Happy 2025!
Happy 2025!
When Mercury, the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the gods is out-of-bounds ( OOB - beyond 23°27’ declination ), whether natal or transit, there are several things we can expect.
A transit only affects you during the duration of the transit. And because Mercury moves pretty quickly and only moves OOB up to four times a year, dep
When Mercury, the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the gods is out-of-bounds ( OOB - beyond 23°27’ declination ), whether natal or transit, there are several things we can expect.
A transit only affects you during the duration of the transit. And because Mercury moves pretty quickly and only moves OOB up to four times a year, depending on the cycle. Mostly it's twice annually, but in 2025 it will be three OOB periods.
In 2025, Mercury will be OOB the following dates:
• Capricorn: Enters Jan 09/Leaves Jan 20
• Gemini: Enters: Jun 01/Leaves Jun 20
• Sagittarius: Enters: Oct 31/Leaves Nov 10
Mercury can only be found OOB in the solstice and solstice-bordering signs of Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
Contrary to the Moon, Mercury is never out of bounds in the fixed signs such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It is only present in cardinal (initiating) and mutable (changing) signs.
Mercury maintains a balance between nocturnal and diurnal signs, as well as a balance of elements, yet it notably lacks the stabilizing presence of the fixed signs.
Mercury is also associated with the physician and healing; thus, he carries the caduceus, a short-staff wand entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings that is now the modern symbol for medicine. However, from a mythological standpoint, Mercury could also put people asleep or be a messenger of death.
OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.
Those with OOB planets, to put it simply, like coloring outside the lines. That can be considered a creative genius or dangerous liability. Whether the declination is North or South is equally important.
The North (N) is considered more outgoing whose actions affect the world, while the South (S) is more internalized and expressed through communication such as writing or speaking.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as "Doctor Death", was the infamous physician who passionately believed in a terminally ill person's right to euthanasia. He was certainly one of these people and had countless encounters with law enforcement because of his beliefs.
With Kevorkian's Mercury is 25°Gemini39 N’ declination, we would expect to see this type of radical behavior in support of his unwavering opinions.
OOB planets and those who have them in their natal charts can be unpredictable; however, the energy does not necessarily manifest in a negative way. Some of the most gifted individuals have one or more OOB natal positions.
Albert Einstein is just one example. Elvis Pressly and Judy Garland were also examples that showed positive aspects that excelled in acting and singing, and negative, leading them to early deaths from addiction.
It's important to know if we have any OOB planets, and in what sign/house they reside to avoid any negative tendencies that can easily suck us into lower-vibrational energy.
With Mercury OOB, we can expect flashes of genius and inspiration that may lead to exceptional writing or speeches. Being true to thyself is just as important as knowing thyself.
Those of us, such as myself, with Mercury OOB, think and speak in different patterns than dominant culture dictates. We are apt to periodically isolate ourselves and require some time not talking. This means we most likely won't answer the phone, emails, or messages once we've conveyed the initial need for quiet time.
We may also enjoy contemplating language in a more abstract manner. Or, on the other end, we could find ourselves talking incessantly and likely losing the attention of our audience.
While my OOB Mercury is compounded with dyslexia, most with this natal placement find it difficult to orally convey their meaning; thus, they excel in creative expression, whether the written word, artistic endeavors, music, or interpretive dance.
Mercury is inherently a trickster, and manifests in numerous ways in a given chart, which renders it likely impossible to pin down a singular out of bounds definition.
Mine is in Sagittarius and I prefer associative, “literary” poetry. And, yes, I read and wrote poetry and painted LONG before I knew or understood my Mercury OOB and its propensity toward the expressive avenue of communication.
Again, it's extremely important to know whether or not you have any OOB planets to better understand yourself and your unique design. Otherwise, we apt to allow others to define us through a lens lacking the facets of an OOB planet.
#art Kate Smith
First Full Moon of the Gregorian calendar for 2025; however, it's the Thirteenth Lunar Cycle on the thirteenth day, marking the final Full Moon for the Year of the Dragon.
In the West called it's called the Full Wolf Moon, and will burgeon in Cancer 5:27 PM EST - "Emotionally Tenacity" is the key phrase.
The Moon is dignified in Cancer, s
First Full Moon of the Gregorian calendar for 2025; however, it's the Thirteenth Lunar Cycle on the thirteenth day, marking the final Full Moon for the Year of the Dragon.
In the West called it's called the Full Wolf Moon, and will burgeon in Cancer 5:27 PM EST - "Emotionally Tenacity" is the key phrase.
The Moon is dignified in Cancer, so this will strengthen its influence as well as our response. When a planet is dignified, it enables us to control our circumstances, which is perfect, as the Full Moon is the time of greatest power.
When occupying Cancer, whatever has been buried will come to the surface. This can be an incredible time for awakenings, deep healing, forgiveness, and pouring emotional momentum behind manifestations.
Cancer is maternal, sympathetic, but sometimes patronizing, and apprehensive about matters outside of its control. Their primary attachment is to home and family; therefore, this Moon will touch on all our relationships and living space, urging us to process and practicing release of emotions to avoid blocks and maintain a healthy flow of energy.
This lunation can send our intuition and sensitivity into overdrive. If we allow ourselves to be imposed upon, we may feel a deep resentment. Remember, this Moon is dignified, which enables us to control our own circumstances. Adhering to boundaries is imperative.
Each month the Full Moon resides in different constellations, zodiac signs, and houses. For that reason, it’s best to know what that sign represents, and which house it occupies in your personal chart, for the deepest understanding of how the Full Moon will affect you directly.
If you'd like to know which house this lunation falls in your natal chart, reach out!
According to Native American legend:
"Native American tribes have labeled full moons for many reasons. This particular full moon is called the Wolf Moon. It is said to be the time wolves howl loudly at the moon.
"They are crying out in hunger as the cold season has left them with fewer prey options. This has also been referred to as the Spirit Moon because it is the first full moon of the year, indicating the importance of setting intentions and goals.
"The wolf moon can evoke an animalist desire to be free, to be wild, untamed, to crave, and to pursue the things that we’re naturally drawn to. Even if it doesn’t make you money, even if it’s not particularly profound according to worldly standards, the full moon wants you to go after what your soul craves."
Being this is the first Full Moon of the year known also as "Spirit Moon", rituals are sacred investments in ourselves, our abilities, and the healing of parts of us that have experienced negative circumstances such as betrayal, rejection, etc.
It's time to howl at the Moon. Perhaps a sacred salt bath. Spiritual music. White candles. And some of the most important releases and intentions of the year.
#art: Dimitra Milan
☄ Skywatcher Note!
Returning after 160 millennia, Comet ATLAS will reach perihelion at 5:17 PM, EST. Later tonight, it will come closest to Earth and could reach a maximum magnitude of -3.2, placing it between the brightness of Jupiter and Venus, which are prominent in our evening sky.
Daniel Green of the Central Bureau for Astronomical
☄ Skywatcher Note!
Returning after 160 millennia, Comet ATLAS will reach perihelion at 5:17 PM, EST. Later tonight, it will come closest to Earth and could reach a maximum magnitude of -3.2, placing it between the brightness of Jupiter and Venus, which are prominent in our evening sky.
Daniel Green of the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams in Cambridge, Massachusetts predicts "The comet will be close to the sun when brightest, but it’s becoming difficult now even for Southern Hemisphere observers to see," Green told Space.com. "It’s really hard to call these comets when close to the sun like this, in terms of visibility."
The Northern hemisphere's first opportunity to see ATLAS will come early on Jan. 13. From mid-northern latitudes, the comet will rise about 35 minutes before sunrise and will be positioned 5 degrees directly above the sun at local sunrise.
So, beginning about 25 minutes before sunrise, slowly scan/sweep along the east-southeast horizon with binoculars to try and sight the comet.
On the evening of Jan.14, the comet will set 35 minutes after the sun and at local sunset will be positioned about 7 degrees almost directly above the sun. So, beginning about 10 minutes after sunset, slowly scan/sweep along the west-southwest horizon with binoculars to try and sight the comet.
Image: Comet Atlas C2024-G3 from International Space Station, details in comments
Source: Space News
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