The importance of no rituals, decisions, or planning during the Void of Course ( v/c ) Moon.
I hope this has answered all the questions I received. If not, feel free to DM me. Blessed ritual.
The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to. —Carl Sandburg
All is not as it seems. This v/c Moon can be daunting; it
The importance of no rituals, decisions, or planning during the Void of Course ( v/c ) Moon.
I hope this has answered all the questions I received. If not, feel free to DM me. Blessed ritual.
The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to. —Carl Sandburg
All is not as it seems. This v/c Moon can be daunting; it may not be a good or appropriate time to answer your question. As it is now, the results may not be what you want.
What is a v/c Moon?
The moon travels through the entire Zodiac in twenty-seven and a half days. There is a moment when the moon makes its last major aspect before leaving one sign and entering the next. It’s as if the moon has gone to sleep. Her wisdom is being withheld until she moves into a new sign and the moon begins a new chapter or story.
The usual axiom for starting things on a v/c Moon is, “Nothing will come of the matter.”
Matters will not go as you planned; in fact, most of the time it will end up far worse than you planned. You have been caught blissfully unaware. You’ve missed something or you weren’t paying close enough attention. But you won’t be able to set the situation right at the current time.
Sit still and stay as you are. Take no action at the current time. Wait for the storm to pass over. It is time to be patient and allow matters to settle before beginning anew. Allow this matter to resolve on its own without your help, work, or interference.
Don’t bail anyone out or make loans currently because it is unlikely you will be repaid.
Medical results will probably not be accurate. If your question is about a job or career move, then it’s not the right one. If you apply for a job and get hired, it will not be long-lasting. It’s possible you will get hired and then a more suitable job will come along, and you will have to leave the first one.
After a long and costly effort, your matter in question may fail. People around you may start behaving like screwups. It could be that great passions are playing against you. Discipline is needed. It is not a time to act impulsively. Whatever you do as your routine will stay as it is. However, matters that are unplanned or spontaneous will tend to work out for you.
A v/c Moon can be used to your benefit, so keep this in mind. For instance, you can work on something you really don’t want. You can interact with persons you don’t really want to become a fixture in your life. Embarking on anything new or untried will tend to go wrong. In other words, if you agree to plans you don’t really want to come about during the v/c phase, then it will be very likely they will not come about.
However, meditation and any type of psychic or spiritual efforts will work out better during this v/c phase. It’s a good time to dream and even make plans; just do not act on them yet.
Also, do not plan a wedding! Keep in mind, the time is not yet ripe.
In Brief:
Weather cancellations; frustrations; delays; vagueness; hollow feelings; a sense of everything being “unreal”; emptiness; making mistakes and other bad decisions; promises not met; unfulfilled plans; the sleeping mind; not paying attention; false starts; matters remaining unresolved; a time to wait awhile and start over; a time to float or rest; serendipitous occurrences; a time to disconnect; things begun requiring adjustments later; inconclusive or wrong medical results; an unfavorable time to apply for a job, get married, or for nonroutine medical procedures.
Corresponding Tarot Card: Eight of Cups
Key Ideas: Silence; failed judgment; false readings; wasted effort; the wrong choice; missed opportunity; sleep; recovery.
Reference: Black Moon Astrology Cards
OOB is when a planet ( or luminary ) moves far enough from the ecliptic ( the circle of orbit ), it begins to produce some very curious effects. Of all the planets, it is said the Moon is most dramatic when OOB. And, of all the astronomical notations basically ignored in modern astrological practice, an OOB Moon is one of the most astonis
OOB is when a planet ( or luminary ) moves far enough from the ecliptic ( the circle of orbit ), it begins to produce some very curious effects. Of all the planets, it is said the Moon is most dramatic when OOB. And, of all the astronomical notations basically ignored in modern astrological practice, an OOB Moon is one of the most astonishing in its repercussions.
OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.
An OOB Moon is a luminary of emotions and instincts which will provoke intrigue of the unknown. We should guard against becoming too indistinct or far-fetched.
We may feel somewhat disconnected, as though we are on the periphery of whatever is occurring around us. We may even feel separated from ourselves and experience an ungrounded sense of stability. Awareness that the Moon is OOB will help with this energy.
OOB planets and those who have them in their natal charts can be unpredictable; however, the energy does not necessarily manifest in a negative way. Some of the most gifted individuals have one or more OOB natal positions. Albert Einstein is just one example. Elvis Pressly and Judy Garland were also examples that showed positive aspects that excelled in acting and singing, and negative, leading them to early deaths from addiction.
It's important to know if we have any OOB planets, and in what sign/house they reside to avoid any negative tendencies that can easily suck us into lower-vibrational energy.
According to Stephen Forrester, Forrester Evolutionary Astrology:
"The Out of Bounds Moon is spontaneous, emancipated, liberated, released in its own recognizance, and utterly on its own. It has loudly proclaimed, 'You can take this job (. . . marriage, church, obligation, moral principle, town, duty . . .) and shove it.'
"The Moon has claimed its genius, its passion, and its right to be itself. No need to obfuscate, to be diplomatic, or to lie to anyone anymore—unless you feel like it. No more coprophagous grin. No need to worry about staying in anyone’s good graces. Out of Bounds, the Moon no longer plays the game. It rejects all rules that are not of its own making.
“'Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are finally free at last!' said Martin Luther King, Jr. "
"The words stir the blood. But we need to let them stir the mind as well.
"Structure, discipline, and a world in which our actions have consequences—these are not purely negative things. Society and its values can have a steadying effect on us, even when we feel frustrated by them. The Out of Bounds Moon, like everything else in astrology, has an unpleasant, dangerous side as well as a divine purpose. Its dark side is sociopathic, even criminal—or merely selfish and insensitive to others. It can be cold, even inhuman.
"You may detect some of the underlying spirits of the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius in these words. That is quite accurate. In my experience, an Out of Bounds Moon has distinctly Aquarian quality. We see the familiar Uranian “holy trinity” at work—the Genius, the Revolutionary, and the Criminal.
All three of them stand outside the normal structure of society, applying leverage to it—and meeting resistance, condemnation, and consequences for it.
"As with Aquarian or Uranian influences, the Out of Bounds Moon often thrusts alienating circumstances upon a person from outside. This is of course the classic working of synchronicity—what we meet (or fail to face) in our inner world is encountered in the “random” realities of our outer lives.
"Inwardly, the Out of Bounds Moon often correlates with feelings of being an outsider, of not fitting in, of not having a place in this world. This can be painful—and it can also lead to an attitude of not giving a damn. Or to passivity. Or to resentment. And to radical forms of existential creativity."
“When a planet’s declination exceeds 23°28′ North or South, it is described as being Out of Bounds. There are no shades of gray here, nothing gradual or subtle. Right at that point, something clicks.
"OOB allows you to, as Stevie Nix so eloquently sang, to 'Go Your Own Way"' And when you look at Nix's natal chart, it becomes apparent why she lived a very eclectic life. Her Moon, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Pluto, are ALL out of bounds."
"When the Moon’s declination exceeds 23°28′ North or 23°28′ South, it has escaped the physical space dominated by the gravitational “boss” of the solar system, the Sun.
"Let the metaphors free-associate.
"The Moon is then, in other words, out of the King’s sight. No longer under Daddy’s thumb. We might say that has moved beyond the Pale. Gone out of control. Or gone wild. It has broken the rules. It has shattered the boundaries, broken the mold, and crossed the Rubicon. Bravely, or drunkenly, the Moon has said, 'Roll the dice'."
When Mercury, the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the gods is out-of-bounds ( OOB - beyond 23°27’ declination ), whether natal or transit, there are several things we can expect.
A transit only affects you during the duration of the transit. And because Mercury moves pretty quickly and only remains OOB between 10-14 days. Also, it
When Mercury, the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the gods is out-of-bounds ( OOB - beyond 23°27’ declination ), whether natal or transit, there are several things we can expect.
A transit only affects you during the duration of the transit. And because Mercury moves pretty quickly and only remains OOB between 10-14 days. Also, it only moves OOB up to four times a year, depending on the cycle. Mostly it's twice annually.
Mercury can only be found OOB in the solstice and solstice-bordering signs of Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
Contrary to the Moon, Mercury is never out of bounds in the fixed signs such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It is only present in cardinal (initiating) and mutable (changing) signs.
Mercury maintains a balance between nocturnal and diurnal signs, as well as a balance of elements, yet it notably lacks the stabilizing presence of the fixed signs.
Mercury is also associated with the physician and healing; thus, he carries the caduceus, a short-staff wand entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings that is now the modern symbol for medicine. However, from a mythological standpoint, Mercury could also put people asleep or be a messenger of death.
OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.
Those with OOB planets, to put it simply, like coloring outside the lines. That can be considered a creative genius or dangerous liability. Whether the declination is North or South is equally important. The North (N) is considered more outgoing whose actions affect the world, while the South (S) is more internalized and expressed through communication such as writing or speaking.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as "Doctor Death", was the infamous physician who passionately believed in a terminally ill person's right to euthanasia. He was certainly one of these people and had countless encounters with law enforcement because of his beliefs.
With Kevorkian's Mercury is 25°Gemini39 N’ declination, we would expect to see this type of radical behavior in support of his unwavering opinions.
OOB planets and those who have them in their natal charts can be unpredictable; however, the energy does not necessarily manifest in a negative way. Some of the most gifted individuals have one or more OOB natal positions.
Albert Einstein is just one example. Elvis Pressly and Judy Garland were also examples that showed positive aspects that excelled in acting and singing, and negative, leading them to early deaths from addiction.
It's important to know if we have any OOB planets, and in what sign/house they reside to avoid any negative tendencies that can easily suck us into lower-vibrational energy.
With Mercury OOB, we can expect flashes of genius and inspiration that may lead to exceptional writing or speeches. Being true to thyself is just as important as knowing thyself.
Those of us, such as myself, with Mercury OOB, think and speak in different patterns than dominant culture dictates. We are apt to periodically isolate ourselves and require some time not talking. This means we most likely won't answer the phone, emails, or messages once we've conveyed the initial need for quiet time.
We may also enjoy contemplating language in a more abstract manner. Or, on the other end, we could find ourselves talking incessantly, and likely losing the attention of our audience.
While my OOB Mercury is compounded with dyslexia, most with this natal placement find it difficult to orally convey their meaning; thus, they excel in creative expression, whether the written word, artistic endeavors, music, or interpretive dance.
Mercury is inherently a trickster, and manifests in numerous ways in a given chart, which renders it likely impossible to pin down a singular out of bounds definition.
Mine is in Sagittarius and I prefer associative, “literary” poetry. And, yes, I read and wrote poetry and painted LONG before I knew or understood my Mercury OOB and its propensity toward the expressive avenue of communication.
Again, it's extremely important to know whether or not you have any OOB planets to better understand yourself and your unique design. Otherwise, we apt to allow others to define us through a lens lacking the facets of an OOB planet.
OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; or, secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.
Like the Moon, Venus too has an emotional dimension, but it goes further into the s
OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; or, secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.
Like the Moon, Venus too has an emotional dimension, but it goes further into the sphere of preferences and desires. It's linked to our longings and serves as a sort of filter for them in the realm of giving and receiving love, what we desire, and what we value—all of which affect how we engage with the world around us.
Everyone has their unique preferences, which often reflect the nature of their Venus placement in astrology. Individuals with an out-of-bounds Venus may have tastes that appear unconventional to the mainstream.
They may feel driven to act based on their unique preferences, which differ from the norm. Consequently, they tend to be noticeable in a way that is distinct and quantifiable.
Artists and musicians with an Out of Bounds Venus often challenge the norms, earning labels such as "ahead of their time," "genius," or "controversial." Similarly, female artists with this aspect may venture beyond the traditional roles prescribed for women.
According to an article written by Tony Howard, some well-known with their Venus OOB are: "Björk, Renee Magritte, Erik Satie, Robert Mapplethorpe, Nico, Ezra Pound (poetry, modernist), Siouxsie Sioux, Dory Previn (uncomfortable song lyrics, incest etc., feminist issues), Josephine Baker, Nico (Femme Fatale), Bonnie Raitt, Helen Reddy (I Am Woman!), and Maria Callas."
Familiarity with any of these well-known personalities perfectly demonstrates someone with their Venus OOB.
If your Venus ( or any planet, for that matter ) is OOB, accept it as a part of your unique personality. I have two OOB planets and have learned to embrace their distinctive influence on my life by learning to recognize unusual patterns in the OOB planet-ruled aspects of my chart by evaluating my experiences at certain times in my live.
Such awareness can be a catalyst for positive change. Pay close attention to your preferences and aversions, then delve into the reasons behind them. If you find any imbalance, examine it closely to see if it's detrimental or negatively impacting you, and consider making some changes where needed.
When facing judgment from others about our actions, consider their observations rather than dismissing them.
Weigh their opinion against our own personal judgment. It's crucial for those of us who live beyond the norm, aka, "governed by the sun" to make deliberate choices that are in alignment with who we truly are, even if they defy conventional expectations.
Some of us are here to rattle the cage or pioneer new paths as part of our evolution. Our role is vital, and our personal creativity is a unique contribution to the world regardless of the disapproving looks or negative reviews.
It takes courage to be different if different is what we desire, which is what Venus is all about: Self-worth, intimacy, beauty, and pleasure.
Mars becomes his own warrior, leaving the Sun's battlefield and rules in search of his own.
Because he encapsulates the Divine Masculine, he becomes the spirit of Conan the Barbarian in search of his own kingdom. Less than 20% of earth's population will have an OOB Mars.
While there is some dramatic violence associated with this position,
Mars becomes his own warrior, leaving the Sun's battlefield and rules in search of his own.
Because he encapsulates the Divine Masculine, he becomes the spirit of Conan the Barbarian in search of his own kingdom. Less than 20% of earth's population will have an OOB Mars.
While there is some dramatic violence associated with this position, the more positive aspect is that it's linked to innovation and originality in one's artistic or societal endeavors, which easily develop into trendsetting.
OOB planets are typically associated with freedom from under the Sun's thumb; however, not the Uranian type of freedom associated with awakening and rebellion. OOB planets in and of themselves signify freedom.
What this can mean is that being innately free, they're not threatened when encountering resistance. Though they may react to restrictions, their nature cannot be contained within a limited label of societal confinement.
Another positive trait is that they refuse to internalize the perceptions of others in regard to their personal actions, choices, and/or decisions.
This is exactly when the shoe is placed on the other foot and the one judging or criticizing faces their own mirror of judgment and criticism.
Those with Mars OOB learn from a very young age that conformation to the judgements and labels of others will lead to discontent and even resentment that find an outlet through negative behavior.
The choice is simple with this natal placement: We can either march to the beat of our own drum regardless of what society propels toward us, or we can conform and spread misery throughout our lives.
Those with Mars OOB are destined to shake the world from their comfort zone. Think Toni Morrison’s OOB Mars in her 2015 response to the killings of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott:
"People keep saying, 'We need to have a conversation about race.' This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back. And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, 'Is it over?', I will say yes."
Morrison won the Pulitzer for her novel "Beloved", ranked as the “best work of American fiction”
Those with an OOB Mars inherently demonstrate courage in the face of societal rules. They are warrior rebels with a cause. And while the vessel of change is themselves, the result will benefit humanity as a whole through example.
Lastly, while and OOB Mars can influence a person's personality, only the person with the OOB Mars can choose if they respond in a positive or negative means to unfortunate circumstances that may befall as well as the pressure society places upon them.
Some famous and infamous examples of those with their Mars OOB:
Icelandic singer Björk, who has natal Mercury, Venus and Mars out of bounds, is clearly marching to the beat of her own drum.
Barbara Stanwyck, who overcame an early life of sexual abuse and botched abortion at age 12, which left her infertile for the rest of her life. Rather than becoming bitter over her circumstances, she rose above and became one of the most prolific actresses of an era in addition to one of the wealthiest women in the United States.
Annie Oakley, exhibition sharpshooter who defied acceptable female roles of her era and became a renowned public performer of her skills. But not only that, she made it a life's mission to teach other women to do the same.
Aileen Wuornos, the woman who shot and killed seven men between 1989 and 1990.
Those of us with their Mars OOB are far from alone and have the opportunity to change the world through their courageous actions, and never tire of paving the path for others throughout their lives.
Think of Conan's unending conquests to right the record for justice and equality.
"She is not cold as mortal maidens are;
She is as vital as the universe"
- George Edward Woodberry, Ideal Passion (part 2)
According to NASA, Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and it's the only dwarf planet located in the inner solar system.
Astrologically, the story almost mimics that
"She is not cold as mortal maidens are;
She is as vital as the universe"
- George Edward Woodberry, Ideal Passion (part 2)
According to NASA, Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and it's the only dwarf planet located in the inner solar system.
Astrologically, the story almost mimics that of Job in the Bible, who lost everything yet gained so much more: "To enter into the figure of Ceres means to be pursued, to be robbed, or raped, to fail to understand, to rage and grieve, but then to get everything back and be born again." ~ Carol Kerenyi and C.G. Jung, "Kore" Essays on a Science of Mythology.
Known to the ancient Greeks as Demeter ( from ancient 'da mater' meaning earth mother ), Roman goddess Ceres is known as the Great Mother, goddess of agriculture, and many astrologers attribute her as the ruler of Taurus while others claim she rules Cancer, Virgo and/or the polarity of Taurus-Scorpio.
She has also been deemed 'the angry mother' ( Persephonie's abduction ) and the Archetype of Mother Nature, representing provision and nourishment. The myth is a metaphor for nurturing and reflects how we care not just about others, but ourselves as well, highlighting how our needs are met ( or not ).
Ceres represents the nurturing, fertile earth that has sustained humanity. Yet, it was in her role as the devoted and loving mother to the maiden Kore/Persephone that Ceres attained her greatest significance among the Greeks.
Their tale—Persephone's abduction by Pluto to the Underworld, Ceres' profound grief and suffering, and her quest to reunite with her daughter—became a central myth of the ancient world.
This narrative of loss and recovery was performed for nearly two millennia (1600 BC to AD 400) as part of the initiation rites of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
While Ceres does point to our well-being and self-care, its placement can also indicate past traumas, particularly childhood vulnerabilities and struggle. A well-placed Ceres would indicate a parent who is balanced, loving, and nurturing and whose children grow up to be independent and self-sufficient adults.
A poorly placed Ceres in your natal chart could indicate abandonment issues, bouts of melancholy, eating disorders, and/or an overbearing parent who attempts to control their children to the point that the children become co-dependent.
OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; or, secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.
While Ceres is OOB for most of 2024, she reached her most extreme declination in this cycle to 30° 55' South on August 26th, 2024. The Aries Ingress of 2024 had Ceres squaring the nodes as did her retrograde. If we recall the January 2020 Capricorn buildup of planets at 23°, Ceres was right there too.
Depictions of Ceres are commonly found atop Board of Trade Buildings and Stock Exchanges globally, symbolizing the exchange of commodities. Indeed, the placement of Ceres in Capricorn is a fitting tribute to her significance.
We here in the U.S. are at a crucial juncture, with a fresh sense of equilibrium and assessment permeating the atmosphere. This is one of the most important elections this country has ever held, setting a precedent on what type of character is permitted to vie for president of the U.S.
Kamala Harris's Ceres is positioned at 5° Capricorn and is also out-of-bounds (OOB) at 29° South. On the U.S. election day, November 5th, Ceres, the Moon, Venus, and Medea will all be OOB and aligned in parallel in the southern declination. I previously wrote an article regarding the election prediction that can be accessed here.
Ceres was elevated to dwarf planet in 2006 as Pluto was so called demoted to one. We can thank the discover of the asteroid Eris for that one ( or so I believe ). This equalizing in our solar system reflecting the greater awareness to corporate power, corruption and greed that was shown during the great financial crisis that soon followed.
Like Pluto, although faster moving, Ceres can giveth and taketh away as she initiates us into life's greater mysteries and a rebalance of power and control. Her current OOB placement in Capricorn emphasizes nurturance through achievement.
Ideally, the mothering experience taught the child how to be responsible, organized, and to carry out plans that would elevate the accomplishment of particular goals.
Nurturing others takes the form of teaching them to be responsible for themselves as well as giving them practical tools that they can use to succeed in the outer world. We see this emphasized in Harris through tangible accomplishments attained by her own hard work and efforts in a man's world.
And hopefully we'll see those efforts pay off if she's elected the first female President of the United States.
New Moon, Setting Intentions: The Moon almost appears invisible because it is directly between the Sun and Earth. Typically, the Moon's orbit varies up to 05° above or below the Earth; however, there are times when it is perfectly aligned, producing a Solar Eclipse.
The New Moon is the perfect atmosphere for intention rituals involving manifestation and new beginnings after a period of deep reflection and goal evaluation.
Waxing Crescent, Manifesting: When I was young, this phase was referred to as the 'Thumbnail of God' because it appears as a small slither of light as the Moon engaged her orbit.
The Waxing Crescent marks the interval of actions and faith required to manifest our goals. The energy is opportune for initial steps that can feel like leaps, no matter how small.
First Quarter, Decisions: This phase can appear confusing because half of the Moon’s surface illuminated; however, it is the equivalent of saying we are seeing one-quarter of the Moon’s surface. This is why it's sometimes referred to as "Half Moon". This stage symbolizes roadblocks.
This is also referred to as the "Crisis of Consciousness", when we make, or we break our progress by not believing in ourselves enough to overcome the obstacles. This can appear cruel, but it's necessary to push us out of our comfortable box and into growth.
Waxing Gibbous, Refinement: This is when we can see more than half the Moon's surface as it approaches its Full phase. It also provides relief if we've done the transformative work of turning roadblocks into steppingstones required by the previous phase. Now the pressure is off, it's time to evaluate our progress and refine our steps to ensure success.
Full Moon, Fulfillment: This phase occurs when the Moon opposite the Earth from the Sun. For the same reason mentioned above regarding the New Moon's 05° orbital tilt, we don’t get lunar eclipses with every full Moon unless the Moon orbit is perfectly aligned.
This phase is known as the most powerful of the lunar cycle, representing the peak of illuminated energy providing clarity. The proverbial nail in the coffin, so to speak, regarding our manifestation efforts. It's important during this time to acknowledge and celebrate our achievements. Especially if we've transformed stumbling blocks into steppingstones. Continuing to manifest vs a tangibly manifested goal is a success. We didn't give up.
Waning Gibbous, Gratitude: This is when the illuminated Moon begins to wane or dissipate in size, though most of the surface still appears illuminated. This should herald a time of reflection at what we've accomplished accompanied with the expression gratitude for the opportunities. It's also a perfect time to share what we've learned with others!
Third Quarter, Forgiveness and Release: Once again, this is when the Moon appears half illuminated on the opposite side of the First Quarter Phase. This phase heralds a significant period of forgiveness and release. What did we learn through the lunar cycle process? What isn't working for us? Toxic thoughts or relationships? Negative behavioral patterns? It's time to recognize and detach.
Apply forgiveness rather than shame or resentment for thinking or acting them out. We are all human.
Waning Crescent, Self-care: This phase happens when only a small sliver of the Moon is visible ( opposite side of the Moon’s surface then the waxing crescent) before fading into the Dark Moon Phase. It's also referred to as "The Thumbnail of God".
Now is the most opportune time to clutter clear our surrounding and minds in preparation to begin anew. Manifest self-healing during this time with ritual baths or showers, high-frequency music, non-paraffin candles, organic incenses or essential oils, and healthy food. Pamper yourself—as you would someone you dearly love— through deep introspection.
Dark Moon, Introspective Preparation: This is the 24-hour period prior to the New Moon. It is a time of retreat, of healing, and of dreaming the future. The darkness is lit with the translucent quality of transformation; and during this essential and necessary period, life is prepared to be born.
It's the most advantageous period to mentally rearrange or organize any aspect of our lives that appear disheveled or unproductive we desire to release. Guidelines and boundaries to implement as well as considering new avenues of knowledge prove beneficial.
The ancient practice of astrological sound healing is a topic I've had a recent interest in. This modality has grown astronomically ( no pun intended ) in the modern ( mostly Western ) world over the last decade and utilizes specific sound frequencies to promote healing and well-being throughout ancient times.
Attached is a wonderful cheat-sheet on the planetary energies and how they influence our own energy through correlated sound healing and align with musical tones, colors, and tempo.
Some of the more popular sound healings I have been frequenting are Solfeggio, Angel Numbers, Planetary and Astrological frequencies. See links below if you want to personally experience them.
According to Harmonance, "Planetary frequencies are unique vibrational energies resonating with the movements of celestial bodies in our solar system that are thought to have profound effects on our physical, mental, and spiritual states. This article explores the captivating world of planetary frequencies and their role in sound healing."
The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines frequency as: "The rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second, i.e. -'different thicknesses of glass will absorb different frequencies of sound'"
The FDA has recently approved the use of sound frequency to break down tumors. According to Mishal Mendiratta-Lala, MD, "The technique, called histotripsy, uses targeted ultrasound waves that create “microbubbles” within the tumor and ultimately break it down."
Johns Hopkins, histotripsy has a 95% success rate reported in this trial compared favorably to other local techniques; however, insurance may not cover the procedure, depending on your insurance provider.
Planetary frequencies convey the essential principle that celestial bodies exist as energy forms which vibrate at distinct frequencies like all entities in the universe. The solar system's planets each produce a distinct vibrational frequency that matches their astrological properties and energetic nature. By connecting with these frequencies, we supposedly access the particular energies and characteristics linked to the respective planet.
The links between planetary frequencies and astrology are recognized by spiritual and holistic communities but lack scientific validation. People experience different effects from specific frequencies and interpret planetary meanings in diverse ways which makes their significance very individualized.
The ancient practices of sound healing and astrology conjoined when researchers examined planetary frequencies. The 194.18 Hz Earth Day Frequency along with the 207.36 Hz Uranus frequency emerges from the orbital periods of solar system planets. Sound healing experts maintain that converting planetary orbital periods into sound frequencies allows us to access the distinct energies and characteristics of each planet.
The solar system operates like a symphony, where each celestial body emits its distinct vibrational frequency. These frequencies express distinctive vibrational energies which offer an intriguing view into the music of the spheres enveloping us.
Because the Sun and the Moon are two of the most influential luminaries I'll use them as an example:
The Sun is the center of our galaxy, emitting a powerful frequency that is believed to influence all life on Earth. Its frequency has been calculated at approximately 126.22 Hz and resonates with the B tone in music. This frequency is believed to be the main expression of each individual and represents the masculine principle, ruling health, our sense of identity, and capacity for experiences such a creativity and vitality mirroring the Sun's role as the source of life and energy in our solar system.
The Moon's, earth's natural satellite, frequency has been calculated at approximately 210.42 Hz, aligning with the musical note G#. This frequency is believed to resonate with our feminine energies, promoting a domestic, nurturing urge, instincts, moods, intuition, emotional balance, and inner peace.
The fundamental vibrations that bind us together form the universal language through which we connect within the cosmic orchestra. Planetary frequencies function as an exclusive portal to create a physical-spiritual connection between our inner and outer worlds.
The practice of sound healing utilizes planetary frequencies to provide an exclusive avenue toward achieving wellness and understanding oneself. An alignment between our personal energy and the vibrational energy from celestial bodies enables us to move through life's challenges more smoothly while restoring our balance and cosmic connection.
Afterall, isn't the universe also within us? The planets are not only part of creation but also serve as instruments of divine revelation.
• Planetware, Cosmic Octave
• Harmonance
• Oxford Language Dictionary
• Mishal Mendiratta-Lala, MD
• Johns Hopkins Medicine
Frequencies mentioned above:
Solfeggio: https://www.harmonance.com/collections/solfeggio-frequencies
Angel Numbers: https://www.harmonance.com/collections/angel-number-frequencies
Planetary and Astrological: https://www.harmonance.com/collections/planetary-and-astrological-influences-harness-the-cosmic-energy
Did you know that there is a secret zodiac sign?
Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is a large constellation that you can spot near the southern horizon from the Northern Hemisphere during July, August and September evenings.
If you were born somewhere between November 30 and December 18, chances are the sun was in the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer. Therefore, your “sign” should be Ophiuchus.
But, of course, Ophiuchus is not an official constellation of the zodiac, nor will you find it in horoscopes.
Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is a large constellation that you can spot near the southern horizon from the Northern Hemisphere during July, August and September evenings. The Serpent Bearer is standing on the Scorpion and its red star Antares.
Poor Ophiuchus. Nobody ever claims him as a birth sign, despite the fact that the ecliptic runs across him, too. After all, the band of the zodiac extends some 8 degrees north and south of the ecliptic, spanning a total of 16 degrees in width.
And the constellations are not evenly spaced along this band in our sky. The signs of the zodiac are familiar to all who read online astrology advice. There are 12 familiar signs of the zodiac, but no Ophiuchus.
Yet the moon and planets do regularly move within the boundaries of Ophiuchus. And so does the sun. The sun is in front of Ophiuchus from about November 30 to December 18 each year.
The sun is said to enter the sign Sagittarius around November 21, or whenever the sun is precisely 30 degrees west of the December solstice point. The sun then enters the sign Capricorn on the December 21 solstice.
So the sun passes through the “sign” Sagittarius for the period before and up to the December solstice, irrespective of the fact that the sun is actually shining in front of the constellation Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 18.
By the way, the December solstice point moves one degree westward in front of the zodiacal constellations – or backdrop stars – in about 72 years. This means that the December solstice point will finally move into the constellation Ophiuchus by the year 2269.
When and where to locate Ophiuchus
The best time to observe Ophiuchus is during a Northern Hemisphere summer (Southern Hemisphere winter).
From the Northern Hemisphere, late July and early August present this constellation high in the southern sky at nightfall and early evening. It’s in the southwest sky on autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere.
This rather large constellation fills the area of sky to the north of the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion and to the south of the constellation Hercules the Strongman.
If you’re familiar with Scorpius’ brightest star Antares, try star-hopping to Ophiuchus from this ruddy gem of a star. The head of Ophiuchus is marked by the star Rasalhague (Alpha Ophiuchi).
Ophiuchus is joined in legend and in the sky to the constellation of the Serpent. If you have a dark sky, you might find this is one constellation that looks like what it’s supposed to be: a big guy holding a snake.
The name Ophiuchus comes from two Greek words meaning serpent and holding.
Ophiuchus in myth and star lore
In Greek sky lore, Ophiuchus represents Asclepius, Greek god of medicine and doctors. He is always holding a great serpent or snake. And, depending on how it’s used, a snake’s venom can either kill or cure.
It’s said that Asclepius concocted a healing potion from the venom of Serpens the Serpent, mixing it with a Gorgon’s blood and an unknown herb. This potion gave humans access to immortality, until the god of the underworld, Pluto, appealed to the king of the gods. Pluto asked Zeus to reconsider the ramifications of the death of death.
We hardly know how Pluto made his appeal. Perhaps he said only that which never lives never dies, and that no mortal can have one without the other.
Sophocles may have expressed the myth’s inherent message when saying: Better to die, and sleep the never-waking sleep, than linger on and dare to live when the soul’s life is gone.
Possibly, the poet T.S. Eliot echoed the theme of the ever-living story in his Four Quartets:
We die with the dying:
See, they depart, and we go with them.
We are born with the dead:
See, they return, and bring us with them.
In any event, according to the myth, Zeus confiscated the potion, removed Asclepius from Earth and placed the gifted physician into the starry heavens.
Today, the Staff of Asclepius – symbol of the World Health Organization and other medical organizations – pays tribute to this story and echoes the mighty celestial shape of the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer.
Ophiuchus in history and science
It’s been more than 400 years since anyone has seen a supernova explosion of a star within our own Milky Way galaxy. But in the year 1604, a supernova known as Kepler’s Supernova exploded onto the scene, attaining unaided-eye visibility for 18 months. It shone in southern Ophiuchus, not all that far from the Pipe Nebula.
Kepler’s Supernova in 1604 came upon the heels of Tycho’s Supernova that lit up Cassiopeia in 1572. These supernovae sent shock waves into the intelligentsia of Europe, which firmly believed in the Aristotelian notion of an immutable universe outside the orbit of the moon.
Tycho Brahe took a parallax measurement of the 1572 supernova, proving that it could not be an atmospheric phenomenon. In fact, the supernova shone well beyond the moon’s orbit.
Shortly thereafter, Kepler’s Supernova in 1604 seemed to drive home the point all over again.
Moreover, Tycho Brahe measured the distance of a comet in 1577, also finding it to be farther away than the moon. Aristotelians wanted to believe comets were gases burning in the atmosphere, but once again, Tycho threw cold water on the idea of Aristotle’s immutable universe.
Bottom line: The sun lies within the boundaries of the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer for about 2 weeks of every year. Thus, Ophiuchus is an unofficial member of the zodiac. Learn about astrological signs versus astronomical constellations, and how to locate Ophiuchus.
Source: earthsky
I have had a few questions regarding Lilith since I mentioned her in association with the Dark Moon. I thought I would share some insights and hopefully quell some misnomers about her.
Lilith is widely recognized in Jewish tradition as a seductive demoness who haunts men's dreams at night and is said to harm infants.
She is depicted negatively in these narratives, often portrayed as Adam's rejected first wife.
Barbara Black Koltov, PhD, portrays the Shadow woman in this tradition as one who resists subjugation, embodying the irrational and rebellious facets of womanhood, along with the fears that thrive in the darkness of the night and the new moon.
She inspires fear and revulsion, as she alternately is a nubile, young woman who seduces men and leads them away from their pious lives, and an ugly hag who brings death and kills babies descended from Eve, out of revenge upon Adam.
In "The Book of Lilith," Koltov explores the mythology surrounding Lilith, detailing the rituals, customs, and purification rites practiced by both men and women to safeguard themselves against her influence.
These include adhering to particular guidelines prior to marital sexual relations and employing birthing amulets for mothers and newborns. These amulets were inscribed with spells and pleas to placate Lilith, aiming to deter her from claiming the lives of infants.
Lilith's origins are believed to trace back to ancient Sumer. She is associated with the Sumerian goddess Lilitu, whom Demetra George characterizes as "an emanation of the venerable winged Bird Goddess".
She is also depicted in Sumerian mythology as a youthful servant of Inanna, the Sumerian Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her role was to guide men from the streets to Inanna's temple for holy ceremonies that included the sacred sexual rituals of that era.
Regrettably, the rise of Hebrew culture led to the decline of ancient Sumerian spiritual traditions and practices. This shift was largely due to the belief that spiritual salvation is achieved by renouncing bodily desires.
These views have diminished women's spirituality to just wisdom and purity, eclipsing the concept that female divinity arises from the holiness of her sexuality and the power of her physique.
While the ancient methods of Lilith's interaction with her followers are no longer known, contemporary authors like Demetra George in "Mysteries of the Dark Moon" and Betty De Shong Meador in "Uncursing the Dark" offer thought-provoking insights into engaging with Lilith in ways that are positive and healing.
In the journey of spiritual growth, we are guided to delve inward and discover our Shadow self. This aspect of the feminine psyche, often likened to Lilith, symbolizes the elements that have been historically marginalized, repressed, denied, feared, and mistreated.
Through the emotions of anger, outrage, and rebellion, and by embracing the feelings that arise from invoking Lilith, we undergo a spiritual transformation.
By experiencing and accepting Lilith, we learn to integrate our Shadow selves—our irrational, moon-cycling, intuitive, and feeling aspects that dwell in the night's darkness, the subconscious, and the depths of our wombs.
This powerful monthly cycle reconnects us with our sensuous, sexually sacred bodies, enhancing our understanding of femininity and leading us toward wholeness.
I'm not going to post the ritual here because it's quite in-depth; however, if you are interested in receiving it, please feel free to DM me and I'll be happy to email it to you; however, know that it will take a month to prepare for the ritual—Dark Moon to Dark Moon—so, while you can begin preparing, it will be next month's Dark Moon before you should truly begin.
• Order of the White Moon
• The Book of Lilith, Koltov, Barbara Black, PhD
• THE GODDESS, Shahrukh Husain
• Mysteries of the DARK MOON, Demetra George
• Uncursing the Dark, Betty De Shong Meador
• Grandmother Moon, Zsuzsanna E. Budapest
Frequent questions I receive: "Are we in the age of Aquarius", or "When did the Age of Aquarius begin?"
My answer is always: "There is no definitive answer." Here are the reasons ( which hopefully won't be too complicated to follow ):
The Age of Aquarius is an astrological age that occurs because of an occurrence called precession that alters the identity of the Pole Star over time. This lasts 25,800 years.
If you divide that number by the 12 constellations of the zodiac signs, it determines roughly 2,150 years for each one. During the spring ( or vernal ) equinox – when the Sun moves in front of a new zodiacal constellation, it is said to be the beginning of a new age.
The Age of Aquarius to begin when the vernal equinox point moves from the constellation Pisces to the constellation Aquarius. Here's where it gets tricky because various interpretations of calculations provide different answers.
Even though it's an astrological, viewing it from the point of astronomy provides valuable clues:
In the 20th century, the International Astronomical Union (or IAU) assumed the duty of officially naming and defining all things astronomical. The IAU created “official” constellation boundaries in 1930. So, astronomers would tend to mark the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, based upon IAU constellation boundaries.
But astrologers may or may not choose to recognize those boundaries.
Famed Belgian astronomer and mathematical wizard Jean Meeus is one who adheres to the IAU’s definitions. According to his computations, the sun at the March equinox passed from being in front of the constellation Aries to being in front of the constellation Pisces in 68 B.C. Looking ahead, again according to Meeus, the March equinox will cross over into the constellation Aquarius in 2597.
Once again, these are the astronomical dates, based on IAU constellation boundaries established in 1930. Which, frankly, I'm not too keen on because we astrologers like to divide the 12 astrological symbols into equal sections, while the IAU's defined constellations are different sizes.
Since there's no firm consensus among astrologers as to when the Age of Pisces began, it's virtually impossible to know when the Age of Aquarius began/begins.
From 'The Book of World Horoscopes':
Nicholas Campion suggests that approximated dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 A.D. to 3597 A.D. Campion also reviewed published material on the subject from astrological sources.
He said that most writers claim the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 20th century (29 claims). The 24th century is in second place (12 claims). Campion, by the way, is director of the Sophia Centre and Course Director of the M.A. in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, Lampeter. You can view his credentials here:
Other astrologers say the Age of Aquarius actually began in 2012. That’s because they believe the star Regulus in the constellation Leo the Lion marked the ancient border between the constellations Leo and Cancer. This star moved to within 30 degrees of the September equinox point in 2012, meaning that Regulus left the sign Leo to enter the sign Virgo in that year. Presuming equal-sized constellations in antiquity, that places the border of the constellations Pisces and Aquarius at 150 degrees west of Regulus, or at the March equinox point. By this reckoning, the Age of Aquarius started in 2012.
So you can see that there’s firm reckoning by many for how to calculate the beginning of an age. But there is no agreement between those doing the calculations.
Here's a great article further demystifying it.
Illustration ( from the above article ):
Sun rising at the vernal equinox on the 20th March 2016 in Baghdad, Iraq (in deference to the Sumerian and Mesopotamian astronomer-astrologers who defined the zodiacal constellations thousands of years ago). The inclusion of the zodiacal constellation boundaries is for reference purposes.
The constellation of Aquarius sits well above the horizon and the Sun is located in one arm of the constellation of Pisces. Based on Hipparchus’ system, the above indicates the world is currently in the Age of Pisces.
The above illustration one hour before dawn on 20th March 2016 in Baghdad shows the constellation of Aquarius sitting just above the horizon with no stars visible in the constellation of Pisces.
In the second image from the above link, the constellation of Aquarius is currently the visible heliacal rising constellation. The constellation of Aquarius has been the visible heliacal rising constellation for centuries.
The conundrum is that, based on the Vernal Point located in the constellation of Pisces, we are supposedly in the Age of Pisces and will remain so for many centuries, while based on the visible heliacal rising of the constellation of Aquarius, we are in the Age of Aquarius and have been in the Age of Aquarius for centuries.
The latter assertion is substantiated by historians who claim the arrival of Modernity occurred about 500 years ago.
It also lists the Seven Most Popular Posts for Further Investigation:
The Age of Aquarius for Dummies
The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960’s or ’70s
SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1
Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius
Generational Astrology – Introduction (Part 1)
Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)
Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius
Happy Reading and discerning!
Research references: International Astronomical Union, Earth and Sky, Astrodientist, Macroastro, various astrologers/astronomers.
More on the Israel/Palestine
Back in October I wrote an essay about the astrological implications of the Israeli/Hamas conflict. I wrote when the asteroid Israel moved from Libra into Scorpio on October 26, conflict could escalate.
The asteroid Israel represents persecution, attacks, and homeland. Under Libra there were negotiations and attempts to communicate toward amicable resolutions to no avail. Scorpionic energy is polar opposite.
Deeply aware, penetrating, determined and passionate, Scorpio invited Israel into the shadowy depth of its psyche where it had the choice between a balanced insight laced with compassion and understanding; or a vengeful, overbearing, and often violent actions.
We all saw how it went.
But I've been keeping my eye on Pallas, the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare, who entered Scorpio on November 19 @ 4:01 AM.
Pallas is the goddess of wisdom and self-defense. Her symbol is the wise owl, and she is in charge of defending herself and those important to her. She is never the aggressor, but she defends herself and those she loves.
She is in essence the warrior queen and philosopher. Anytime we come up with a reason or a theory as to why we want to live our lives a certain way, we are exercising our philosophical side. This is where Pallas comes in.
Pallas entering Scorpio is an opportunity to utilize strategic wisdom and feminine energy to facilitate change.
We use our wisdom when we need to, and if we have to do battle against someone or something, the wiser we are, the more likely we are of achieving success. The fact that Pallas does not take the part of the aggressor, or the bully should give us the encouraging knowledge that she can be trusted.
The God of War, Mars, left Scorpio for Sagittarius on November 24 @ 5:15 AM, five days after Pallas entered the sign. The moment Pallas entered Scorpio, negotiations between sides increased, and four days later, as Mars was on the anaretic degree of Scorpio preparing to transit into Sagittarius, a cease-fire agreement was reached, and hostages were exchanged. As of today, the IDF and Hamas confirmed that the truce was extended for a seventh day.
With Mars now in Sagittarius, and Pallas in Scorpio with Israel, we've seen and will continue to see a change in strategy from all out physical annihilation ( Mars ) to mental negotiation ( Pallas ). Next week, December 04, Venus, the Goddess of beauty and affection will enter Scorpio. With all this feminine energy balancing out Scorpio's intensity, headway can be made toward a lasting solution between Israel and Palestine. But they have to want to work toward that goal.
As a matter of fact, these two goddesses will perfect and conjunct @ 10°08' Scorpio on the 13th of December in the 2nd House. The emphasis of their energy: Affection/Sense of Value and Wisdom/Warfare will be amplified in the house of gain/loss, and personal liberty.
But before that, on December 10, there will be a conjunction between the Moon and Israel in Scorpio @4:45 PM ( EST ) in the 6th House. Thus, the energy of emotions/domestic urge and persecution/attacks will be emphasized. The Moon symbolizes what we need, emotion, intuition, and domesticity. It also represents the feminine principle. Israel represents attacks, be it the aggressor who attacks or defender who defends against attacks, and domestic homeland.
The sixth house represents duty and substance. Here work and health are closely related, I imagine even more so with military personnel engaged in this conflict, as it also represents all conditions affecting our health.
There's something being worked out here toward homeland, domesticity, and emotional peak. With Pallas and Venus entering their conjunction just three days later, combined with the feminine principle of the moon, the power of the divine feminine is truly going to be highlighted. Hopefully a miracle will occur to restore balance to the Middle east by mid-December.
We'll see, won't we? It's not up to us, Is it? With Israel in Scorpio vengeful, over-bearing, and often violent actions can occur if the power is uncontrolled.
Image: Pallas Athena by Lee
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #Israel #Venus #pallas #PallasAthene #pallasathena #Mars #Scorpio #Palestine
Many cultures, particularly the Native American, believe our hair symbolizes strength, identity, and power. Believing that our hair connects us to the spiritual realm, these cultures teach that hair allows us to receive guidance and messages from the divine; thus, disposing of it properly has been a vital component so as not to disrupt guidance or messages from the spiritual realm. It is believed that neglecting to dispose of our hair properly can signify a loss of guidance, protection, and prosperity.
According to Brianna Holt, hair tells a life story. Growing long hair is a custom for some Native tribes. For some tribes, long hair equates to strength. In others, it signifies power and virility. Long hair is also seen by some to be an act of rebellion against the colonized world and a representation of Indigenous pride.
In other cultures, hair is considered sacred and is not to be cut or removed unless for specific reasons, such as mourning or initiation ceremonies. When disposing of spiritual hair, it is essential to do so respectfully, either by burying it in the ground or the sea, or by burning it with intention and gratitude.
For those of us on the spiritual journey, proper disposal of hair is a key component in maintaining a strong spiritual connection and receiving the benefits of spiritual guidance. I collect my hair daily from my brush and store it in a small container until each Full Moon. Then I place it in my burn bowl around my wish paper with written intentions, loose sage, and herbs. Once burned I offer the ashes to the Full Moon and recite my intentions. It's always been my belief that any burnt offering's smoke rises to the heavens with our intentions.
But it doesn't have to be burned. It can be buried, donated to spiritual practitioners or institutions, or even placed in a river. Follow your intuition about what feels right to you.
Keeping in line with my Native American heritage, I keep my hair very long and only trim it quarterly on the New Cardinal Moons. However, there were times I would grow my hair waist length just to donate to institutions who make wigs for cancer patients. To be honest, donating didn't feel right to me, despite doing something that would help another. It was the cutting process, not the donation. The last time I donated was about 8-9 years ago. I decided then it would be my last time. Thus, burning feels right for me.
Many civilizations assign specific meaning to disposing of spiritual hair, such as releasing negativity or giving prayers to ancestors. Hindus bury their hair in holy places, Christians believe burning it symbolizes rebirth, and Buddhists offer their hair as a gift to the deities. The Chinese Taoist tradition considers cutting a person’s hair as symbolic completion of life cycles, and thus stores it with respect.
In Voodoo culture, long and lustrous hair represents vitality; hence they are removed during mourning periods or major life-changing events and offered to deities alongside gifts symbolizing aspects of life celebration. This practice connects worshipers with their ancestors’ spirits from whom they seek guidance.
It's even believed that you can keep your chakras clear and your energy flowing by avoiding spiritual blockages like bad haircuts and toxic people. It is believed by all cultures that to "flush" our hair or "dumpster" it causes natural imbalances to both nature and our self.
In whatever way you choose to dispose of your hair, let it bring peace and balance into your life the way it has mine. Try it by beginning now. Collect your hair daily from your brush and store it. Then during December's Full Cold Moon, offer it in whatever way you are led. Pay attention to how it makes you feel.
In my case, it's much warmer and definitely lighter.
Sources: https://www.insider.com/what-hair-signifies-in-native-american-culture-2022-11; The Spruce
#inspiritualservice #hair #hairdisposal #ritual #ceremony #burning
My personal Venus return is tomorrow evening. If you have Venus in Virgo, then you already have, or will experience your Venus return at some point of Venus' transit through Virgo. But what is a Venus return? It's when Venus returns to the exact degree and house it occupied at the time of our birth.
First, let's learn about Venus:
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is a rocky planet with the densest atmosphere of all the rocky bodies in the Solar System, and the only one with a mass and size that is close to that of its orbital neighbor Earth. Orbiting inferiorly (inside of Earth's orbit), it appears in Earth's sky always close to the Sun, as either a "morning star" or an "evening star". While this is also true for Mercury, Venus appears much more prominently, since it is the third brightest object in Earth's sky after the Moon and the Sun, appearing brighter than any other star-like classical planet or any fixed star.
The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of Venus' Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus became one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love, affection, and beauty.
Venus is considered the planet of love; in early times it was called the lesser benefic. It rules are, culture aesthetics possessions, partners, beauty, charm, good taste, sentimentality, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, drama, and music. Venus' action is gentle and harmonious. Governs emotional contacts, tenderness, moral character, marriage and unions of all kinds. Also, sociability, disposition, luxuries, pleasure and appreciation. Venus is the planet of love and sensuality, not sex.
Where you find Venus in your chart reveals what you really enjoy.
12th House:
This is the natural home of Pisces ruled by Neptune. It's a house of endings and subconscious that reveals our unknown or hidden strengths and weaknesses. It shows sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind-the -scenes action. It indicates places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, etc., restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self-undoing and clandestine affairs.
It reveals the things we hide from others. Research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, the subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid ( Karma ), but also charity, sympathy, and public welfare. It is often called the closet, or dustbin of the horoscope because it is here that we sweep away or hide problems which are too painful to face or difficulties that we refuse to acknowledge.
Venus in the 12th House
Venus in Virgo:
This transit portends relevant changes in our relationships and finances, and depends on its surrounding placements and most importantly, our understanding. The house is considered malefic because of its association with hospitalization, escapism, and incarceration; thus, it could represent discontent in love or finances. We may experience the need for a more private love life during this time. We may discover secrets, and, if the relationship has been weak, it may lead to separation.
On a more positive note, this transit indicates a craving for more depth in relationships involving spiritual meaning and understanding. Yet, there's a danger here of sacrificing ourselves and our resources for our partners, as well as the opportunity to let go of something material. This is the influence of Libra in Venus' 7th house home. Peace at any price is not the way to go.
We should take extra care of our mental and physical health during this time. If we begin to feel trapped in a relationship, honesty about our feelings is paramount. Don't shrink. This transit allows us to step into our power and express our true feelings rather than sacrificing for another's benefit. Also guard against how critical we are of others. Although Virgo's intentions are purely to offer improvement to others, it can come off as highly critical, damaging another's self-confidence.
Because this is a house of endings, relationships can end as a result of criticizing, judging, and clingy behavior. In addition to our tongue, guard our finances as well. Especially against scammers - after all, tis the season!
For all my Venus in Virgo friends, if you'd like to know the exact day and time of your Venus return, DM me for more information.
I wish you much love and success on your journey around the Sun!
Image: Venus Rising by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
Conjunction: Allowable orb of 07° between celestial objects - Denotes emphasis.
Libra: Harmony and Balance. Peace-loving but Judicial.
11th House: Goals. Friends. Allies. Circumstances beyond our control.
• Pallas: 18°LIB11 ( Wisdom. Warfare. )
• South Node: 24°LIB52 ( Past. Old Patterns. Wounds. Habits. )
• Israel: 28°LIB37'
Above we have Pallas conjunct South Node in Libra (06°orb). Pallas represents wisdom and warcraft. The South Node represents old patterns and gifts we were born with brought from a previous life. This conjunction would emphasize the importance of evolution by positive alteration—change up what hasn't worked. There's an opportunity to utilize strategic wisdom and feminine energy to facilitate change.
Next, we have the South Node conjunct Israel in Libra (04°orb), emphasizing the importance of that aforementioned change. The importance of peace ( but not at any cost ). The importance of negotiations. Libra is all about balanced and amicable relationships; however, it also represents justice and the judicial process, which can cut like a knife at times.
All of the above is happening in the 11th House highlighting goals, friends/allies, and developing a new methodology to respond to circumstances beyond our control.
Scorpio: Intense Desire12th House: Limitations. Frustrations. Self-undoing. Hidden strength. Subconscious mind.
• Sun: 00SCO00 @ 12:21 PM, EDT ( 0° in astrology represents a breath of fresh air - everything is new and bright with possibility. )
• Mercury: 02SCO18 ( Communication. Reasoning ability. Negotiations. )
• Mars: 07SCO49 ( Action. Aggressive urge. )
• Sun in Scorpio conjunct Israel ( 3°orb ) and the South Node ( 7°orb ) in Libra. The Sun represents inner-self, power urge, and ego. We see Israel struggling for a secure identity. To be able to live in peace and safety.
The Sun and Israel conjunct Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury emphasizes reasoning abilities, negotiations, and settlements surrounding Israel's self-identity crisis.
The Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio ( 7°orb ): Mars is dignified in Scorpio, and represents action, the aggressive urge, initiation and energy. Strife, war, weapons, wounds, and violence are within its realm. It is strategic and cunning. It is known as the God of War. This conjunction emphasizes defense, protection, and fuels self-preservation and survival.
Tuesday, 24th, Israel moves into the Anaratic degree ( 29° ) in Libra, representing a Karmic completion signifying the end of a cycle, and is known as the "degree of faith".
Thursday, 26th, Israel will move into Scorpio - changing the energy and dynamics of the situation from judicially balanced Libra into intense and cunning Scorpio.
The buildup of a stellium in Scorpio Thursday, in the 12th House, is going to be paramount to what's happening in the Middle east. Mars in Scorpio can be intensely explosive, especially with the Sun/Israel conjunction emphasizing inner self and ego; however, it can also demonstrate great courage and strength of restraint.
And a Lunar Eclipse is coming in right behind all of this energy - which means more intensity to the already present energy.
In addition to the above, Ceres, representing the harvest, the reaping of what we've sown, is also positioned in Scorpio: "[ . . . ] for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
May it be peace.
Image: Pino Daeni
There's posts everywhere on the Israel conflict, but I needed to gather my thoughts and analyze a chart. Conflict, especially serious conflict such as war, is something I need to process emotionally before I can communicate it in any type of reasonable fashion. This is probably something I should do via video; however, I'm going to attempt to articulate this in layman's terms.
The attack on Israel began around 6:30 AM Saturday morning, Israeli time. Saturday is when Jews observe the Sabbath, and many don't leave their homes; therefore, most would've been in bed asleep after the previous night's ritual, especially with nowhere to be that morning. The fact that the terrorists chose this time to attack makes it more despicable to me.
Israel is 7 hours ahead of us, so I ran the chart @ 11:30 PM Friday evening, which would correlate to the exact time of the attack.
At the top left of the chart, you'll see the North Node, Eris. and Chiron circled. This forms a stellium in the fire sign Aries in the10th House. The allowable orb is 7° for a conjunction ( emphasizes energy ), and as you can see by the degrees, all three are within that allowable measurement. The 10th house is the natural home of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the teacher and Lord of Karma. This house is one of substance and honor, and indicates government, authority, and religion as an organization.
The North Node is our destiny, and the direction we strive toward in this life. Eris is the goddess of discord and strife. And Chiron is the wounded healer. There is such a significance in this alignment.
At the bottom right of the chart, you'll see the South Node, Mars, and the asteroid Israel circled in red. This forms a stellium in the air sign Libra in the 4th House. The allowable orb is 7° for a conjunction, and as you can see by the degrees, all three are within that allowable measurement. The 4th house is the natural home of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, representing our domestic nurturing urge and emotions. This house is one of security and endings, and indicates our home, heritage, and property ( real estate ). This is a house of endings: the closing years of life, the ending of all matters.
The South Node is what we've brought into this life - our heritage, ancestry, gifts, etc., and what we strive to break free from so we can evolve in this life. Mars is the god of war who rules Aries & Scorpio. And Israel represents persecution, attacks, and homeland. Now if that doesn't give you goosebumps, I don't know what will.
An opposition denotes polarity that needs to be reconciled before healing can take place. Chiron reveals this by his presence in the North Node/Eris stellium, where the goddess of discord and strife, Eris is representing while opposing the God of War, Mars, in a stellium with the South Node ( history ) and Israel.
Not only that - but an opposition is also forming between the Moon dignified in Cancer, and Pluto, god of the underworld and harbinger of destruction and rebirth in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the teacher and lord of karma. The energy of this opposition was growing stronger through the attack and perfected by 10:00 PM Saturday, Israeli time. With the Moon dignified in her own sign, emotions would've been off the chart globally in the aftermath of Plutonian destruction.
And if that wasn't enough, we've got another fire stellium in Leo between Black Moon Lilith, who, according to the Jews, is "a female demon of Jewish folklore, who tries to kill newborn children. In the Talmud she is the first wife of Adam, dispossessed by Eve" and Venus, goddess of affection, and Juno, goddess of commitment and relationships. Thus, it could be interpreted that Lilith seeks to divide families, relationships, and commitments - even those of ceasefire between countries. Her position in the middle is separating the two goddesses..
So we have two fire stelliums and one air. Air fuels fire. Astrology is so literal.
This has been bone-chilling for me, which is why I needed time to process before posting about. I possess Jewish heritage traced back to Latvia. Yet I don't resent Palestine, and I certainly don't fault them as a whole for the malicious actions of a militant group. I sympathize with their plight. What happened to them would be akin to Native Americans being granted the rights to take back their original lands and occupy our homes. Being of Native American descent, I wouldn't be able to resent that beyond those not being able to let the past go and move forward.
And that's a part of history we all need to learn is to let the past rest in peace or war will always prevail. Because in war there are no winners, only widows.
I am doing all I know to do to bring peace to Israel and Palestine by eliminating extremists and militants from their populations. I pray and practice the same for America and her extremist faction as well.
On July 12, @ 12:53 PM, the Moon’s Mean North Node will back into Aries while the South Node crosses into Libra at the same exact time until January 28, 2025. The Moon's True Nodes will ingress July 17th @ 3:59 PM. So what's the difference between Mean and True Nodes. It's really quite easy.
Before the wonderful world of computer calculations, the Mean Nodes were calculated by hand due to variations over a period of time. It's old school and many astrologers still adhere to the practice as a basic foundation of delineation. True Nodes are the actual exact spot, measurement, and location of the node at an exact moment in time calculated by a computer in a few seconds, and the tool many modern astrologers prefer.
So why even bother with the Mean Nodes at all when the computer can generate True Nodes?
In evolutionary astrology ( which is what I am studying ), the Moon's Nodes are considered the heart of the system. The South Node represents the karma we have brought with us not just from past lives but have accumulated during this life as well. We only have karma that is not ripe ( completed ) in this life with us into the next so that we may eventually resolve it.
The South Node provides ample time to deal with our ripe karma in this life, so long as our pride and/or obstinance don't interfere. This is where the nodes come into play, and why they are considered the heart of the system. The challenging news: When karma is ripe it's coming for us; the positive news: We are ready.
If the Universe brings us to it, it will bring us through it should we choose to do the work. The only thing that can stand in our way is, well, us.
The North Node, on the other hand, provides not only a powerful antidote to our South Node patterns but also outlines a detailed map of how to resolve our ripe karma. The only caveat is this: our old patterns of behavior rise naturally to situations while it takes serious effort to reach a resolution, aka the North Node.
No pain no gain, except mentally vs physically. Or should I say spiritually awakening vs sleepwalking? Regardless, we've had roughly 18 months to reconcile our Scorpionic-ripened karma, and now we are all on the cusp of karma changing her tune completely, individually, and collectively.
While each sign of the zodiac represents possibilities, it also represents a challenge of potential stumbling blocks for us to transform into steppingstones. One can view the changing of the nodes, or even the current position, as an opposition. It's essential to reconcile two polarities to achieve personal ( and collective ) balance.
Cardinal Libra represents harmonious cooperation; however, every coin has a backside: Peace-loving Libra will often pay way too high a price for peace. This price can include at the expense of our own voice: "I want to say something, but peace is more important."
Is it though?
This is where discernment is critical. We've all heard the saying, "Sometimes it's better to agree than be right." So, which is it? Agreeing for the sake of peace because it's more important? Or, releasing our own personal truth?
Libra is judicial but can lack discernment. It can also be indecisive and easily deterred. Rather than be pressed by the inner conflict designed to resolve our ripened karma ( repetitive patterns ), we will be tempted to forgo our own best interests for the sake of peace.
But I can guarantee you the peace we paid so high a price for will not reside within us peacefully. When that happens, we will know we sacrificed too much for the very thing we desired. Sometimes there's a second chance, but most often there's not, and we are left to witness the consequences. And no matter how much we say, "It wouldn't have mattered anyway." One thing is for certain, two for sure—we'll never know now.
Because you see, Justice and Peace only make a beautiful union when Truth is honored by both. And just as a painter, we must undergo study of ourselves before the canvas is made right.
Image: God Ares created with Midourney
Recap: On July 12, @ 12:53 PM, the Moon’s Mean North Node will back-peddle into Aries while the South Node crosses into Libra at the same exact time until January 28, 2025. The Moon's True Nodes will ingress July 17th @ 3:59 PM. So what's the difference between Mean and True Nodes. Read Part I below to answer that. Part II is going to dig a little deeper.
The Nodes in general are also known as the Head and Tail of the Dragon. You can compare it to a roller coaster: the head is focused and leads the way, while the tail is whipping you in every direction following the head. As ancient mythology dictates, the tail is equally as dangerous as the teeth on a dragon—oftentimes, more so. We pay such close attention to avoid being bitten that we get backslapped by the tail, namely the "Ripe Karma" discussed in yesterday's segment.
On December 22, 2021, the south node crossed into Scorpio, my sun sign. This meant that the shadow of the South Node would be crossing over my sun until it finally backtracks into Libra this month. The majority of Scorpios will breathe a sigh of relief at the passing of the storm cloud, but not me. Why? Because My natal NN is in Libra, which means my SN is in Aries.
I will be experiencing my reverse-nodal return ( more on nodal and reverse-nodal returns to come ) until January 2026! I am halfway there! Come January 2026, if I've done the work as I have the last 18 months, that sigh of relief is going to be well-earned.
Has it been difficult? Yes. I've experienced some pretty dark Scorpionic karma and witnessed it globally. I mean two months after the South Node moved into Scorpio, Putin invaded Ukraine. Even though the North Node entered Taurus simultaneously – peace, the eternal cure for war, seemed just too far away for certain global leaders to work toward. Maybe it was too much of a struggle—but it's a struggle that our lives depend on if we want to spiritually evolve as individuals and as a collective.
Collectively speaking, Scorpio is the sign of penetrating passion and awareness; the SN in Scorpio gave us an opportunity to face and heal our deepest wounds. The NN in Taurus represented a domesticated stability that encompasses loyalty offering us a chance to attain security and peace through facing our deepest Scorpionic secrets and fears involving abandonment and betrayal.
If we got the energy right and did the work, all's good. If we didn't, and we got the Scorpio energy all wrong, as Putin did, then our strategy needs to change with the changing of the Nodes this month. Beginning with Libra in the South.
The question becomes: How do we evolve from the SN to the NN during the next 18 months? The answer is twofold: firstly, learn what it is we need to evolve from; secondly, work that knowledge without giving up. If you give up, get back up and keep trying. We've got 18 months. We can do it. It doesn't matter if we just break one pattern holding us back during this time, we've evolved.
The NN in Aries is the realm of Mars, the pioneering God of War, activity, and action. However, the backside of its coin is also domineering, quick-tempered, and violent. Just as the tail has its positive side, the head of this dragon isn't without its own shadow aspect. It's important to learn and recognize all traits of Aries and Libra during this transit. Most importantly, it's equally important to learn to recognize the traits we are exhibiting.
It's okay to praise ourselves and feel proud when we've accomplished something; however, it's also vital that we also assume responsibility for our choices that display negative attributes and course correct. It's a package deal. We can recognize our behavior as lower-vibrational energy, but if we don't assume responsibility ( pride, shame, etc. ) we've only recognized the stumbling block. We can't transform it into a stepping stone without accepting responsibility.
Blaming others is a trap. Despite what they say or how they advise, no one holds a gun to our heads when we make personal choices regarding our own lives.
This evolutional opportunity isn’t about dominating others. Nor is it about hurting or excluding them; however, we will be accused of those very things because we're altering our boundaries to exclude certain behaviors, such as people-pleasing—something Libra is notorious for to keep the peace.
No, Aries represents strength, courage, and honor. It's there for our benefit and for the taking; how we use it is up to us. It’s about utilizing that strength and courage to stand up for your own truths or to defend those you love in an honorable and truthful manner.
"Bushido" is the way of the Warrior. It's a moral code among Samurai which dictates their values, behavior, attitude, and lifestyle. When a Samurai breaks bushido and demonstrates unethical acts, they are dishonored, which often leads to seppuku. This practice, also known as hara-kiri, is a method to regain their honor by taking their own life. Of course, for us, it entails owning our own behavior with a heartfelt admission, self-forgiveness, and genuine change.
This is how we should view Mars, the God of War, through during this nodal transit. That, and a shining knight on a white horse.
Enter Libran Karma, whose flipside of the coin avoids conflict at all costs and is easily deterred until indecisive about how they should act, what they should choose, or who they should believe. Enter the knight in shining armor, Aries, whose intention is to provide Libra with the strength and courage to stand up for their truth by speaking it first, then acting on it by refusing to be deterred.
There's not a woman ( or some men ) reading this who hasn't, at some point in her life, dreamed of a knight in shining armor riding a white horse and rescuing them from their own behavior. Oh, he could be described as a "Tall dark, and handsome stranger", or a myriad of other descriptions—it's the same concept.
"Ah! If I only had love!" ( personally I never cared about the color of the horse. )
Well, ladies ( and some gents ) here he comes. The question is, are we ready? Are we brave enough to accept his gifs? More importantly, are we willing to use them for our own benefit and that of the greater good?
Final note: We'll all experience this individually. Delve into your chart and KNOW where your NN, SN, Aries/Mars, Libra/Venus, and their respective houses are located. Those placements and their cycle through the zodiac signs over the next 18 months become our personal roadmap.
Yes, there is a part III coming up to help you with that.
Image: The Accolade, Edmund Blair Leighton, 1901
Recap: Today, July 12 @ 12:53 PM, the Moon’s Mean North Node will back-peddle into Aries while the South Node crosses into Libra at the same exact time until January 28, 2025. The Moon's True Nodes will ingress July 17th @ 3:59 PM.
So, what's the difference between Mean and True Nodes? Read Part I below to answer that. Part II dug deeper into the realm of Taurus and Scorpio and the potential those nodal placements presented, as well as the upcoming switch to Aries and Libra and what to expect. Part III evaluates a cyclic process of the nodal switch through the zodiac signs. Part IV will delve into nodal returns. Lastly, Part V will delve into reverse-nodal returns ( such as I will be experiencing ).
We will experience this energy individually; therefore, hopefully, you took my advice in Part II and delved into your chart to familiarize yourself with the placements of your NN, SN, Mars, Venus, and respective houses.
In the delineation of astrology, it's the collection of these individual experiences, recorded for centuries, that provide common themes or patterns of aspects that enable astrologers to develop perspectives that apply to the general collective as a whole. It's a painstaking process filled with the reward of knowledge that can be passed on to new generations.
Astrology is the most ancient language in the Universe.
As the ruler of Libra, Venus will be a key planet to watch in regard to ripened karma as she transits the signs and houses throughout the next 18 months. Conversely, Aries will be there to provide the clues, strength, and courage to move beyond each challenge and toward spiritual evolution.
Many misinterpret Venus, named after the Roman goddess, as only a planet of affection, love, and beauty; however, in Ancient Greece she was known as Pallas Athene, the Goddess of Wisdom and Warcraft; therefore, she also rules justice, law, and order. Just as with any other planet, she's a two-sided coin with both a light and shadow aspect. So, while Venus may be all about poetic love and aesthetic beauty, her ripened karma may not be all warm and fuzzy. On the contrary, she's out to balance the scales of justice from whatever imbalance we've sown.
The planet Venus takes about 224.5 days to orbit the sun, which means she spends about 18.7 days in each of the 12 signs, sans any retrograde. The planet is currently in her pre-shade period and will enter retrograde 12°Leo12', 9:33 PM, EDT, Saturday, July 22—five days after the true nodes switch signs—and 20 minutes before the Sun enters Leo. She will remain in Rx until September 03, 12°Leo12' @ 9:21 PM, EDT, and will leave her post-shade period Oct 07 @ 11:22 PM EDT.
It's a lot, I know; however, it's also pertinent information because the energy of a planet alters during each phase of its retrograde period. If we're going to be working with Venus, we need to become intimate with her energy so we can recognize whatever ripened karma is presenting itself to be reconciled. As Venus moves quickly through the signs, we need to be homed in on which sign she's transiting. And particularly the signs she visits twice during this 18-month nodal period.
A revisit means something wasn't reconciled during the first transit, and we're being given a second chance.
Below you can read the essence of each Venusian transit through the signs, and the Aries offerings that can assist us through the prosecution process of Libra's Karmic Courtroom.
• South mean node enters Libra in Leo on July 12. Don't obsess over your appearance: inner or outer. Aries offers you the strength to forgo vanity by trusting that you're beautiful as you are.
• Venus enters her Virgoan fall, October 8, 2023. Virgo strives for perfection but struggles with emotion; therefore, can come across as critical, nit-picky, and cold to others. Aries offers a pioneering alternative to present rational ideas without coming across as petty, self-centered, or detached.
• Venus dignified in Libra, November 8, 2023. Libra is known to pay too high a price to keep the peace. Aries provides Libra the courage to stand up for their own truth and defend those they love.
• Venus enters Scorpion detriment December 4, 2023. Scorpio often uses the intensity of physical or intellectual passion as a diversion from who they truly are. Aries provides the independent courage to remove the mask and exchange deep glances with others instead of redirecting their focus elsewhere.
• Venus enters Sagittarius, December 29, 2023. Free-loving and generous, Sagittarius enjoys making everyone feel the same, using procrastination to belay important choices or decisions. Aries provides Sagittarius with the courage to live and choose love in the moment it presents itself.
• Venus enters Capricorn, January 23, 2024. Capricorn often hides their insecurity behind a mask of hard work and serious perfectionism–Aries provides the confidence to make mistakes and stand naked in the truth without fear of abandonment.
• Venus enters Aquarius, February 16, 2024. Aquarius can be so independent they hide their true emotions behind a cool exterior. Aries promotes a kind and loving nature without an overwhelming sense of emotion or detachment.
• Venus exalted in Pisces, March 11, 2024. Pisces is the known escapist of the zodiac, particularly during any conflicts. They have a penchant for intuitively selecting the wrong kind of lover without balancing it with logic. Aries provides strength and intellectual insight to release what no longer serves.
• Venus enters her detriment in Aries, April 4, 2024. This is an explosive aspect and where Venus is most likely to hold their tongue for the sake of peace until their tongue bites back, verbally initiating a war. Aries is ruled by the God of War, Mars; however, also provides the courage to speak from the heart without the need for a sword and shield. The strongest warriors aren't those who have killed the most enemies. But won them over.
• Venus dignified in Taurus, April 29, 2024. Venus in Taurus is so kicked back that routine will cement long before the realization. Unpredictability should be added to the calendar on a regular basis to avoid stagnant creativity. The more exciting the better, and passionate Aries is the perfect supplier for ideas.
• Venus into Gemini, May 23, 2024. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini has the power to build or burn bridges with their words. This is especially true in the face of intellectual snobbery based on first impressions. Aries tempers that lofty air with enough passion to ground Gemini into looking behind the outer facade and deeper into others before passing judgment.
• Venus enters Cancer, June 16, 2024. Sensitive Cancer often misperceives suggestions or advice as a personal affront. Aries can provide the insight to stop taking things personally, and exhibit compassion that what others say is a reflection of them, and no one else.
I've said it before but will repeat it now: Awareness is a shield against ignorance. It allows us to scale the walls of an energetic maze and observe the energies from a higher perspective that makes sense. Especially from the standpoint of our own patterns and karmic returns.
When this is all over, may we each find ourselves liberated from the Venusian courtroom. May we leave it just how Lady Justice prefers: in peaceful balance. Peace be upon your journey.
Image: Graphic design created through Canva
Recap: July 12 @ 12:53 PM, the Moon’s Mean North Node back-peddled into Aries while the South Node crossed into Libra at the same exact time until January 28, 2025. The Moon's True Nodes will follow in the steps of the Mean Node and cross over Monday, July 17th @ 3:59 PM.
Part I explained the difference between Mean and True Nodes. Part II dug deeper into the realm of Taurus and Scorpio and the potential those nodal placements presented, as well as the upcoming switch to Aries and Libra and what to expect. Part III evaluates a cyclic process of the nodal switch through the zodiac signs. Part IV will delve into nodal returns. Lastly, Part V will delve into reverse-nodal returns ( such as I will be experiencing ).
So, just what ARE nodal returns?
If you've read the first three parts in this nodal series, you've learned that the North and South Nodes ( NN/SN ), also referred to as the head and tail of the dragon, symbolize a path of development and evolution. The SN represents our past lifetimes and reflects how we see the world through that historical lens. It represents our karma and the challenges that need to be reconciled in our lives. The NN represents our goal in each particular phase of our life. It's the counteroffer to the SN's conditioning which, if integrated into our lives, will reflect personal and spiritual growth.
The SN comes so easy it appears as a natural part of our nature. It's where fear is triggered, and our comfort zones are defined. Our choices determine whether or not we continue to face the same habitual patterns, or if we choose to break them in this lifetime. These triggers are very real and can manifest as physical conditions such as heightened fear and/or panic attacks which can lead to retreating into our shells rather than fighting through to overcome the issue.
After all, we're being beckoned to step out in faith into the unknown where uncertainty resides. Despite how energetically stagnant staying in the same position becomes, we seem to fear the undefined more. We are comfortable in our patterns because they are as familiar as comfort food that isn't necessarily healthy; however, feel comfortingly safe.
This pattern can be compared to our physicians warning us against certain foods because our cholesterol levels are high. Or smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, or a myriad of dangerous lifestyle choices. Yet we persist in partaking in unhealthy habits because we detest or fear the change we must make—until our body shuts down as a major warning that we need to listen or else!
That's the beautiful thing about the Universe. Per our own innate desire, it will gently attempt to evict us from our complacency with caution lights along the way. Health reports. Sprained muscles. Fatigue. Mental burnout. All is good if we slow down while approaching the intersection to evaluate our chances. However, ignore these caution lights and we stand being t-boned in the middle of the intersection and will be forced to stop.
Throughout our lives, the lunar nodes engage in planetary aspects ( conjunctions, trines, etc. ) several times. It takes about 18.6 years for one cycle to complete from the time of our birth, and then subsequently every 18.6 years thereafter. Therefore, our nodal returns will occur at the following ages in our lives: 18.5, 37, 56, 74.5. Divide this number by half and you will be able to calculate the ages of your reverse nodal returns ( which we will discuss in Part V of this series ). For this article, we're going to focus on nodal returns only.
This period in our lives is typically one of inspiration and confidence in whatever we decide to partake in. We seem to flow barely unobstructed by the current of life. Whatever obstacles do present themselves appear minor, which enables us to retain hope that everything will work out while simultaneously evaluating an alternative route. Our natural gifts appear enhanced during this time, and there's a good chance they could transform into something personally satisfying or monetarily successful.
However, this is also where discernment is vital to distinguish the difference between a natural gift meant to blossom and a pattern of the SN that we're comfortable with. Just because we're naturally talented at something doesn't mean it's what we're supposed to do. It's obviously something we've already done or it wouldn't come so naturally. As a matter of fact, whatever does come naturally is a sign of the SN's influence.
The NN is the opposite and challenges us to take things further; it's an evolutionary process rather than staying in the same lane going the same direction. If a trigger or fear arises surrounding our comfort zones, you can guarantee it's the NN presenting its calling card.
While many pieces of the puzzle seem to form the big picture during this time, there are also surprises in the scenery that should intrigue us enough to desire to expand our horizons through investigation. These mysteries, whose outcome is disconcertingly unknown, might reveal a hidden valley of talent that we had no idea we were good at!
Whatever we discover during our nodal returns, we are guaranteed to have the guidance and support we need to further our expansion. These nuggets of support and encouragement will drop like a stone through the water to remind us of who we are or who we were told we could be when we were young. We should take advantage of this auspicious time to evaluate our hearts by asking: What is it that I truly desire to spend my time and energy on?
The answer to this will always require us to leave something behind. We will innately know what that something is when we weigh the balance to ascertain what has served us in our past but determine that it can no longer. The question then becomes, are we brave enough to release the familiar in order to grow toward our full potential?
That answer lies within each individual.
I wish you many blessings and much success on your nodal return. 🙏💙
Image: The Return by Thomas Cole
Recap: July 12 @ 12:53 PM, the Moon’s Mean North Node ( NN ) backpeddled into Aries while the South Node ( SN ) crossed into Libra at the same exact time until January 28, 2025. The Moon's True Nodes will follow in the steps of the Mean Node and cross over tomorrow, Monday, July 17th @ 3:59 PM.
Part I explained the difference between Mean and True Nodes. Part II dug deeper into the realm of Taurus and Scorpio and the potential those nodal placements presented, as well as the upcoming switch to Aries and Libra and what to expect. Part III evaluated a cyclic process of the nodal switch through the zodiac signs. Part IV delved into Nodal Returns ( NR ). Lastly, this part will take a look at RNRs, something I will be experiencing first-hand.
Our reverse nodal return occurs when the transiting SN aligns with our natal NN. For example, my NN is in Libra and the SN will move into Libra tomorrow. Conversely, my SN is in Aries, and the NN will move into Aries tomorrow.
This RNR will represent a significant point of karmic culmination and evolution in our life. As discussed in part IV of this series, nodal returns are focused on growth and new beginnings. RNRs are focused on the completion of karma and integration of the lessons we've learned. This is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, it provides us an opportunity to revisit the qualities of our SN patterns and transform them into something more positive.
Because the SN harbors the culmination of our past lives, it's something to be revered and recognized as the gatekeeper holding the keys to doors of our spirit's evolution. Think of the SN as a textbook that holds all the answers we seek to the questions we hold. It's a lesson of opposites and the powerful force of reconciliation. When two opposites come together for the greater good, we have created the most powerful force in the Universe: Love.
RNRs occur every 18.6 years; however, our first RNR occurs when we are only 9 or 10, then at ages 27-29, 46-47, 63-64, and so on. RNRs coincide with our first Saturn Return, which happens between the ages of 27-30 ( but not our second or third ).
Whenever there's polar opposite energy involved, the atmosphere can appear turbulent and unclear. After all, we have two opposites in need of reconciliation pulling against one another, creating quite the muddy waters or dusty landscape. We may even feel conflicted and second-guess ourselves about what we've learned up to this point, or how to even proceed.
Just a planetary retrograde provides an opportunity to slow down and evaluate everything within the current moment, so too does a RNR; therefore, it's important to remember that throughout this phase, which will last until January 2025, we must proceed slowly yet diligently, even taking a step backward to re-evaluate what we thought we knew or was working.
This may seem like falling back into the SN, something we've worked so hard to overcome, and to a degree it is. If we've lived this long, which many have not, it's a wonderful opportunity to evolve even more. When we view it from that perspective, the RNR is revealed as the true blessing it is: an opportunity to complete and integrate a karmic lesson in THIS lifetime! That spells spiritual evolution for the next.
The RNR is a time of light and dark integration; there are those two polar opposites again! Neither can exist without the other. When we delve into the light and shadow aspects of Libra and Aries to familiarize ourselves with those energies, we can then manipulate them in a positive manner to manifest our destiny.
Also, as I've previously written, Aries can be our Knight in Shining Armor through this period by providing us with courage and strength to withstand the storm without succumbing to fear or doubt. He doesn't have to be our enemy just because he's the polar opposite. On the contrary, even Aries' ruler, Mars, the God of War, will submit to the power of Love. And Love is what Venus, the ruler of Libra, is all about.
It's time to push slowly through this RNR into some serious spiritual growth through reconciliation and integration. If we're lucky enough to live to see another NR, we'll be more than ready to evolve into our destiny at a remarkable rate. We'll leap at the chance.
I wish you many blessings upon this transit and over the course of the next 18 months! Remember it's a blessing to have lived for this experience and can be compared to receiving a scholarship to the college of one's choice. It's not going to be easy, but it will be oh-so-worth it, and always what we wanted!
Image: Girl in Blue Holding a Rose, Pierre Bonnard
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