicities are their way of attracting your attention and giving you confirmation that you are close to a great understanding. Very soon you will know your true purpose."
I have known that I am following my heart through liminal space. I feel my word of the year, Solitude, was necessary for me to clear space to make room for my developing purpose. It's nice to have such a beautiful, visual confirmation that isolation and effort aren't in vain, but actually creating purpose underneath the surface of what we know or see.
I wish you many showered blessings on each step of your own path, as well as the strength to follow your heart when it's calling you out of the world.
"Pagan" (especially in historical contexts) is considered by the dictionary as a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions. "Heathen" is also a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do.
When I was
"Pagan" (especially in historical contexts) is considered by the dictionary as a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions. "Heathen" is also a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do.
When I was growing up, I would hear these words accompanied by such negative connotations as: "Evil", "Devil worshippers", etc. Those I have come to know personally hold a deep reverence for Mother Nature and the Earth herself. They practice holistic healing with natural herbs, honor animals, and hold such a sacred space in their hearts for love.
Just as many Christians have been judged by the actions of a few, so too have Pagans/Heathens. I would ask ( regardless of your religion ) that before you put forth such a judgment, you would take the time to do your own research and get to know a few personally.
As a former Christian missionary and biblical teacher, I am well aware of scripture. I have read the Holy Bible cover-to-cover over half a dozen times. There are some beautiful truths contained within its contents. However, there are also some modified sections with the intent to control, particularly about women.
Jesus was a beautiful Son of God who showed the way to love and forgive. So was Buddha, Ghandhi, and so are we. We each have the capacity to demonstrate love in our everyday actions. We each have the capacity to forgive those whom we feel have wronged us, and ourselves for stumbling.
Without such forgiveness, pure love is impossible.
Jesus said that if you believe in the works he does ( love ) then you shall do greater than even those works. ( John 14:12 ) Thus, you do have the capacity to love, to forgive, to heal, and to offer yourself up against lower-vibrational energy and behavior as an example.
Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God ~ 1 Corinthians 10:32
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; ~ Matthew 5:43-48
Not believing in ourselves and our capabilities is not only betraying love, but it makes Jesus' life, example, and words all for naught.
May understanding emerge and forgiveness prevail in our lives so that love may rule.
Has your Spirit ever answered a question before you had a second to contemplate it, much less an answer?
Has that answer become food with more substance than anything you've ever tasted? It can happen in the simplest of moments, and when you least expect it—like spooning broccoli on your plate.
Which is exactly what I was doing when I
Has your Spirit ever answered a question before you had a second to contemplate it, much less an answer?
Has that answer become food with more substance than anything you've ever tasted? It can happen in the simplest of moments, and when you least expect it—like spooning broccoli on your plate.
Which is exactly what I was doing when I felt Source ask, "Tammy, what is it you desire right now?"
My head would've responded, "Not too much or too little broccoli, Lord?"
But I digress.
I've only experienced this one other time, when I was a missionary. Unlike this time, my Spirit didn't answer; I did.
The question was, "Tammy, what is it you desire to receive?"
Without hesitation I answered, "Wisdom." And despite having read it dozens of times—as Ecclesiastes is my favorite book in the bible—I was ignorant of the weight it bore.
"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." ( 1:18 )
With wisdom you come to know things without knowing how you know them. But it takes years to truly learn how to respond vs. react to things you know, such as when people are lying or have betrayed you, and so on.
Initially you feel obligated to out them, which burns bridges in pride. Then you learn not to out them, but vent to others to 'protect' them from the lies, which, again, burns bridges because the truth has a way of seeping out when you use your mouth in the wrong way.
Then you learn not to out them, nor speak about them; however, you seethe with disdain, which eventually burns bridges because disdain is a cancer that branches out.
Finally, you don't out them, or speak about them, nor judge them. You look upon the situation and person with complete compassion because you have learned that each person must learn their own life-lessons just as you have. And if you've been there, you can hardly judge.
Because let's be honest, we have all lied or betrayed someone and ourselves at some point. Those who won't admit that are lying. I say this without judgment. It's just the truth. We all have to learn the value of truth, and that lesson often comes from losing someone's trust we value because we've been dishonest.
You can apply the above formulation to any lower vibration: hate, jealousy, betrayal, and so forth to reach the same conclusion if you're truly walking a spiritual path. It takes decades—lifetimes, even.
Let me clarify I am not referring to domestic violence, child/animal or any abuse, including property. That type of behavior needs to be called out.
I am talking about me personally and what I integrated this evening, which I am getting to, I promise. Learning to integrate without becoming enmeshed in emotion is a painful process.
If I could go back and change my answer, would I? Not a chance. Although it took me decades to finally reach this point, it was worth every lesson learned. The biggest of which was,
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.." ( 1 Peter 4:8 )
There are some who will read this and call me a hypocrite, and they would be right to a degree. If I were still the person they knew, most definitely. But those who would judge me do not know me now, nor the person I have become.
So, back to my broccoli—standing in the kitchen in silence, spooning it onto my plate, I felt Source ask,
"Tammy, what is it you desire right now?"
Suddenly a congress holding session in my gut answered,
"To feel the same whether no one pays attention to what I say or write or multitude who does."
That was an "Aha" moment combined with a period of powerful integration, despite it emanating from within me. I had to allow my senses and my mind to catch up with it. It was one of those moments you couldn't remember how to move or even operate your body because you didn't feel like you were in your body at that moment.
I was told years ago that an answer inspired by Source is the thought you didn't think. I certainly didn't think of that, and honestly have no idea what I would've answered if given a choice.
What I do know upon hearing it, is that it is exactly what I want: Those spiritual beings who maintain the same vibration whether ignored or glorified cannot be stopped on their path by doubt or discouragement because it's not what they're attached to. They are not in need of human validation, just that of Spirit's guidance. They are so comfortable in silence and solitude that they could live there forever.
I am learning that I could too.
I have to say in closing, that I took a marvelous class of Dr. Lisa Thompson's Wednesday night about the Arcturians. During a meditation I was handed a bright, crystal clear, many pointed star that didn't look like a Merkabah, but I knew it was.
Last night, while studying ancient astrology, I flipped to a page with an image of a Middle Ages woman receiving a many pointed star from the heavens.
Then today, while writing, I remembered something else, one of my favorite books by José de Sousa Saramago called, 'All the Names' I read about 14 years ago. In it he describes something I have always remembered:
That many pointed star of Solar Plexus. The Merkabah within each of us.
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🧡
I usually don't post my personal pull of the day because, personal. However, being it coincides so strongly with today's energy update, I felt strongly urged to share.
Chiron, the wounded healer ( some say warrior ), is currently semi-square Saturn the Teacher - Also, the Royal Star Fomalhaut's influence through today can help guide you
I usually don't post my personal pull of the day because, personal. However, being it coincides so strongly with today's energy update, I felt strongly urged to share.
Chiron, the wounded healer ( some say warrior ), is currently semi-square Saturn the Teacher - Also, the Royal Star Fomalhaut's influence through today can help guide you deeper inside to address and heal, if even one deepest wound. With the Moon trine the Sun today, your emotions and ego will be well-balanced.
The Asteroid Chiron has a 50-year orbit between the traditional visible planets and the more metaphysical transformative realm symbolized by the outer planets. The challenge is getting through the outer crust of the Sun/Pluto square today with Saturn's and Fomalhaut's assistance. You can reach the tender parts if you don't give up.
Chiron is often referred to as the "Wounded Healer" archetype, named after a mythological wise centaur who trained heroes and was accidentally wounded by Hercules with a poisoned arrow.
Though he could not completely heal his own pain, he learned so much about medicine that he started a healing temple. This asteroid points to where your own painful experiences give you training and how you can use that understanding to help others.
The apostle Paul also had a thorn in his flesh that refused to heal; what did Paul do with that wound? He was the perfect reflection of Chiron's true influence. He siphoned wisdom from the pain and used it for the greater good of others.
(2 Corinthians 12:7 KJV) “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” (Emphasis added)
Regardless of the terminology used or the religious influence, we all have a thorn in the flesh that we may never be able to completely heal—especially if it's an emotional wound that can be repeatedly triggered throughout life because people are human—and perhaps it's not meant to.
Perhaps we are meant to transform it into a positive tool that would benefit humankind and the 'thorn' is a reminder that we, too, are human and subject to the very behavior we are apt to judge at times.
No one is perfect. No one is without a 'thorn'. I don't know any human, even teacher ( and I have some powerful ones ) that does not deal with a 'thorn' in their flesh. They willingly admit that. Some spend thousands upon thousands to 'heal' something that may not be meant to heal in a traditional sense of the definition.
Perhaps the term healing should be re-examined? Perhaps healing should take on a different perspective? Perhaps healing is the very integration of the 'thorn' prick vs believing we are to live without it?
I have my own thorn, and it's a whopper. This year my word of the year was 'Solitude' - and in that solitude I have found this thorn to be a companion, a teacher, and a counterpart that I am slowly integrating into my very being of belief. I am coming into the realization that I don't want this thorn to leave because if this thorn dissipates, what then to remind my ego it is not above reproach in this human flesh?
I am not referring to loss or accidents that remind us of our humanity. I am addressing our daily existence, observances, practices, rituals, interactions with others. Our everyday lives where we strive so hard to be or project perfection.
Instead, find purpose for the 'Thorn', for without it, there can be no Rose to bloom.
Find purpose in your problems. Hard-earned wisdom is now relevant and needed. You don't have to assign causality—you may never know why you went through a difficult time—but you can put what you learned from it to good use.
Even if you never quite heal in this place of karmic tenderness, you have the wisdom to pass on once you metabolize the information.
This situation may feel familiar, but if you can't remember a story to go with it, it may be left over from a past life, a chapter review of what your soul already knows.
If an old pain is triggered, have compassion for yourself. You are more than your troubles. You know the route through, and now it's time to practice what you know. Once you have a solution, add it to your tool kit. If this situation stretches and tests you, take it as a training for the hero within. What you are learning now can be your secret sauce in the future.
Shrapnel can hurt as much coming out as it does going in. Take this opportunity to heal by acceptance those old places so they can transform.
Doing so will allow the pain and troubles of the past to become the wisdom and compassion of the present moment.
May the healing energy compassionate love through acceptance of that which cannot be changed encompass you on this journey to self.
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🧡
The more heart-centered you become, the more a lower vibration adversely affects you. The humanly resistance you might receive when you refuse to engage with such vibrations cannot compare to the spiritual satisfaction for not partaking.
Sometimes holding up a mirror to someone is the most compassionate action to take, even if the refl
The more heart-centered you become, the more a lower vibration adversely affects you. The humanly resistance you might receive when you refuse to engage with such vibrations cannot compare to the spiritual satisfaction for not partaking.
Sometimes holding up a mirror to someone is the most compassionate action to take, even if the reflection isn't becoming, at least it's truth. Hopefully they won't turn away in denial, but shame—with a desire to change.
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🧡
A repeating theme I see when working with others is residual anxiety from the effects of gossip. Their anxiety is genuine; however, also an illusion because it's a reflection of their own perspective mirrored in expectations.
It's human instinct to want to defend our honor, but I have come to learn that trusting the Universe to defend me
A repeating theme I see when working with others is residual anxiety from the effects of gossip. Their anxiety is genuine; however, also an illusion because it's a reflection of their own perspective mirrored in expectations.
It's human instinct to want to defend our honor, but I have come to learn that trusting the Universe to defend me, is actually trusting the Universe to unveil the truth in its own time.
As Buddha said:
"Three things cannot long be hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth."
Afterall, defending the truth is like a tiny ant defending an elephant. It's precious but unnecessary.
The first time I decided not to make an outward attempt when I caught wind of gossip is when my life changed forever. It's when trust solidified as a foundation of my existence.
I learned very quickly that if I was patient and trusting, the Universe would open doors to give me an opportunity to speak. It was such a contrast to my former serf, the one who would bang or try to kick those doors down to be heard.
So often the latter accomplishes nothing but muddying the waters more.
Pain is an indicator, but not necessarily of unhealed wounds. Sometimes pain is an indicator of growth—something we need to learn in order to grow—hence, growing pains. Perhaps something like patience and trust.
We pray for things but are so often not prepared for how the answers are delivered. Or that we have to do any work—as though they're magical presents from a Universal Santa Claus ready to use. As though we wake up one morning filled with patience and trust.
We can wake up one morning filled with what we prayed for: however, typically it's after doing the work. When you pray for trust, you will be given adverse situations. When you pray for patience, you will be given situations that try your patience, and so on.
Becoming heart-centered helps you to navigate the working environment. And I don't mean an outward environment ( though it certainly applies ) but the inward office of our self.
Becoming heart-centered is the first step to organizing the file cabinet of your mind from a place of patience and trust.
When you become heart-centered, there is a resolved acceptance in the release of those who choose to believe adversely about you, because you're not in your head second-guessing the situation or yourself.
You don't feel the desire to pursue anyone or justify yourself. On the contrary, you feel a deep resolve of acceptance and trust that everything IS ( not will, but IS ) working for your greater good.
The best part? You don't have to do anything except stay the course honorably. Sometimes it's not as easy as it sounds; however, that's what doing the work is all about.
The heart is the seat of the soul. It is the opening in the center of every storm which allows a gull to fly through in silence. In acceptance lieth the peace that allows us to glide through any storm in trust.
The whirlpool may wobble our wings, but our resolve is strong and determination unfailing.
If someone's mind can be manipulated by gossip, then their mind belongs to others. So does yours if you give a situation you intuitively know to be untrue any credence.
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🧡
IMUM COELI ( IC ), Latin for "Bottom of the Sky" because it's located at the bottom of your natal chart,
opposite from Medium Coeli ( MC ) "Center of the Sky", because it's located at the top of your chart.
Together they form the vertical line of the natal chart cross.
( The horizontal line being your Ascendant and Descendant. )
One canno
IMUM COELI ( IC ), Latin for "Bottom of the Sky" because it's located at the bottom of your natal chart,
opposite from Medium Coeli ( MC ) "Center of the Sky", because it's located at the top of your chart.
Together they form the vertical line of the natal chart cross.
( The horizontal line being your Ascendant and Descendant. )
One cannot reach the top without a starting point, i.e. - the root. Everything is born to ascend.
From the second of our birth, we engage in an ascension of growth with life.
Nutrition and a nurturing environment for our roots are essential to healthy growth.
But many obstacles present themselves along the way.
In nature, the soil could become contaminated, stunting growth via the roots.
Conversely, wildfires, drought or flood could destroy the environment,
but if the roots are deep and strong, regrowth occurs in the same way
a forest renews itself after a fire.
Animals fall prey, encounter accidents, or even suffer abuse at the hands of
owners. But according to research, "animals wounded in the wild or stricken
by disease possess a remarkable ability to treat their ailments". They
instinctively course-correct because they know they can't survive in
the wild injured; their nature is to survive.
As is ours.
Unless we heal our own wounds, we exist in survival mode,
acting as chameleons to blend in with our surroundings.
This 'blending' enables us to hide behind a persona
in hopes of not being discovered.
Sometimes obstacles become embedded in our subconscious roots
as a means of survival. Over thousands of lifetimes, our subconscious resembles
an overcrowded storage shed beginning to block our source of healthy nutrients.
To 'Know Thyself' is to clean out the storage bin of our lives,
beginning with this life, and clearing the debris from around our roots,
pruning off dead weight along the way.
There is a Sioux Indian saying: "The longest journey you will make
in your life is from your head to your heart."
The first step of this journey is desire to "Know Thyself".
Then follow where your intuition guides you.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock
and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth;
and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."
~ Matthew, 7:7,8
What I do is just one modality. There are so many other spiritually led modalities
operated by wonderfully gifted people in our communities willing to assist you.
But you have to reach out.
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." ~ John 8:32
I wish you strength, courage, peace, and success on your journey home to yourself.
Image: Starcodes Astro-Oracle Deck by Heather Rone Robbins
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🧡
I know it's been said many times many ways, but. . .truth begins and end with us.
People are going to trigger you. They are going to push your buttons, stretch your
patience, challenge your resolve in the form of lies and/or betrayal.
You are here for one another in the form of sacred contracts.
Just because you don't remember makes it
I know it's been said many times many ways, but. . .truth begins and end with us.
People are going to trigger you. They are going to push your buttons, stretch your
patience, challenge your resolve in the form of lies and/or betrayal.
You are here for one another in the form of sacred contracts.
Just because you don't remember makes it no less true.
You are here for them, that they have an opportunity to choose a higher vibration
rather than deceit of betrayal. They are here for you to challenge your control
and understanding over your triggers and emotions so that you can choose
the higher vibration of response rather than reaction.
It's a destined interaction designed by you because only you
know what it will take to evict you out of your complacency.
If another chooses negatively, that doesn't mean you should.
They'll repeat the lesson until learned. And so will you if you fail to learn.
If there is a pattern in your life of being betrayed, that pattern needs to be examined.
Determine what could've been done differently, prior to and after
being on the receiving end of lower vibrational energy.
If you are positive that there is nothing that could've been done differently,
and you are positive you chose the higher vibrational avenue by refusing to respond,
retaliate or hold anger and/or resentment for their behavior in your heart, then watch out!
You're facing the ultimate challenge of ascension. You're facing this
because you're ready to ascend to a new level.
I wish you each positive choice in 2023, choices that bring peace, love,
and immeasurable joy to your human experience.
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🧡
I used to be so afraid of making a mistake and looking like a fool, until I realized that it was a trauma response and survival mindset rooted in the fear of what others would think of me. This fear kept me locked in a 'people-pleasing' cycle my entire life, until one day I made a public mistake. At first, I was mortified, but then a ma
I used to be so afraid of making a mistake and looking like a fool, until I realized that it was a trauma response and survival mindset rooted in the fear of what others would think of me. This fear kept me locked in a 'people-pleasing' cycle my entire life, until one day I made a public mistake. At first, I was mortified, but then a major paradigm shift occurred.
I used to feel that everything had to be perfect or God-forbid. . .but I returned to my astrological seeds planted 40+ years ago, where I re-integrated the knowledge that the Universe itself operates on perfect imperfection. Planets wobble, they shift, they slow down, they appear to stop, and so forth. The perfect Sun spouts solar flares as bacon popping from a pan. Some planetary orbits are eccentric, and so forth.
Yet in this chaotic creation lies a perfect synchronization where its truth is displayed: regardless of what happens, or how it happens, the universal cycle continues in its truth of existence—so do we.
The Universe, in its perfect imperfection, teaches us how to prepare for the perfect imperfection in our own lives, such as struggles, mistakes, hardships, etc. My paradigm shift occurred moments after the aforementioned public mistake, when peace replaced mortification. A chuckle replaced a gasp, and an exhale released all the tension and worry.
"So what?" I thought to myself. "I made a mistake. So what?"
The shift was so palpable to my conscious state of being that I felt like I melded into myself. It was through the acceptance of my struggle over that mistake that I discovered my truth: Life is education and it's not the mistakes you make or the hardships you face that determine your destiny. It's the acceptance of those mistakes and hardships and the willingness to keep putting yourself out there, knowing there are probably more mistakes to be made, more hardships to face, and more judgments to be accrued.
I know beautiful women who are holding back their magical offerings because they feel they aren't knowledgeable enough, and if they just take that one class, and that other, and one more. . .or if they wait until next year, then they'll be ready.
It's not that you're not knowledgeable enough; it's that you fear failure, mistakes, and the potential hardships born from both. That is a trauma response and survival mode mindset. I encourage you to place your desire on the line instead of continuously desiring to manifest it. Invest in yourself instead of Time or that one more class. Believe in YOU over your own existence. Live your truth. Now. Because NOW is all you have.
It's through your struggles and hardships that you will find your truth. Life is a mirror of Astrology—it can only be truly learned through personal experience. And personal experience can only be acquired through the courage to live your truth.
Strength be upon you; love be within you.
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🧡
I had a beautiful session this morning that encompassed the recipient surrendering to her truth in her own way. It's so important to LEAD the client gently into their own answers. This is best done with a gentle questioning process, whereas they discover their own answers.
Projecting a potential scenario can be dangerous and a reflection o
I had a beautiful session this morning that encompassed the recipient surrendering to her truth in her own way. It's so important to LEAD the client gently into their own answers. This is best done with a gentle questioning process, whereas they discover their own answers.
Projecting a potential scenario can be dangerous and a reflection of our own experiences, or perhaps those we've previously counseled. It can instill an image in another's mind and redirect the focus from their own personal experiences to the projected scenario. The energy then becomes focused on the scenario.
Just as there is no cookie-cutter astrology, there is no cookie-cutter experience which envelopes by mirroring the same emotions, thoughts, and feelings. If someone tells you how you're feeling, and why, make certain you take some introspective time to investigate that projection to ensure it's your truth.
It's not my calling to diagnose you; it's my calling to hold up a mirror before you so that you can truly see yourself, not another's experience or opinion. Only when you utilize the gift of discernment on your VERY self will you begin to understand the origin of that which you were fed and have swallowed from a very young age: Pain. Betrayal. Abandonment. Rejection. So forth, and so on. . .
This morning's session was a beautiful thing to witness. I say witness because I was on the sideline observing this client interact with Spirit, and most importantly, herself. Because there comes a time in every session when the facilitator/medium/conduit needs to step aside and allow the energy between Spirit and the recipient flow directly between them.
Because all true paths lead inward, and sometimes we are a road sign offering presence in a very quiet manner.
Drama needs attention to survive. Keep walking.
Overlooking such without judgement
is a form of unrecognized grace, often saving the person from themselves.
We don't have to merge to flow in the same direction. Nature reminds us of that through this incredible photo taken in Georgia ( country ) of two rivers remaining in their own lane. What is even more incredible is that one side is muddy while the other is clear despite emanating from the same source.
It's because they're not slowing down b
We don't have to merge to flow in the same direction. Nature reminds us of that through this incredible photo taken in Georgia ( country ) of two rivers remaining in their own lane. What is even more incredible is that one side is muddy while the other is clear despite emanating from the same source.
It's because they're not slowing down but maintaining the same speed as they were when not cojoined.
That reminded me of wise advice from my Father: When you walk your path, there will be many hecklers attempting to distract you from your course.
Distracting you is their sole purpose.
The 'Why's' do not matter. Even if it was someone you considered a friend, or a trusted family member. Let me repeat that: 'Why' doesn't matter. Focusing on the 'Why's' takes you our of your heart and into your head where overthinking/analyzing becomes possible.
What matters is that the heckler is yet another teacher manifesting your ability to maintain the course—or not.
When we can see the gift of the teacher, we recognize the lesson. This can fuel us to move ahead faster without a thought outside of Gratitude.
You can choose to slow down or stop and argue with the hecklers, but it will only delay your steps forward and muddy your clarity. Besides, the truth doesn't need defending, especially if you live it daily.
May your courses be clear on life's journey. If not, may you recognize the blessing in the heckler.
When someone approaches us in emotional pain, it's an opportunity to plant a seed of healing, not add fuel to the flames.EVERYTHING that upsets you in the form of anger, jealousy, hurt, and so forth, stems from an unhealed wound being triggered by the action of another. There's nothing wrong with experiencing these feelings; they are a na
When someone approaches us in emotional pain, it's an opportunity to plant a seed of healing, not add fuel to the flames.EVERYTHING that upsets you in the form of anger, jealousy, hurt, and so forth, stems from an unhealed wound being triggered by the action of another. There's nothing wrong with experiencing these feelings; they are a natural part of being human and a roadmap to healing via contrast.
What matters is how you react when experiencing them. Many don't want to hear or admit that it's "us" or our own wounds being activated/triggered in the midst of emotional pain. Instead, we want to justify our expectations that what another did was "wrong".
But the sooner we learn to own and clean up our own "shit", the sooner we'll recognize what needs to be healed within us. More importantly, the sooner we'll spiritually evolve and step into the future with a healed wound.
Once the wound is healed, you will be able to experience the situation from the perspective of universal wisdom versus emotional pain. You will recognize the action of others for exactly what it is.
Think back to a situation that you strongly reacted to when you were younger that doesn't affect you the same now because you're older and wiser. Same principle here.
When someone approaches you about someone else hurting/betraying/lying/ gossiping about them, it's a priceless opportunity to lend a healing hand to the world. Do not throw fuel onto the flames. It's a sacred responsibility that we should not take for granted. Not just for their good, but ours and the greater good too.
It's akin to a child being placed in our care. And, in essence, it truly is. We need to nurture the love, not fuel the fear.
Sometimes life isn’t about interaction or planning, but about preparing for what the Universe has planned for us. Liminal space can be filled with apprehension because of the unknown that space possesses: Unknown direction, unknown outcome, just simply, the unknown.
There comes a time in life that the heart leads you to what appears to b
Sometimes life isn’t about interaction or planning, but about preparing for what the Universe has planned for us. Liminal space can be filled with apprehension because of the unknown that space possesses: Unknown direction, unknown outcome, just simply, the unknown.
There comes a time in life that the heart leads you to what appears to be a dark place. But just as every fairytale has its dark, enchanted forest, so do our lives.
This is where Trust becomes an integral part of growth and showing up for yourself daily, even if you're uncertain of the process. It's like a new language while living in a foreign country.
There are various phases of knowledge, but three are the most important: Learning, applying, becoming. There's such a mental overload of technological information coming at us from every angle, and we spend an exorbitant amount of time absorbing data without ever applying it to our lives.
A period of solitude ( my word of the year ) creates and empowers so that we may empower others seeking the innate knowledge we possess. Thus, it develops our creative sense of self when following the voice of our heart.
A period of self-solitude is about facing our own shadows and sense of escapism ( re: not assuming responsibility ) . Mindlessness becomes stillness and reflection sans distraction.
Meditation s an integral part of this process of self-reflection and has become not just an opportunity for the application of what I have learned, but a surprising revival process to reincorporate past wisdom into this lifetime.
This experience has taught the blessing contained within solitude: the songs one can only hear when not distracted, the messages that would've been otherwise drowned out, and the rising tide of knowledge already inside, waiting to be acknowledged.
I share this because of the many queries asking if I am okay or telling me they miss my support. Firstly, I am here, I am evolving. And I am there as much as I can be for now.
Secondly, the world needs what I have, and it's my responsibly to develop it in a healthy way. So, I am focusing my energy on that development by choosing growth over company.
The world needs what you have too.
What are you focusing on? Are you taking time to develop it? Because let’s be honest—at the end of this life, what will matter most is how much we loved, how much we forgave, and how much we evolved.
Happy Manifesting.
Love has a ripple effect that reaches farther than we could ever know or see in this physical form. Don't forget that.
In Universal Love and Spiritual Service
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