Is there someone in your life that you would like to understand on a deeper level? Or do you desire to understand yourself in a more clear and concise way? What triggers us? Why does it trigger us?
The planets aren't there just to gaze upon. They're a celestial roadmap aligned to provide us with a deeper insight into ourselves and others we desire to know. Their influence has been studied and documented for centuries. It's hardly "New Age". On the contrary, its ancient wisdom is unlocked, providing insight into the basic questions asked by the majority of human beings: "Who am I? What is my purpose?"
A Natal Chart by a professional astrologer is a priceless investment, and the first step to knowing you as well as others.
Before the use of the asteroids, the ONLY significators of the feminine in traditional chart interpretation were the Moon and Venus. The socially acceptable roles for women were the Moon as mother and Venus as mate.
This began to change when the first four feminine asteroids were discovered in the 19th century when the women’s movement, led by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, sought to increase women’s participation in society.
These seeds did not bear fruit, however, until the early 1970s at the same time Elenor Bach published the first asteroid ephemeris. At this point, the aspects of feminine expression fully entered into the consciousness of humanity.
Women became imbued with seed possibilities of feminine creativity and intelligence that transcended the traditional roles of mother and wife.
Consequentially, society saw the widespread entrance of women into the fields of politics, arts, education, sports, and other professional careers. It also marked a time of rediscovery of women’s history and the revival of the Goddess in women’s spirituality.
Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno, and Vesta represent these new voices of the dormant feminine, recently activated and now demanding power, recognition, justice and equality in our society.
It is important to note that this phenomenon is not solely limited to women. The awakening of new aspects of feminine expression has had an equally profound effect on men.
As women are altering their traditional role expressions, men are developing new responses to the transformed women. Old patterns are no longer acceptable, and new sets of expectations and roles are now required of both.
I'm offering a "Pay What You Can" because developing a relationship with the Goddesses has personally changed my life for the better. I want to share this information with as many as possible and refuse to allow financial restraints to prevent the dissemination of information.
SOLAR RETURN CHART: But what day is our Solar Return, really?
Our Solar Return occurs "around", but not necessarily on, our birthdate. This is because of the phenomenon of precession, the wobble in Earth's tilt, resulting in a slight discrepancy of a day or two in the exact timing of our solar return around the time of our birthday.
This is why it's so important to learn when our Solar Anniversary is, as it's a very revealing time to garner valuable insights into what themes the year ahead might hold for us.
Each year we age, profound changes occur due to experiences. We're constantly growing new skin while shedding the old. Like a New Moon, it's very important to set intentions that will reflect our spiritual growth.
By examining the positions of planets and houses within our Solar Return chart, we can practically pinpoint focal points, potential obstacles, and prospects.
Because astrology is all about patterns and the movements of the planets, our Solar Returns are a form of predictive astrology to garner insight what kind of year we'll experience based on where the planets are currently ( not at birth ).
The angles and aspects the Sun is making can reveal the primary themes, talents, and obstacles we may encounter.
Discover the exact date and time of your SOLAR RETURN PLUS FREE CHART by contacting me.
Please provide the following when requesting:
• Birthdate
• Birth Time
• Birthplace
• Current City
• Year desired
Those who wish to delve deeper into the major aspects and potential themes of your Solar Return, the investment is $111.00.*
* Please do not feel obligated to delve deeper, nor allow it to prevent you from discovering your Solar Return! I gift this joyfully without expectation!
ANNUAL PROFECTION YEAR CHART: Theme & Time Lord included.
Throughout our lives, we move through the 12 astrological houses every 12 years, spending one year per house. This is called an Annual Profection, and can be done each year to determine which Profection year applies to the new year.
As soon as you’re born, you’re in a 1st House Profection Year. Your first birthday advances you to the 2nd House Profection Year, your second birthday moves you into the 3rd House Profection Year. And so on. . .
And we mustn't forget our Profection Year Time Lord, the natural ruler of the zodiac sign of your Profection Year. My Profection Year is the 6th House, which falls on the cusp of Pisces in my birth chart; therefore, Jupiter* becomes my Time Lord until I move into the 7th House Profection year in November, 2025.
If it sounds confusing, it's not! I promise!
If you're interested in discovering your current or upcoming Profection Year, Theme, and Time Lord, please click below for this FREE OFFER! *
*Only traditional planets are used to determine the Time Lord. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto aren't considered.
Discover the exact date and time of your PROFECTION YEAR CHART by contacting me.
Please provide the following when requesting:
• Birthdate
• Birth Time
• Birthplace
• Current City
• Year desired
Those who wish to delve deeper into the major aspects and potential themes of your Annual Profection Year, the investment is $111.00.*
* Please do not feel obligated to delve deeper, nor allow it to prevent you from discovering your Annual Profection! I gift this joyfully without expectation
CHIRON RETURN: Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer because he could heal others but not himself.
In astrology, Chiron represents our deepest wound, and transforming the wound into a gift enables us to rediscover who we are through integration.
It reportedly takes 50-51 years from our birth to experience a Chiron Return; however, I have discovered it can be as early as 46 and as late as 53 due to retrogrades.
Regardless, most people only experience one in a lifetime ( unless they live to be 92/103 ). This return is also known as the midlife crisis, a time when many feel triggered by events that highlight our aging, such as birthdays, et al.
These triggers are often accompanied by mood swings, insomnia, weight issues, and even self-isolating from others. This is the peak of Chiron energy during the return period. It's the echo of opportune time for this healing.
Do you know what astrology sign your Chiron is in? What house? It matters, as it presents a time of intense healing. But we need to understand the wound in order to initiate healing prior to our return. Those who haven't experienced their Chiron return have a blessed opportunity to work with that specific energy.
If you're over the age of 53, you've most likely experienced your Chiron return; however, that doesn't mean you can't heal the wound.
This report includes an analysis of your Chiron astrology sign as well as an understanding of the wound that calls out to be accepted and integrated into your everyday life.
There is a wait list still open for the 2024 season. It will close once filled and won't reopen until 2025. Priority will be given to those whose Chiron return occurs first.
Investment: $111.00
Book below.
JUNO RELATIONSHIP READING: What we want isn't always what we need.
Juno is known as the goddess of marriage and commitment, a symbol of love and union. Also, as the patroness of childbirth, Juno protects and blesses expectant mothers.
Juno is connected to lasting love by the peacock, depicted in many forms of art to accompany her. The peacock represents immortality and eternal life. Its vibrant colors exemplify fertility and abundance – linked to promoting fruitful relationships.
Juno's placement can show us how we feel about marriage, what marriage means to us, what we do or do not desire in our marriage relationship, or if we even want to get married in the first place.
Sidenote: A common-law relationship or a civil partnership also constitutes a marriage, as does any long-term living arrangement.
While most look to Venus for clues about a partner, Juno is actually the one who provides insight to long-term commitments that provide fulfillment.
I wish I had known this 40 years ago! I have no doubt it would've made SUCH a difference in my life!
There is a waitlist for 2024 readings that will close once it's fully booked and will not reopen until 2025.
Investment: $111.00
Book below.
I am honored by your consideration and the opportunity to serve you. As I am immunocompromised, readings are only conducted via email with optional post-phone session.
The reading is delivered via print quality PDF, having first inquired of the situation you are seeking guidance and/or insight. Because the reading is channeled, this is a timely process that may take a few days, depending on my schedule. Trust and patience are required, not just of me, but of Spirit to guide me in delivering guidance that is for your highest and greatest good.
The PDF will include the image of the deck as well as each card's image and accompanying message.
Afterward, you have the option to schedule a personal clarity/Guidance session. I separated the cost of the reading and the coaching session for your convenience, as there are some recipients who feel the reading clarified itself.
The PDF can be read and/or printed at your convenience; therefore, no rescheduling will ever be required. There is also a journal section following each card's description to note immediate feelings and/or associations with the image of each card. This is a very important step, as some images and/or certain colors may speak to your personal experience, such as recurring dreams or repetitive patterns.
To book or request more information, please email inspiritualservice@gmail.com or fill out the below contact form.
All readings come with an optional 60-min Clarity/Coaching Session + $75 or 30-minute Clarity/Guidance Session + $50
• Standard 1-2 Card Reading - $50
• Standard 3-4 Card Reading - $75
• Standard 5-6 Card Reading - $100
• Standard 7-8 Card Reading - $150
• Animal Companion Reading ( 7-Card ) - $150
• Astro-Oracle Spread - ( 7-Card ) $175
• Stellar Gateway Spread - ( 7-Card ) $175
• Akashic Records Spread - ( 9-Card ) $200
• Human Design Quantum Activation ( 9-Card ) $200
• Tree of Life - ( 10-Card ) $250
• Standard One Year Forecast ( 13-Card ) $300
• Medicine Wheel Spread ( 13-Card ) $300
• Wheel of Life ( 18-card ) - $375
• Grand Tableau ( 36-Card Fairy Lenormand ) $500
A Synastry Chart calculates the planetary positions of both partners to reveal their mutual aspects and overall compatibility. It also highlights their areas of contention, which will allow repetitive pattern recognition and behavioral correction to maximize smoother communication and issue resolution between you. Price includes a full report and a 60-minute clarity & coaching consultation after you receive your chart.
$333 USD
This powerful 7-card reading combines the knowledge of the Synastry Chart calculations with the deeper meaning of your astrological signs and areas of both compatibility and incompatibility. Price includes 60-minute clarity & coaching consultation.
$444 USD
In Spiritual Service has a dedicated team of certified readers willing to donate and/or reduce their fees for a number of monthly readings. If you are interested in receiving a scholarship for the full price or a reduced rate on a sliding income scale, please use the below form to contact me, or email me directly @ inspiritualservice@gmail.com - Subject: Scholarship Information
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