Venus stations retrograde in 10°Aries @ 7:36 PM, EST: Repetitious Patterns
Venus traditionally retrograded through five of the twelve astrology signs; Aries, Gemini, Leo, late Libra/Scorpio, and Capricorn; however, the second half of the 20th century marked a retrograde entry into Pisces; therefore, the above can be amended to reflect Arie
Venus stations retrograde in 10°Aries @ 7:36 PM, EST: Repetitious Patterns
Venus traditionally retrograded through five of the twelve astrology signs; Aries, Gemini, Leo, late Libra/Scorpio, and Capricorn; however, the second half of the 20th century marked a retrograde entry into Pisces; therefore, the above can be amended to reflect Aries/Pisces, which adds another feminine element of water to the masculine presence of fire, air, and earth.
I believe an Evolutionary balance is occurring.
This retrograde in Aries will take Venus back into Pisces where it will eventually station direct April 12th @ 24°Pisces. Therefore, the energies of this retrograde are going to be twofold through the signs and houses.
One way to understand a Venus retrograde, outside of understanding Venus herself, is to compare it to Mercury stationing ( which will happen in less than two weeks @ 10°Aries ), except the energetic disruption will be on an emotional level ( heart ) rather than a mental level ( mind ).
Just as a Mercurial retrograde, a Venusian retrograde presents an opportunity for spiritual growth through experience—if we choose to learn.
It's no secret that planets affect aspects of our personality and energy, but Venus in particular portends an intense evolution of the heart when she transits the various signs of the zodiac. Stationing retrograde will impact our individual patterns of how we give love, how we receive love, and how we perceive love from the filter of our heart.
To reiterate the above and to preface the below, for most of the 20th century, Retrograde Venus was entirely in the sign of Aries ( Cardinal masculine ); however, in 2009, particularly the second half of the 20th century, a shift occurred, taking Venus retrograde back into Pisces ( Mutable feminine ). This is a notable shift in dynamics in light of the rising political climate explained more in the following paragraphs.
The last time that Venus went retrograde in Aries was March 4th, 2017, and it retrograded back into Pisces on April 15th of 2017. Venus' initial ingress into Pisces was on January 3rd, then it departed from Aries for the final time on June 6th, 2017.
Interesting events that occurred during Venus' last retrograde was the mass protest and march by women during Trump's first 100 days. It was the largest single day protest in US history at that time with an estimated three to four million participants nationwide. The "Me Too" movement also began in 2017.
With the current political climate, it appears these patterns may begin repeating themselves, especially when Venus passes through the same degrees on the same days with relationship to the Sun as it did in 2017.
Ironically, The Handmaid’s Tale premiered April 26th, 2017. Based on the book by Margaret Atwood, depicting a dystopian future in America controlled by Christian Nationalism, which suppressed women's rights, making slave ownership and rape a legal facet in the name of "God".
Reviewing the last time Venus retrograded in Aries/Pisces year 2009, we witnessed the first black president, Barack Obama, elected. This was a huge moment in terms of the civil rights movement, and, in my opinion, fueled deep-seated racism producing a visible rise of white supremacy.
Obama also signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 to close the income gender gap and further announced U.S. support for the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity, to end discrimination and human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The 2009 Venus retrograde involving the women's and transgender movement was an echo of the 1961 Venus retrograde in Aries involving the Civil Rights Movement. The Freedom Riders, the burning of "Black Wall Street" in Tulsa, the March on Washington for jobs and freedom, and the murder of Emmett Till, so name just a few. We also had the Vietnam war protests and the "Make Love not War" liberation movement which lasted through the 60's.
So, when I say, "Repetitious Patterns" of, this is what I am referring to. There's a lot more I could go into here, but for the sake of time and length, I'll focus solely on this retrograde.
Firstly, Aries represents action, passion, impulsiveness, and courage. It encapsulates the divine masculine and reflects that of the hunter. Taming its dark side requires eschewing domineering, quick-tempered behavior, especially in relationships. It's important to practice the sacred pause before leaping into action during this transit.
Pisces is known for understanding, intuition, and compassion; however, a Venus retrograde in this watery could lead to procrastination, pessimism, and emotional inhibition. Lose the rose-colored glasses during this transit to remain grounded in reality.
I'll announce when the retrograde enters Pisces and back to Aries, so you'll have plenty of time to adjust to the energies.
In addition to the expected collective movements mentioned in the previous Venus Aries/Pisces retrogrades above, it's important to look back to 2009 and evaluate your personal experiences.
The following is a list of Venus retrograde in Aries dates. You can perform your own research to discover collective events for each retrograde, and personal experiences if applicable.
1905, 1913, 1921, 1929, 1937, 1945, 1953, 1961, 1969, 1977, 1985, 1993, 2001, 2009, 2017, and 2025.
My personal experience would begin in 1969 while living in England, a time I vividly remember, even at age 10, protesting the Vietnam war. In 1977 I fought my high school principal for prohibiting a piece of my artwork because it reminded him of the "Nazis" in Germany during WWII.
In 1985 I was married. In 1993, I facilitated the creation of a non-profit organization, "Advocates for Healthy Citizens", which worked closely with "Advocates for Youth" a national non-profit, to implement school-based health centers, particularly in the lowest economic areas of a county where access to healthcare was very limited.
I also fought neglect and abuse at a group home in my neighborhood, was recognized by the NC governor for my work, and appointed to various county boards by the County Commissioners.
In 2001 I left my marriage over strict religious doctrine that didn't align with my equality for all beliefs and worked with non-profit agencies like the United Way, National Red Cross, and LGBTQ groups by donating my talents as a writer, graphic designer, photographer, and active participant in protests for equality.
In 2009 my legal department was shut down due to a recession, at which time I launched my own photography business and continued my work with various non-profits, advocacy groups, organizations and cities throughout the state.
In 2017, I began making a transition to a more spiritually oriented business that is now solidified and thriving so that I could stay home more and help raise my grandson. But I have never stopped donating my services to non-profit or political organizations I feel fight for equality.
This year I see myself increasing my advocacy against the rise of white supremacy and "Christian" nationalism by raising awareness.
Collective advocacy has been a repetitive theme for me during each Venus retrograde into Aries. While I have no desire to change that aspect of my life, I did alter how I balanced out these energies with more grounding and time for family & friends—spiritual practices that have enhanced my relationships and brought more fulfillment to my life.
What patterns or themes have you seen repeated in your own life? Are there any repetitions you'd like to break? Knowing and understanding the mechanics of our personal and collective history is vital to changing current circumstances we aren't happy with.
The next Venus retrograde will begin October 03, 2026, 08°Scorpio, and will conjunct the Sun @ 0°45' Scorpio Oct 23, before re-entering Libra on Oct 24, 2026.
#Art: Agnieszka Lorek
Mercury enters his pre-shade/shadow one week prior to entering its storm, and two weeks prior to stationing Rx in Aries March 15 @ 2:46 AM, 5th House ( whole house system ).
So, what is the difference between the shade and storm?
A preshadow period is exactly what it sounds like - storm clouds forming on the horizon, representing a time t
Mercury enters his pre-shade/shadow one week prior to entering its storm, and two weeks prior to stationing Rx in Aries March 15 @ 2:46 AM, 5th House ( whole house system ).
So, what is the difference between the shade and storm?
A preshadow period is exactly what it sounds like - storm clouds forming on the horizon, representing a time to prepare for a storm, while the storm period is the intensification of the atmospheric energy signaling that we batten down the hatches.
This preshade or preshadow phase is one of preparation, so make sure you begin the backup of electronic systems such as computers and phones to preserve important data.
Service automobiles and make sure your ledgers are accurate and balanced because Mercury also presides over bookkeeping and means of transportation.
We may also begin to feel fatigue & lack energy. Just as the cosmos signals the planets, this is the body's universal way of signaling you to slow down. Failure to slow down could mean overlooking important details, sudden changes in plans, cancellations, and tense communications, not to mention costly electronic mishaps.
Slowing down means we are more apt to take things in stride than allowing them to knock us off balance. Thus, exasperating irritability and frustration are kept to a minimum versus escalating the situation.
We can fly by the seat of our pants if we choose. It is a personal choice. But when we know a storm with the potential to inflict discord is approaching, wouldn't we want to take time to prepare so the damage is minimal?
The following preparations are suggested:
• Back up all digital files
• Service Digital Devices
• Service automobiles
• Leave early for appointments due to possible delays
• Slow down and listen to what others are saying
• Take the time to study something new
• Practice patience, compassion, and gratitude
• Read thoroughly and review all legal documents and contracts
• Review and read all correspondence before sending
• Insure and track all packages
• Double-check and confirm all dates, plans, and meetings
• Renew commitments rather than making new ones
• Socialize with friends
• Reconnect with our roots
• Release any old grudges and anger and practice forgiveness
• Review our intentions
• Secure passwords
• Make necessary repairs
• Be adaptable to sudden changes
Take care against purchasing new electronics, automobiles or relocations that involve purchasing a new home or selling an old home.
Also avoid jumping to conclusions without all the facts, starting a new romance, or especially reviving an old one. Start new projects or launch a new business or share unreliable information or this will affect your future reputation.
Art Neyha Sofat
First Quarter OOB Moon in Gemini - Turning toward the Light of Self
This is a mutable square — Gemini Moon to Pisces Sun that occurs @ 11:31 AM EDT this morning. It's a day to be adaptable to situations or circumstances in order to rise above them if necessary ( read today's 'Aspecting the Cosmos for more info: inspiritualservice.com ).
First Quarter OOB Moon in Gemini - Turning toward the Light of Self
This is a mutable square — Gemini Moon to Pisces Sun that occurs @ 11:31 AM EDT this morning. It's a day to be adaptable to situations or circumstances in order to rise above them if necessary ( read today's 'Aspecting the Cosmos for more info: inspiritualservice.com ).
As the sun sets in the west, we can observe the Moon directly overhead. This phase of the cycle is often referred to as a 'crisis of action,' where we must consciously strive to actualize the new 'seed' and prevent the nascent impulse from fading.
It's time to take action and not allow insecurities to hinder our progress. If our desires or needs align with our destiny, things will unfold, and whatever has begun will continue to flourish. Now is the moment for us to exert our will and realize the intent of the new 'seed.
Whether outward and chatty, or withdrawn and introspective, we should keep nurturing our dream, even when all we can see is half-light.
This phase is a crucial phase for growth, which takes strength for a plant to break through the earth; or a human to break through a challenge. Being it's the phase after setting New Moon intentions, it's a reminder that light is inching its way across the horizon of circumstance and will soon fully illuminate the situation.
It can be compared to Yang energy - a determined resolutely to acquire those intentions set during the New Moon phase. The moon is moving towards its full brightness in this “yang” phase of its development. It is determined to get from where it is now to where it finally wants to be - full of potential.
Inch with the light and ask for strength, not just physical strength, but the spiritual strength to believe in the manifestation of your intentions despite only seeing half the light. This will take not only strength but focus and determination. Pull in that Yang energy to compliment the Yin.
View this phase as a training ground, one that gauges your resolve in reference to your desires. Are you willing to do the work required to attain your goals? Are you influenced by those around you, or do you follow your heart?
Lastly, the inching light is not a sudden flash, blinding you on your path. It's a slow, steady process that allows you time to contemplate your next step.
Whether that next step is a sacred pause to check the compass and gauges of your heart, or a clear and resolute knowing the direction to turn, both are considered moving forward.
Only disbelief in yourself and/or your ability will render you frozen and helpless.
This phase is one of energetic action! Wield it wise and resolutely! Rest cometh with the Waning Moon.
#art Laura Makabresku
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #moon #Gemini #firstquarter #firstquartermoon #halfmoon #halfmooningemini #lunar #lunation #moonmagic #moonlight
Jupiter stationed Direct in Gemini this morning @ 4:41 AM, EST in the 6th House, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury, bringing and expanded spark of ideas!
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and optimism, is always in pursuit of grand truths. It rules Sagittarius and is linked with the higher mind, encompassing philosophy, t
Jupiter stationed Direct in Gemini this morning @ 4:41 AM, EST in the 6th House, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury, bringing and expanded spark of ideas!
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and optimism, is always in pursuit of grand truths. It rules Sagittarius and is linked with the higher mind, encompassing philosophy, truth, and religion.
The retrograde motion of Jupiter is rarely malevolent; however, it might've hindered our comprehension, leading to complexity and obstacles affecting higher education, especially if we had difficult aspects to this cosmic protector.
Challenges in communication, conveying thoughts and feelings, and acquiring assistance are all associated with Jupiter's retrograde phase.
Difficult conversations and differing opinions may arise, creating obstacles, especially regarding financial management. Family dynamics can be affected by unexpected disagreements, especially with children. This period was an opportune time for the pursuit of knowledge, especially philosophical and religious.
As the largest and most benevolent of all planets, Jupiter is renowned for bestowing and expanding good fortune. Interestingly enough, Sagittarius, known for its broad reach, stands in direct contrast to versatile Gemini.
Life can increase in complexity within this transit. Jupiter may encounter more stumbling blocks than usual. Known for its objectivity, curiosity, and versatility, Gemini contrasts with Jupiter's quest for definitive meaning through answers.
Although this combination may be somewhat topsy-turvy, it also has the potential to spark a wealth of ideas and insights in which to delve thanks to Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet.
Jupiter dives deep in thought, encouraging us to broaden our thinking and evolve, while Gemini represents communication and intellect. You would think this combination would complement one another; however, it can also result in feeling overextended and exhausted when we don't know when to quit.
Gemini's continuous curiosity and desire for knowledge begs us to ask, "What is this?" But Jupiter probes deeper into the "meaning" or "truth" of the question. Be prepared to experience endless curiosity and an opportunity to refine our thinking.
This transit re-directs our mental focus toward prospects, as Gemini's ability to adapt surpasses that of any other sign. Those endless ideas previously mentioned enhance the way we view or experience life. Our broadening perspective enhances our choices.
When this transit encounters a crossroad, we won't see just two paths or choices; instead, we see endless possibilities, shortcuts, and routes.
Gemini is the chatbot of the zodiac, so we can expect various forms of intellectual interaction. As this communication comes at an expanded level rather than general chatter, others appear more receptive to what we're proposing. And don't overlook Gemini's penchant for humor and optimism.
During this period of nonstop activity, we'll be eager to learn and incorporate those lessons into our future. Innovative ideas will emerge by the droves and trying to manage them all will lead to the aforementioned mental exhaustion.
But if we know how to balance and pick the ripest ideas, we'll create unique opportunities for clearly understanding the tasks ahead through various avenues and alternative possibilities. This doesn't just encompass our grand goals, but everyday decisions that we haven't previously considered.
That's because a new array of choices has expanded our mental acuity; therefore, during this transit it's imperative to maintain a flexible mindset. Balancing these two energies is achieved when we reconcile habit with fleeting ideas.
#art: Elke Trittel
Sedna Stations Direct in Gemini
After a four + month retrograde in Gemini since September 01, 2024, Sedna stations direct @ 3:01 AM EST, 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus, a house of cooperation and face-to-face relationships.
Sedna will remain in Gemini until August 2067, when it will enter Cancer.
This transit heralds t
Sedna Stations Direct in Gemini
After a four + month retrograde in Gemini since September 01, 2024, Sedna stations direct @ 3:01 AM EST, 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus, a house of cooperation and face-to-face relationships.
Sedna will remain in Gemini until August 2067, when it will enter Cancer.
This transit heralds the Rise of AI.
Gemini's duality is expressed through versatility of literary and inventive measures. Ruled by the reasoning ability of Mercury, communication, transmission, and sensory perceptions will be enhanced and play a major factor in the development of Artificial Intelligence.
Sedna is a dwarf planet known as the "Goddess of the Sea" or the "Asteroid of Abandonment". She assists in an introspective process that helps us to identify our greatest fear.
Symbolizing abandonment issues, she can help you face the truth of yourself sans excuses.
Sedna's name originates from Inuit mythology because it is the coldest, most distant place known in our solar system. According to Inuit mythology, Sedna, Goddess of the Sea and Mistress of Marine Life, is thought to live at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, one of the coldest and most unexplored areas on our planet.
She takes approximately 11,390 years to orbit the Sun. So you can see how important this station is.
However, because her orbit is elliptical, the time spent in each sign differs.
Sedna is a prime example of spiritual evolution born from traumatic events such as betrayal, treachery, or abandonment that produced mental and emotional stress. Exactly what I predict is occurring not only in the United States, but on a global level as well.
According to humanistic astrologer Alan Clay, "When a new solar system body is discovered, clues to the astrological meaning can be found by looking at a range of factors. But primarily, meaning comes from studying the planet in a large number of charts to find common themes. Here I'm going to present an overview of my research into the new outer-most planet in our solar system which I conducted for my new book Sedna Consciousness.
Along the way we'll discover the evolutionary power of the 'candidate dwarf planet' and learn of the profound implications for society as Sedna approaches her closest point to Earth later this century in the 2070s."
In the below article, Clay outlines orbital characteristics, past cycles that include the Neolithic revolution, Sedna in the signs, including predictions for Gemini - the rise of Artificial Intelligence.
One such discovery that Clay linked to Sedna is the development of neural networks, the foundation of Artificial Intelligence. From the below article:
Ray Kurzweil is a scientist, inventor and futurist, who made a series of predictions in the 1990s. All his predictions to date have been realised.
So here are some for this Gemini period:
"By the 2030s, virtual reality will begin to feel 100% real. We will be able to upload our mind/consciousness by the end of the decade.
By the 2040s, non-biological intelligence will be a billion times more capable than biological intelligence. Nanotech foglets (micro-robots – known as 'smart material') will be able to make food out of thin air and create any object in the physical world at a whim.
By 2045, we will multiply our intelligence a billion-fold by linking wirelessly from our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud."
(From a 26 January 2015 article on singularityhub.com by Peter Diamandis.)
"We see that Sedna in Gemini is going to be all about the rise of Artificial Intelligence which will inevitably promote a consciousness revolution. And a consciousness revolution is a spiritual revolution."
© Alan Clay - first published by The Astrological Journal, 2010 / The Astrological Association of Great Britain / 01.04.2019
Alan Clay is a practicing astrologer of 40 years' standing, with a basis in humanistic astrology; and he has a long interest in Chiron and the centaurs. Most recently exploring the dwarf planets, he spent the last two or so years researching 700 charts for his book Sedna Consciousness. Outside of astrology he is an award-winning filmmaker and clown teacher. Website:
Email: alan@artmedia.net.nz
I wish you foresight, strength, and peace on your journey. 🙏✨
#art: Mia Tavonatti
OOB Mars Stations Direct in Cancer @ 9:00 PM, 10th Houe tomorrow ( Sunday ) night.
I for one am breathing a sigh of relief that my traditional overlord is at least beginning to move forward, though he still remains OOB and in his fall ( opposite its exaltation ) in this watery lagoon of emotion, experiencing difficulty expressing his real
OOB Mars Stations Direct in Cancer @ 9:00 PM, 10th Houe tomorrow ( Sunday ) night.
I for one am breathing a sigh of relief that my traditional overlord is at least beginning to move forward, though he still remains OOB and in his fall ( opposite its exaltation ) in this watery lagoon of emotion, experiencing difficulty expressing his real nature. I have my own personal story about this OOB Rx I am hoping to find the time to share.
Cancer has a very nurturing and connective nature while Mars, on the other hand, is all about forceful aggression and acquisition. However, Mars is also known as the protector, which would serve him well in this Moonchild's watery realm.
Mars can bring resistance and conflict to the ethos of Cancer, who may attempt to stifle his nature in return—which is, of course, utterly contrary to what he represents: heat, fire, violence, and war. His negative side can also produce illness or sudden accidents.
His power loses a great deal of force in the watery, emotional sign of the Crab, and he finds himself unable to control circumstances and situations with the force he is so accustomed to wielding at will.
In some signs, such as Aries, Scorpio, and Capricorn, Mars is magnificent! We witness positive traits of strength, courage, and tenacity. Conversely, when poorly placed, we cringe at his sudden destruction, angry disruptions, and self-centered crudeness.
In essence, Cancer has an unruly and rebellious child in her home producing an upheaval in balance and harmony in this sensitively domestic sign.
The weaponry Mars wields are those of battle—the goal, as is the case of all war, is to divide and conquer. However, being Mars is divided from himself in this placement, additional attempts to divide will only exacerbate rather than solve the issue.
Nope, hard-shelled Cancer won't budge. This is her home and her rules. Therefore, it is up to Mars to conform. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer's soft and yet firm in her boundaries; thus, she wraps each planet who visits in a warm womb of welcome. Reconciliation and connection are her priorities, which, as you can imagine, does not make a warrior comfortable.
On the contrary, whatever primordial urge that Mars connects to through this watery, Lunar sign will remain suppressed or burst through suddenly, indicative of a destructive or rebellious teenager, or 'Warrior at Home' syndrome.
Mars in Cancer is akin to a soldier returning home after war but forgetting to leave the soldier on the field of battle. Instead, he brings the battle home. This has been documented repeatedly throughout history in veterans suffering from PTSD.
Yet, the man is very much within the warrior and is being given an opportunity to reconnect with love and nurturing. This includes the love and nurturing of himself by himself and a reconnection of spirit.
This is so much more than a wo/man having to conform to the rules of home. On the contrary, it's all about self-love and accepting love from others.
Therefore, no matter what tactics this Mars employs, Cancer isn't budging; her offer is firm. If Mars balks, then it will resemble a divisive family conflict, or all-out war, where no one truly triumphs. Least of all Mars, who will leave this watery sign without the gift or vital knowledge of self-surrender through acceptance.
His aggressive actions will rip apart the very foundation he fought with fire and brimstone to protect, while Cancer kept the home fires burning, waiting for the Warrior's return.
And there's your irony in a nutshell.
In the book, “Astromythology” (Llewelyn, 2004), Raven Kaldera assigns Mars in Cancer to Frey, a god from the Norse pantheon who gives up his sword in exchange for love.
That is a perfectly adept metaphor for this fiery transit through water. Like the Klingon Warf laying down his killer instincts for the Betazoid Councilor, Deanna Troi.
Lay down your sword and shield, Warrior. Partake of the fruits of your victory, learn to love yourself by allowing the nurturing nature of Cancer to imbue you with peace from within—that you may rest for just a bit before rising to battle again. In the famous words of Andrew Barton:
"I am wounded, but am not slaine;
I'le lay mee downe and bleed a-while,
And then I'le rise and fight againe."
Mars will enter Leo April 18 @ 12:21 AM, EST.
#art Rosso Emerald Crimson
☄ Skywatcher Note! Great Planetary Alignment: February 28, 5:41 PM - 6:37 AM
ALL seven planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment.
Some people
☄ Skywatcher Note! Great Planetary Alignment: February 28, 5:41 PM - 6:37 AM
ALL seven planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment.
Some people think the Solar System planets can form a straight line as viewed from the Sun. However, the planets cannot achieve full alignment in three dimensions. Even a looser grouping in one quadrant (a 90-degree sector) is extremely rare: all planets gather in one quadrant only 7 times in the current millennium.
The great alignment, or Planetary Parade as some call it, represents a time of celestial synchronization. The energies from each planet unite to emit a stronger vibration. The universe appears to be in synchronization to create a strong energetic setting where personal intentions achieve manifestation with ease.
The cosmic alignment provides an opportunity for individuals to synchronize their energies with universal rhythms which unlocks potential opportunities previously perceived as remote or unattainable.
Planetary alignments produce significant energy through the collective interaction of multiple planets rather than just their linear positioning. The combination and interaction of planetary energies during an alignment lead to a stronger cosmic power flow.
The cosmic power generated by planetary alignments becomes more intense and unified which affects every aspect of life from small choices to major life transformations.
Each planet has specific energies that are associated with different aspects of life. By working with the correspondences of the planets involved in the alignment, it’s possible to focus the magic and manifestation practices on particular areas of life.
Here are some planetary keywords to consider when performing rituals:
• Mercury (Intellectual Urge, Avenue of Expression, Reasoning Ability): Excellent for intentions involving communication of all kinds, particularly literary.
• Venus (Social Urge, Sense of Value, Affection): Ideal for manifestation rituals related to love, relationships, and self-care.
• Earth ( Reality ): Best for focused grounding in the moment, how you will meet the world, the physical plane, our mission in life.
• Mars (Action, Aggressive urge, Initiative, Energy): Best for intentions that encourage decisive action or personal courage.
• Jupiter (Benevolent, Protective Urge, Expansion): Perfect for manifesting success, prosperity, or spiritual growth.
• Saturn (Urge for Security, Safety, The Teacher): Use Saturn’s energy for manifestation related to structure and long-term goals.
• Uranus (Freedom Urge, Divine Discontent, the Awakener): Excellent for invoking transformation or breaking free from traditional constructs.
• Neptune (Intuition, Spiritual or Escapist Urge): Great for enhancing psychic abilities or deepening spiritual growth.
The synchronization of manifestation spells and rituals with planetary energies allow these practices to better utilize cosmic forces. Through card readings, meditation, and journaling practices we are able to strengthen our manifestation intentions.
Here are two common definitions of a planetary alignment:
An astronomical event when planets gather closely on one side of the Sun at the same time, as seen from above the Solar System.
A visual phenomenon when the planets appear close together in a small sky sector, as seen from the Earth.
When the Earth is one of the planets gathered on one side of the Sun, it appears to the observer that several planets are aligned in the sky. The smaller the sector in which the planets are seen, the more spectacular the alignment.
The planets do form a line, but it's not perfectly straight. All the planets orbit the Sun in almost the same plane. As a result, when viewing from Earth, the other planets appear to move along the ecliptic, the Sun’s yearly path across the sky.
The following types of planetary alignments are distinguished according to the number of participating planets:
• Mini planetary alignment – 3 planets.
• Small planetary alignment – 4 planets.
• Large planetary alignment – 5 or 6 planets.
• Great (full) planetary alignment – all Solar System planets (+ Pluto sometimes).
Here are the upcoming planetary alignments that will occur in 2025-2026:
• February 28: a great evening alignment of Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars.
• April 17: a small morning alignment of Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus.
• August 10: a large morning alignment of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn.
• February 28, 2026: a large evening alignment of Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter.
• April 18, 2026: a small morning alignment of Saturn, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune.
• May 12, 2026: a mini evening alignment of Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus.
• August 10, 2026: a large morning alignment of Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune.
• November 14, 2026: a small morning alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
Scientific Source & Image: Starwalk
When Mercury, the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the gods is out-of-bounds ( OOB - beyond 23°27’ declination ), whether natal or transit, there are several things we can expect.
A transit only affects you during the duration of the transit. And because Mercury moves pretty quickly and only moves OOB up to four times a year, dep
When Mercury, the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the gods is out-of-bounds ( OOB - beyond 23°27’ declination ), whether natal or transit, there are several things we can expect.
A transit only affects you during the duration of the transit. And because Mercury moves pretty quickly and only moves OOB up to four times a year, depending on the cycle. Mostly it's twice annually, but in 2025 it will be three OOB periods.
In 2025, Mercury will be OOB the following dates:
• Capricorn: Enters Jan 09/Leaves Jan 20
• Gemini: Enters: Jun 01/Leaves Jun 20
• Sagittarius: Enters: Oct 31/Leaves Nov 10
Mercury can only be found OOB in the solstice and solstice-bordering signs of Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
Contrary to the Moon, Mercury is never out of bounds in the fixed signs such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It is only present in cardinal (initiating) and mutable (changing) signs.
Mercury maintains a balance between nocturnal and diurnal signs, as well as a balance of elements, yet it notably lacks the stabilizing presence of the fixed signs.
Mercury is also associated with the physician and healing; thus, he carries the caduceus, a short-staff wand entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings that is now the modern symbol for medicine. However, from a mythological standpoint, Mercury could also put people asleep or be a messenger of death.
OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.
Those with OOB planets, to put it simply, like coloring outside the lines. That can be considered a creative genius or dangerous liability. Whether the declination is North or South is equally important.
The North (N) is considered more outgoing whose actions affect the world, while the South (S) is more internalized and expressed through communication such as writing or speaking.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as "Doctor Death", was the infamous physician who passionately believed in a terminally ill person's right to euthanasia. He was certainly one of these people and had countless encounters with law enforcement because of his beliefs.
With Kevorkian's Mercury is 25°Gemini39 N’ declination, we would expect to see this type of radical behavior in support of his unwavering opinions.
OOB planets and those who have them in their natal charts can be unpredictable; however, the energy does not necessarily manifest in a negative way. Some of the most gifted individuals have one or more OOB natal positions.
Albert Einstein is just one example. Elvis Pressly and Judy Garland were also examples that showed positive aspects that excelled in acting and singing, and negative, leading them to early deaths from addiction.
It's important to know if we have any OOB planets, and in what sign/house they reside to avoid any negative tendencies that can easily suck us into lower-vibrational energy.
With Mercury OOB, we can expect flashes of genius and inspiration that may lead to exceptional writing or speeches. Being true to thyself is just as important as knowing thyself.
Those of us, such as myself, with Mercury OOB, think and speak in different patterns than dominant culture dictates. We are apt to periodically isolate ourselves and require some time not talking. This means we most likely won't answer the phone, emails, or messages once we've conveyed the initial need for quiet time.
We may also enjoy contemplating language in a more abstract manner. Or, on the other end, we could find ourselves talking incessantly and likely losing the attention of our audience.
While my OOB Mercury is compounded with dyslexia, most with this natal placement find it difficult to orally convey their meaning; thus, they excel in creative expression, whether the written word, artistic endeavors, music, or interpretive dance.
Mercury is inherently a trickster, and manifests in numerous ways in a given chart, which renders it likely impossible to pin down a singular out of bounds definition.
Mine is in Sagittarius and I prefer associative, “literary” poetry. And, yes, I read and wrote poetry and painted LONG before I knew or understood my Mercury OOB and its propensity toward the expressive avenue of communication.
Again, it's extremely important to know whether or not you have any OOB planets to better understand yourself and your unique design. Otherwise, we apt to allow others to define us through a lens lacking the facets of an OOB planet.
#art Kate Smith
First Full Moon of the Gregorian calendar for 2025; however, it's the Thirteenth Lunar Cycle on the thirteenth day, marking the final Full Moon for the Year of the Dragon.
In the West called it's called the Full Wolf Moon, and will burgeon in Cancer 5:27 PM EST - "Emotionally Tenacity" is the key phrase.
The Moon is dignified in Cancer, s
First Full Moon of the Gregorian calendar for 2025; however, it's the Thirteenth Lunar Cycle on the thirteenth day, marking the final Full Moon for the Year of the Dragon.
In the West called it's called the Full Wolf Moon, and will burgeon in Cancer 5:27 PM EST - "Emotionally Tenacity" is the key phrase.
The Moon is dignified in Cancer, so this will strengthen its influence as well as our response. When a planet is dignified, it enables us to control our circumstances, which is perfect, as the Full Moon is the time of greatest power.
When occupying Cancer, whatever has been buried will come to the surface. This can be an incredible time for awakenings, deep healing, forgiveness, and pouring emotional momentum behind manifestations.
Cancer is maternal, sympathetic, but sometimes patronizing, and apprehensive about matters outside of its control. Their primary attachment is to home and family; therefore, this Moon will touch on all our relationships and living space, urging us to process and practicing release of emotions to avoid blocks and maintain a healthy flow of energy.
This lunation can send our intuition and sensitivity into overdrive. If we allow ourselves to be imposed upon, we may feel a deep resentment. Remember, this Moon is dignified, which enables us to control our own circumstances. Adhering to boundaries is imperative.
Each month the Full Moon resides in different constellations, zodiac signs, and houses. For that reason, it’s best to know what that sign represents, and which house it occupies in your personal chart, for the deepest understanding of how the Full Moon will affect you directly.
If you'd like to know which house this lunation falls in your natal chart, reach out!
According to Native American legend:
"Native American tribes have labeled full moons for many reasons. This particular full moon is called the Wolf Moon. It is said to be the time wolves howl loudly at the moon.
"They are crying out in hunger as the cold season has left them with fewer prey options. This has also been referred to as the Spirit Moon because it is the first full moon of the year, indicating the importance of setting intentions and goals.
"The wolf moon can evoke an animalist desire to be free, to be wild, untamed, to crave, and to pursue the things that we’re naturally drawn to. Even if it doesn’t make you money, even if it’s not particularly profound according to worldly standards, the full moon wants you to go after what your soul craves."
Being this is the first Full Moon of the year known also as "Spirit Moon", rituals are sacred investments in ourselves, our abilities, and the healing of parts of us that have experienced negative circumstances such as betrayal, rejection, etc.
It's time to howl at the Moon. Perhaps a sacred salt bath. Spiritual music. White candles. And some of the most important releases and intentions of the year.
#art: Dimitra Milan
☄ Skywatcher Note!
Returning after 160 millennia, Comet ATLAS will reach perihelion at 5:17 PM, EST. Later tonight, it will come closest to Earth and could reach a maximum magnitude of -3.2, placing it between the brightness of Jupiter and Venus, which are prominent in our evening sky.
Daniel Green of the Central Bureau for Astronomical
☄ Skywatcher Note!
Returning after 160 millennia, Comet ATLAS will reach perihelion at 5:17 PM, EST. Later tonight, it will come closest to Earth and could reach a maximum magnitude of -3.2, placing it between the brightness of Jupiter and Venus, which are prominent in our evening sky.
Daniel Green of the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams in Cambridge, Massachusetts predicts "The comet will be close to the sun when brightest, but it’s becoming difficult now even for Southern Hemisphere observers to see," Green told Space.com. "It’s really hard to call these comets when close to the sun like this, in terms of visibility."
The Northern hemisphere's first opportunity to see ATLAS will come early on Jan. 13. From mid-northern latitudes, the comet will rise about 35 minutes before sunrise and will be positioned 5 degrees directly above the sun at local sunrise.
So, beginning about 25 minutes before sunrise, slowly scan/sweep along the east-southeast horizon with binoculars to try and sight the comet.
On the evening of Jan.14, the comet will set 35 minutes after the sun and at local sunset will be positioned about 7 degrees almost directly above the sun. So, beginning about 10 minutes after sunset, slowly scan/sweep along the west-southwest horizon with binoculars to try and sight the comet.
Image: Comet Atlas C2024-G3 from International Space Station, details in comments
Source: Space News
☄ Skywatcher Note!
A very rare treat is about to grace the heaven's night skies! Actually, it's not uncommon for a few planets to be on the same side of the Sun at the same time, but it's less common for most, or even all of the planets to align.
January 21, 2025, six of the seven planets will appear in the sky at once in a large alignme
☄ Skywatcher Note!
A very rare treat is about to grace the heaven's night skies! Actually, it's not uncommon for a few planets to be on the same side of the Sun at the same time, but it's less common for most, or even all of the planets to align.
January 21, 2025, six of the seven planets will appear in the sky at once in a large alignment – Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn, with the exception of Mercury.
However, on February 28, 2025, ALL seven of the other planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment.
Image: Starwalk
Detrimental Dark Moon in Capricorn will occur at 07:36 AM.
Void of Course occurs tomorrow afternoon @ 10:48 AM - 2:41 PM. As this lunation occurs in the collective 12th House, it's an advantageous period to take charge and rearrange or organize any aspect of our lives that appear disheveled or unproductive.
This is accomplished by implement
Detrimental Dark Moon in Capricorn will occur at 07:36 AM.
Void of Course occurs tomorrow afternoon @ 10:48 AM - 2:41 PM. As this lunation occurs in the collective 12th House, it's an advantageous period to take charge and rearrange or organize any aspect of our lives that appear disheveled or unproductive.
This is accomplished by implementing guidelines and setting clear boundaries as well as seeking avenues of learning to further our expertise. Take care not to eschew the emotions of others by acting too professional or businesslike.
Regardless of your natal chart, the Moon and her cycles affect us all in some way. However, if you truly want to understand yourself, your lunar placement and aspects can provide the details on how the Moon might influence you in a particular way.
As a Cardinal sign, Capricorns are ambitious, serious, and dedicated to duty. Life can seem difficult because they're ruled by disciplinarian Saturn, but ultimately, they triumph. They are self-disciplined, responsible and practical; however, at times can wallow in self-pity.
They have excellent reasoning ability and a strong sense of purpose and direction. They may appear somber and reserved in their dealings with others, but once they trust you, they are loyal and steadfast.
On the other hand, the Moon is an emotional, intuitive planet whose influence in the chart is very important because it's closest to Earth and moves through the zodiac rapidly. Where you find the Moon in your chart is where you are subject to emotional ups and downs.
When the energies of the New Moon and Capricorn combine, you may feel drawn towards hard work, tending to your responsibilities, and the projects you wish to focus on most, and you’re better able to manifest your ideal position or career than ever.
This energetic cojoining revitalizes your dedication to your commitment to intention-setting. Combined with a midmorning a sextile between the Moon and Neptune in Pisces creates an atmosphere of potential success through focus and dedication. Trust your intuition.
But first, relinquish something: a bad habit or pattern, toxic relationship, job, an illicit affair—whatever is holding you back from honoring our soul. This is where you apply knowledge and understanding to the circumstance to bring about balance—and that’s where Capricorn’s earthy nature can ground you and provide a practical viewpoint.
A conjunction between the Moon and Mercury late afternoon ushers in an enhanced reasoning ability from a balanced mind and heart, followed an hour later by intense, unearthing emotions when the Moon conjuncts Pluto. Remove yourself from any toxic person or behavioral situation to maintain equilibrium this evening.
This Capricorn Moon, although in a detrimental position, is to be celebrated! It provides the focused energy to manifest your goals and to attain your dreams while keeping us grounded in reason. Just remember those feelings and emotions also need attention—now you have the formula to overcome.
Image: The Veil of Night by Serena Malyon
New Cazimi Moon in Aquarius @ 7:36 AM, 1st House: New Beginnings. No void-of-course time for this lunation.
A stellium is currently formed in Aquarius & Pisces during this lunation: Aquarius involves the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Pluto, while Pisces involves Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. The atmosphere is super-charged.
Aquarius is electrifie
New Cazimi Moon in Aquarius @ 7:36 AM, 1st House: New Beginnings. No void-of-course time for this lunation.
A stellium is currently formed in Aquarius & Pisces during this lunation: Aquarius involves the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Pluto, while Pisces involves Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. The atmosphere is super-charged.
Aquarius is electrified with Uranian currents while Neptunian Pisces is flowing with watery currents. Electricity and water make for some electrifying energy requiring grounding if we're to maintain our equilibrium during this cycle.
Aquarius embodies independence, individualism, imagination, progressive, artistic, and scientific just to name a few. This Moon brings out the rebel and warrior within us. We're ready to make our mark and for new adventures and experiences that highlight who we truly are to others.
With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Pluto in Aquarius, this marks the beginning of progression and ascension for humanity. There's going to be some serious leveling up for our individual as well as global consciousness this year. If you aren't feeling the undercurrent now, you will be soon.
More and more individuals are coming home to their hearts from their monkey-minded jungle. As this happens, more and more will understand and incorporate energies and choices to live a more peaceful and joyful existence inclusive of individual freedom and positively progressive advancements.
Global change begins on a personal level. Once that personal level expands, it encompasses mass consciousness as a whole. Power structures will begin to crumble under the weight of light. It may not appear that way outwardly, but the seeds have been planted, and the roots are reaching deep into the earth.
The number of awakened and awakening souls has tripled in just the last few years. They are challenging patriarchal paradigms rooted in fear and dominant control. The level of positive, energetic vibrations is reaching mass contagion levels, and no negatively infused vaccine can prevent the spread.
This New Moon in individualistic, progressive Aquarius is the doorway to a more heart-centered way of life. The Aquarian age is a booster for strong independence, so that we are grounded in our power and evolve.
It will also highlight originality and creativity, which brings more stability grounded in joy and truthfulness, both welcomed attributes on this new and exciting journey.
#art: The Spirit of The New Moon by Artur Loureiro
Uranus stations Direct in Taurus @ 11:23 PM, 1st House: Set Course for New Beginnings!
Our opportunity inhale, slow down, and pay close attention to what we're doing and saying to one another during its retrograde period is closing with Uranus stationing. The lessons we may have learned won't necessarily be apparent until we're faced with
Uranus stations Direct in Taurus @ 11:23 PM, 1st House: Set Course for New Beginnings!
Our opportunity inhale, slow down, and pay close attention to what we're doing and saying to one another during its retrograde period is closing with Uranus stationing. The lessons we may have learned won't necessarily be apparent until we're faced with a circumstance that tests our resolve and how we react or respond.
We may attract energy at some ethereal level, and it can seem surreal, as though we are living in an alternate reality or separate dimension during this acclimation period. It's totally normal to experience this energy. Utilizing grounding techniques will better assist us to recoup solid balance.
The motivating force of power, Uranus represents the freedom urge. This planet is known to rebel against conformity. Its keyword is "the awakener", reflective of one of my favorite lines from Dune, "The sleeper must awaken."
If we feel as though we have been struggling against the current to achieve what we know in our hearts is part of our destiny, we can now expect Uranus will be the catalyst for that change to take place. This influence won't be external, but internal.
This means we need to pay attention to our attitude, perspective, and belief system moving forward—any, or all of which could be holding us back. This may become the epitome of walking by faith alone.
As the awakener and challenger of our boundaries and comfort zones, Uranus holds the element of surprise, so don't be if unexpected assistance, concepts or even challenges appear unexpectedly. It's all opportunity.
This planet is also associated with natural disasters, particularly earthquakes; however, such disconcerting events reveal humanity's ability to united through a combined humanitarian effort. Uranus' purpose is to awaken our altruistic nature.
Uranus in Taurus presents a type of polarity between the desire for freedom and lack of restrictions with Taurus' grounded and domestic surroundings. Most Taurians aren't socialites who prefer the spotlight. Rather, they enjoy the comforts of a beautiful home, close friends, and good food.
While this pairing may seem tense, and it can be if we resist, it's also a beautiful time to discover just how liberating relationships and safe environments can become ports in the storm of uncertainty. Perhaps it's time we notice the blessings of home and those who care for us rather than seeking some greater cause to advocate.
Afterall, feeling safe and loved is the greatest crown we could ever don, and the most loving energy we could ever spawn into humanity.
#art Gabriel Pacheco
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