Venus enters Aries overnight @ 2:57 AM, 5th House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun.
"Venus was originally an Italian goddess of blossoms; hearts and flowers eventually were incorporated into this mythos due to her loving, passionate and creative energies; in fact, her name became the root for the word venerate—to lift up, worship
Venus enters Aries overnight @ 2:57 AM, 5th House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun.
"Venus was originally an Italian goddess of blossoms; hearts and flowers eventually were incorporated into this mythos due to her loving, passionate and creative energies; in fact, her name became the root for the word venerate—to lift up, worship, or esteem."
Later she was adopted by the Greeks as Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, followed by the Roman Venus.
Venus enters her detriment in Aries; therefore, her influence will assume more of Aries' coloration; therefore, be cautious about our actions and behavior. Venus is notorious for socializing and flirting, which can set some wildfires of emotion where quick-tempered Aries is concerned.
The fifth house represents our playful side, which emerges only after work is completed and it's time for entertainment and celebration. It embodies the charming, creative, and delightful aspects of our personality, where we discover our hobbies, interests, and companions for leisure activities.
Joy is encapsulated here, and the fifth house radiates when we engage in creativity, allowing us to recognize a fragment of ourselves within our creations, ranging from the smile of our child to a work of art. This house is also traditionally associated with speculation, so be careful what you assume or put forth as truth.
The transit of Venus typically signifies a period when the cosmos bestows upon us a modest gift of warmth or affection, as well as a well-earned respite. These times are often sociable and amiable, where we engage in more mingling than usual and show greater interest in fine dining and comfortable surroundings over anything that resembles work.
During the span of this transit, Venus will traverse approximately one degree every two days. This gradual transition will allow us to observe subtle changes in our sentiments regarding love and romance until she stations retrograde March 01 @ 7:36 PM, EST, at which time the energy fluctuates to one of deeper introspection, checks and balances, as finances could go off the rails during this Rx.
Aries' energy motivates us to embrace boldness and creativity in matters of love; however, with Venus Rx we may demonstrate a bit more caution in our actions by refusing to make impulsive decisions. Whether considering a separation, reunion, or established boundary, we are more apt to take our time.
Also guard against impetuous, aggressive behavior, especially in partnerships. Those of us currently in romantic partnerships are urged to reconcile after minor disputes or misunderstandings by assuming responsibility for their actions coupled with a commitment to change, as this would foster a trust that endures a lifetime.
This placement can be a blessing or a curse whether Venus is retrograde or not. There could be more dramatic energy manifesting itself as possessiveness, jealousy, and even obsessiveness. This is why overtly flirtatious behavior and/or excessive socializing as per Venus' nature can easily trigger a partner.
On the other hand, if we pay close attention to any red flags of our behavior, this transit heralds an exhilarating period characterized by vibrant passion and a zest for adventure, albeit the treks may be of a somewhat slower nature.
This transit favors travel, communication, and pioneering new projects. Aries embodies energy and action combined with courage while Venus represents affection, socializing, and a sense of value. Therefore, this transit lends the confidence necessary for new adventures or romantic relationships; however, while reviewing our current situation and the nuances of change now presenting themselves through her retrograde movement.
Venus Rx will re-enter Pisces March 27 @ 4:41 AM EST.
Opening quote and Art: She Who Is
Vesta enters Scorpio this evening @ 6:10 PM, EST, 5th House: Passion meets Intuition in this coupling between our inner flame and intensity.
As Goddess of the Hearth, the Greeks worshipped Vesta as the keeper of both the sacred fire and the home fire. She was a symbol of protection which insured the cohesion of the state and family for th
Vesta enters Scorpio this evening @ 6:10 PM, EST, 5th House: Passion meets Intuition in this coupling between our inner flame and intensity.
As Goddess of the Hearth, the Greeks worshipped Vesta as the keeper of both the sacred fire and the home fire. She was a symbol of protection which insured the cohesion of the state and family for the people of the earth.
Vesta in the fifth house suggests a dedication to one's personal creative expressions—children or artistic forms. Alienation from children, romance, and the pleasure or creative blockage can often result. Sexual inhibition occurs through excessive sublimation of sexual energy into fifth-house affairs, or a painstaking focus on flaws may sabotage spontaneity.
Because Scorpio is associated with unearthing, we are apt to be more perceptive during this transit, particularly regarding the undercurrent, or things not seen. This window also signifies focus and creative passions associated with transformation and intimacy.
Throughout this transit, our determination and willpower enable us to overcome obstacles because we are in tune to a higher purpose. This alignment with something greater than ourselves can influence us to forgo personal pleasures to seek knowledge and wisdom.
The mysterious and/or taboo become more magnetic during this transit, creating potentially new avenues to pursue our desires. Our heightened insight enhances Scorpio's x-ray vision, enabling us to see through facades.
We can expect more clarity regarding our values and may discover fulfillment through our intimate relationships.
We are also presented with new opportunities for growth that will prompt us to face our subconscious fears and the empowerment of overcoming them.
Vesta in Scorpio’s meaning in the Transit Chart brings new opportunities for growth. You face your subconscious feelings and can become empowered by dealing with inner fears.
Vesta in Scorpio manifests with intensity and depth, and individuals with their natal Vesta in Scorpio pursue profundity all their commitments.
These natives regard sexuality as the peak of experience, regardless of social taboos. However, they may also experience feelings of guilt or shame in sexual affairs, leading to sexual inhibition or repression.
#art: Frederick Cooper
Venus glides from progressive Aquarius into charitable Pisces tonight @ 10:25 PM, EST, 7th House.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra; however, is exalted in Pisces, and is known as the planet of Love. She rules over artistic endeavors, cultural influences, aesthetics, beauty, charm, good taste, and partnerships.
The keyword for Pisces is "underst
Venus glides from progressive Aquarius into charitable Pisces tonight @ 10:25 PM, EST, 7th House.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra; however, is exalted in Pisces, and is known as the planet of Love. She rules over artistic endeavors, cultural influences, aesthetics, beauty, charm, good taste, and partnerships.
The keyword for Pisces is "understanding", as they possess a compassionate and sympathetic nature when demonstrating their positive characteristics.
These two are cojoining in the 7th house, representing intimate relationships and those we attract through friendships, romance, and even business partnerships of all kinds.
This house is the natural home of Libra, where those around us become mirrors and teachers on our journey to knowing our worth.
Venus has been under the liberating influence of Aquarius; however, moving into Pisces will place her under the dreamy influence of Neptune, ruler of the mystical and spiritual.
Here she is exalted and can strut about from under the weight of the crown, as an heiress flitting about socially without shackles.
Venus is not just considered the Goddess of Love, but the glue of the Universe—as love is the highest essence of all creation. Thus,
"Live each moment to the fullest" should be our mantra!
DIVE into Love. And I don't mean just romantic love, but that of friendship, the earth, creation as a whole. Fall in love with every moment of every day and all that you are blessed with.
Revel in the essence of Love - travel, go places you've never been, experience things you've never done throughout this lovely influence.
It's also the perfect time to heal estranged relationships. Love heals all things, so be kind, be courageous, and be love in all your deeds and communications.
#art Witold Pruszkowski
OOB Mars Rx re-entered Cancer @ 5:44 AM, EST, 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio ruled by Mars/Pluto.
Cancer has a very nurturing and connective nature while Mars, on the other hand, is all about forcefulness, and aggressive acquisition.
Mars can bring resistance and conflict to the ethos of Cancer, who may attempt to stifle his nature
OOB Mars Rx re-entered Cancer @ 5:44 AM, EST, 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio ruled by Mars/Pluto.
Cancer has a very nurturing and connective nature while Mars, on the other hand, is all about forcefulness, and aggressive acquisition.
Mars can bring resistance and conflict to the ethos of Cancer, who may attempt to stifle his nature in return—which is, of course, utterly contrary to what he represents: heat, fire, violence, and war. His negative side can also produce illness or sudden accidents.
His power loses a great deal of force in the watery, emotional sign of the Crab, and he finds himself unable to control circumstances and situations with the force he is so accustomed to wielding at will.
In some signs, such as Aries, Scorpio, and Capricorn, Mars is magnificent! We witness positive traits of strength, courage, and tenacity. Conversely, when poorly placed, we cringe at his sudden destruction, angry disruptions, and self-centered crudeness.
In essence, Cancer has an unruly and rebellious child in her home producing an upheaval in balance and harmony in this sensitive sign.
UNLESS Mars can transform his nature from aggressor to protector.
The weaponry Mars wields are those of battle—the goal, as is the case of all war, is to divide and conquer. However, being Mars is divided from himself in this placement, additional attempts to divide will only exacerbate rather than solve the issue. So why not surrender and instead choose to protect the domestic realm of this emotional, watery sign?
The hard-shelled Cancer won't budge to Mars' attempts to divide and conquer; however, it WILL appreciate Mars' masculine protection. And, after all, what man doesn't love being considered a protector and hero?
Therefore, it is up to Mars to conform. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer's soft and yet firm in her boundaries; thus, she wraps each planet who visits in a warm womb of welcome.
Reconciliation and connection are her priorities, which, as you can imagine, does not make a warrior comfortable.
Whatever primordial urge that Mars connects to through this Lunar sign can remain suppressed, burst through suddenly, indicative of a destructive or rebellious teenager, or 'Warrior at Home' syndrome, OR transform into a protector of the home.
This transit is akin to a soldier returning home after war but forgetting to leave the soldier on the field of battle. Instead, he brings the battle home. This has been documented repeatedly throughout history in veterans suffering from PTSD.
Yet, the man is very much within the warrior and is being given an opportunity to reconnect with love, nurturing, and his natural tendency to protect.
This includes the love and nurturing of himself by himself and a reconnection of spirit.
which is so much more than a wo/man having to conform to the rules of home. On the contrary, it's all about self-love and accepting love from others.
Therefore, no matter what tactics outside of the protector Mars employs, Cancer isn't budging; her offer is firm. If Mars balks, then it will resemble a divisive family conflict, or all-out war, where no one truly triumphs. Least of all Mars, who will leave this watery sign without the gift or vital knowledge of self-surrender through acceptance.
Aggressive actions will rip apart the very foundation Mars fought with fire and brimstone to protect, while Cancer kept the home fires burning, waiting for the Warrior's return.
And there's your irony in a nutshell.
In the book, “Astromythology” (Llewelyn, 2004), Raven Kaldera assigns Mars in Cancer to Frey, a god from the Norse pantheon who gives up his sword in exchange for love.
That is a perfectly adept metaphor for this fiery transit through water. Like the Klingon Warf laying down his killer instincts for the Betazoid Councilor, Deanna Troi.
Lay down your sword and shield, Warrior. Partake of the fruits of your victory, learn to love yourself by allowing the nurturing nature of Cancer to imbue you with peace from within—that you may rest for just a bit before rising to battle again.
#art Marc Fishman
Mercury entered Capricorn @ 5:30 AM, EST, 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus.
Mercury rules chatty Gemini and analytical Virgo, so moving into an earthy sign such as Capricorn denotes a serious preoccupation with our thoughts and feelings.
Our thinking becomes more methodical and centers on solid foundations from which t
Mercury entered Capricorn @ 5:30 AM, EST, 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus.
Mercury rules chatty Gemini and analytical Virgo, so moving into an earthy sign such as Capricorn denotes a serious preoccupation with our thoughts and feelings.
Our thinking becomes more methodical and centers on solid foundations from which to build our intentions into a reality rather than ideals.
The 2nd House is a house of personal resources and possessions along with security. Some consider it the newly embodied human establishing bodily awareness and physical security.
This is the realm of surviving, thriving, and our sense of self-worth.
Mercury will move out-of-bounds tomorrow ( Thu Jan 09 ) but moves pretty quickly and only remains OOB between 10-14 days. Also, it only moves OOB up to four times a year, depending on the cycle. Mostly it's twice annually.
In grounded Capricorn, we are able to detach ourselves and become the observer. This will serve us well, especially in fields where powers of concentration are required.
Detailed work is much more feasible and our diplomacy and tact shine when required. We are able to laugh at ourselves in this placement, as self-doubt is highly diminished.
In the natal chart, difficult aspects to Mercury can cause one to be too ambitious, dogmatic, suspicious, and even materialistic. If you recognize these traits, you might want to slow down a bit and re-evaluate your goals.
Goals are always worth working toward, but there are more honorable ways of achieving them than being competitive and overly ambitious et al.
Image: Bojan Jevtić
The North Node enters Pisces; the South Node enters Virgo @ 6:02 PM EST.
When the True Nodal axis shifts every 18 months, the North Node zodiac sign's archetype takes precedence, in this case, Pisces, the Mystic.
This is connected to our Soul's path; however, in order to attain it, we must release the fear and perceived safety of our South
The North Node enters Pisces; the South Node enters Virgo @ 6:02 PM EST.
When the True Nodal axis shifts every 18 months, the North Node zodiac sign's archetype takes precedence, in this case, Pisces, the Mystic.
This is connected to our Soul's path; however, in order to attain it, we must release the fear and perceived safety of our South Node in Virgo comfort zone.
Some astrology reports you read will say Moon's Mean Nodes, while here I am using True Nodes. What's the difference? It's really quite easy.
Before the wonderful world of computer applications, the Mean Nodes were calculated by hand due to variations over a period of time. It's old school and many astrologers still adhere to the practice as a basic foundation of delineation.
True Nodes are the exact spot, measurement, and location of the node at an exact moment in time calculated by a computer in a few seconds, and the tool many modern astrologers prefer.
The Moon's Nodes are considered the heart of the system. The South Node represents the karma we have brought with us not just from past lives but have accumulated during this life as well. We only karma that is not ripe ( completed ) in this life with us into the next so that we may eventually resolve it.
The South Node provides ample time to deal with our ripe karma in this life, so long as our pride and/or obstinance don't interfere. This is where the Nodes come into play, and why they are considered the heart of the system.
The challenging news: When karma is ripe it's coming for us; the positive news: We are ready.
If the Universe brings us to it, it will bring us through it should we choose to do the work. The only thing that can stand in our way is, well, us.
The North Node provides not only a powerful antidote to our South Node patterns but also outlines a detailed map of how to resolve our ripe karma. The only caveat is this: our old patterns of behavior rise naturally to situations while it takes serious effort to reach a resolution, aka the North Node.
No pain no gain, except mentally vs physically. Or should I say spiritually awakening vs sleepwalking? Regardless, we've had roughly 18 months to reconcile our Scorpionic-ripened karma, and now we are all on the cusp of karma changing her tune completely, individually, and collectively.
While each sign of the zodiac represents possibilities, it also represents a challenge of potential stumbling blocks for us to transform into steppingstones. One can view the changing of the nodes, or even the current position, as an opposition. It's essential to reconcile two polarities to achieve personal ( and collective ) balance.
Mutable Pisces positive characteristics are compassion, sympathy, intuition, and artistic to name a few; however, every coin has a backside: Sacrificing Pisces can fall into procrastination, melancholia, manipulation, indolence, and pessimism. They are also prone to wear rose-colored glasses and utilize escapism through addictive substances or behavior.
Mutable Virgo, on the other hand, is practical, methodical, and industrious. However, just as Pisces, it also possesses a backside by being too critical, self-centered, pedantic, and skeptical.
This is where discernment becomes a vital part of our evolution. To recognize and accept is to exchange what we do not wish to be for what we truly desire for ourselves. We've all heard the saying, "Sometimes it's better to sacrifice self for the sake of peace." So, which is it?
Sacrificing for the sake of peace because it's more important? Or living our authentic truth which may be viewed as selfish?
It all depends on whether or not we desire to evolve toward our Soul's purpose or remain where we are for fear of loss, i.e. - partner, friends, job, etc.
Pisces is sympathetic but can also be emotionally inhibited and over-talkative for the purposes of being seen and heard rather than listening and observing to see others. Combine this back side of the coin with Virgo's propensity for being overly critical and /or self-centered, and you have a toxic cocktail that's surely to repel others.
The NN in Pisces is about releasing the desire to control others and/or circumstances. It involves an inward focus rather than outward for what we desire. The SN in Virgo can be highly critical of themselves and others but aren't overall content. This tendency for perfectionism keeps them from losing control.
This Nodal axis shift is centered on releasing control and incorporating "accept all; it's all good" into our daily philosophy. Acceptance doesn't dictate that we become a doormat. It means we defend our authenticity with acceptance of both self and other sans the need to control them through dominating exchanges or critical observations.
"In acceptance lieth peace", and what better way to evolve on our Soul's path than by peaceful release?
Transit tip for the next 18 months: Neptune.
Neptune is Pisces ruling planet ( though Jupiter was the traditional ); therefore, monitoring Neptune's transits can add additional clarity and insight.
Currently in the final stages of Pisces, this mysterious, foggy planet is preparing for its major transit into a 14-year journey through Aries beginning March 30th of this year, where it remains until October 22nd, 2025 ( re-entering Pisces during a retrograde ) until October 21st, 2028 – March 23rd, 2039 ( when it moves permanently into Taurus).
A few historical references of Neptune's previous transits through Aries (1861-1875):
Dima Gur, a traditional astrologer from Tel Aviv, recently wrote, it's a bit of a paradox that Neptune in Aries prompts both a dream of gaining independence, and a desire to achieve unity. Both by way of struggle and war, mind you. This movement and countermovement create a deadly collision course, which often leads to armed conflict.
More on this transit forthcoming.
#art: She Who Is
Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, thus embodies out-of-the-box and innovative thinking. Mercury represents intellect and avenues of expression, whereas Aquarius represents imaginative thinking outside of the box.
This coupling will produce an insatiable desire for knowledge and connection with like-minded. We can expect our desire for knowl
Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, thus embodies out-of-the-box and innovative thinking. Mercury represents intellect and avenues of expression, whereas Aquarius represents imaginative thinking outside of the box.
This coupling will produce an insatiable desire for knowledge and connection with like-minded. We can expect our desire for knowledge to increase while we open to new concepts and more progressive ways of being.
Being exalted in this Airy sign, the Messenger of the Gods feels completely relaxed and enabled as himself. Expression should be harmonious, as complementary forces are increased and the virtues magnified.
A trigger may become a thorn in the side regarding a family member or close friend this evening when the Moon square Chiron in Aries. Utilize the sacred pause and breath before reacting. There are some things said that can never be undone.
From the prick of pain comes new horizons if we choose to navigate the landscape with patience and compassion rather than close the curtain to growth. Late tonight the Moon opposes OOB Mars Rx in Cancer and speaking from the heart and maintain integrity.
It's a perfect time for deep reflection and probing possibilities. There may be something under the surface that we missed the first time around that will become more apparent with focus and a mind open to receive.
A caveat is Aquarian's Fixed quality, which could add a bit of an obstinate stance in regard to its beliefs, especially under the influence of the 6th House. Avoid the expectation of perfectionism and being overly critical.
While the desire may be to improve everyone’s life in general, there’s no guarantee it will be receive that way.
Progress and successful growth can be measured by comparing how willing we are to keep an open mind. A focus on balance between work and health is imperative.
#art: Sergey Lukyanov
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