Happy 2025!
Happy 2025!
#25. GODDESS OF DREAMS, Vision, Intuition, Receptivity ( REVERSED )
When this card presents itself reversed, it indicates that we may feel a disconnect with the spirit world as well as the unlimited inspiration from our spirit guides that we've grown accustomed to. Perhaps we've lost the faith, or the power of belief.
It may be that we doubt our own ability to trust ourselves to correctly interpret their messages. Or have even become so busy that we haven't the time to pursue such spiritual approaches.
Whatever the source of the disconnect we may be experiencing, awareness that it ourselves and our choices that are locking out the powerful flow of truly beneficial energy in our lives. Whether those choices include thoughts or actions, or even both, we are blocking the reception we are missing.
It's time to let go of our hesitation and open up to the ever-present assistance that our developing intuition can provide. Meditation is a key aspect, even if only for a few moments a day, when we're quiet and can hear the guidance of Spirit and trust in ourselves enough to believe what we receive.
Our soul longs for us to awaken to the amazing visions of our eternal life.
Deck: Energy & Spirit by Sandra Anne
Artist: Cheri Polk
Celestial Guidance: Jan 12 - 18, 2025
Sunday is a day for creativity, romance and pushing boundaries to expand knowledge. Evening is infused with nurturing and appreciation when the Moon in Cancer trine Venus in Pisces.
Facing a wound prepares us for unexpected and pertinent information. Heeding our dreams yields intuitive insight during Monday's Full Wolf Moon in Cancer.
Slowing down to consider the consequences of our actions is advisable during the lunar square with Jupiter Rx Tuesday.
Guard against workaholism and balance time with relations to avoid elevated tension Wednesday. The ability to reconcile the polarity of a wound becomes possible.
Guarding the heart against negativity and choosing to believe in our abilities are vital tools to navigate the icebergs of energetic frigidity Thursday when the Moon in Virgo inconjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
We can attract good fortune through positive thoughts Friday when the Sun sextiles Jupiter; however, becoming too indulgent can leave the coffers dry.
Saturday brings less inhibitions coupled with a willingness to express ourselves when the Moon sextile OOB Mars Rx. Make sure you leave the rose-colored glasses in their case when Venus conjuncts Neptune tonight!
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
Waxing Gibbous
💫 Today is a day for creativity, romance, and pushing boundaries to expand our knowledge. Evening socializing is infused with nurturing and appreciation.
An opportune window to excavate the unknown, explore the
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
Waxing Gibbous
💫 Today is a day for creativity, romance, and pushing boundaries to expand our knowledge. Evening socializing is infused with nurturing and appreciation.
An opportune window to excavate the unknown, explore the taboo, and delve into subjects you'd like to better understand when the OOB Moon inconjunct Pluto in
Aquarius overnight. Awareness of the root cause of emotions and/or behavior encompassing possessiveness and jealousy can heal and old wound.
We may discover our minds and hearts are at odds when the OOB Moon oppose OOB Mercury in Capricorn midmorning.
Miscommunication and misunderstandings may also occur. If we can find a quiet place to work and focus inwardly, we'll open ourselves to the brilliance of insight and flashes of genius!
Energetic relief arrives late afternoon when OOB Mars trine Neptune in Pisces and the OOB Moon trine Venus in Pisces, enabling us to tap into our spiritual reserve and demonstrate kindness is the best defense.
After a long and trying day, it's the perfect evening to socialize with close friends and/or family. Our nurturing instinct is at a peak, and we're very generous with our affection.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
1:51 AM: Moon in Cancer inconjunct Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°25'
9:54 AM: Moon in Cancer oppose Mercury in Capricorn @ 06°03'
4:16 PM: Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces @ 27°29'
4:56 PM: Moon in Cancer trine Venus in Pisces @ 10°05'
#Art: Elke Trittel
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
🌾Ceres inbound, 4:18 AM @ 13°44' Aquarius, 3rd House
🌕Full Wolf OOB Moon, Cancer @ 23°59'
⛔Void of Course: 11:46 PM ( Mon )- 4:12 AM ( Tue )
💫 Facing a wound prepares us for the unexpected and pertinent information. Heeding our dreams yields intuit
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
🌾Ceres inbound, 4:18 AM @ 13°44' Aquarius, 3rd House
🌕Full Wolf OOB Moon, Cancer @ 23°59'
⛔Void of Course: 11:46 PM ( Mon )- 4:12 AM ( Tue )
💫 Facing a wound prepares us for the unexpected and pertinent information. Heeding our dreams yields intuitive insight.
Overnight the OOB Moon trine Saturn in Pisces followed by the Sun in Cap trine Uranus Rx in Taurus presents an excellent time to honor that nostalgic pull and visit our elders and/or honor our ancestors. Expect the unexpected and you'll be pleasantly surprised. Breaking with tradition for something new is indicative of this aspect.
Midmorning we may be forced to face unhealed trauma when the Moon square Chiron. This could stem from a tigger or energetic influence tied to your natal chart and divine plan. Our need for comfort may oppose our desire for growth, but only one leads forward.
Late afternoon/early evening the OOB Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus Rx oppose Sun in Cap, bringing us unexpected encounters that can reveal pertinent information. Don't be surprised by sudden eccentricity, especially with the lunar opposition of the Full Wolf Moon nipping at the heels of the sextile.
Tonight, the OOB Moon conjunct OOB Mars Rx in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, ushering in a buildup of energy, making it difficult to sleep. Occupying the mind should help; however, if not, try exercise. Heeding our dreams yields valuable insight from peaked intuition.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
2:30 AM: OOB Moon trine Saturn in Pisces @15°33'
3:13 AM: Sun in Cap trine Uranus Rx in Taurus @ 23°23'*
8:46 AM: OOB Moon square Chiron in Aries @ 19°06'
4:22 PM: OOB Moon sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus @ 23°23'*
5:27 PM: OOB Moon oppose Sun in Cap @ 23°57'*
10:48 PM: OOB Moon conjunct OOB Mars Rx in Cancer @ 26°59'
11:46 PM: OOB Moon trine Neptune in Pisces @ 27°31'
#Art: William Oxer Winter's Moon
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
🌕Waning Full Moon, Cancer -> Leo
⛔Void of Course: 11:46 PM ( Mon ) - 4:12 AM ( Tue )
💫 Certain days are designed to slow down and detach to consider consequences of our actions before committing them.
We could encounter a battle of the wills with a
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
🌕Waning Full Moon, Cancer -> Leo
⛔Void of Course: 11:46 PM ( Mon ) - 4:12 AM ( Tue )
💫 Certain days are designed to slow down and detach to consider consequences of our actions before committing them.
We could encounter a battle of the wills with a partner early morning when the Moon oppose Pluto. Emotions may be erratic and even irrational; however, awareness enables us to respond rather than react. Attempting to control another or making major decisions could prove costly.
Watch our budget over the next few days when Venus squares Jupiter Rx. Venus rules finances and Jupiter wealth. Avoid careless spending on anything you don't need at this time.
Tonight, the Moon inconjunct OOB Mercury, we may have to adjust our attitude and perspective to realign our emotions with our reasoning ability. Deep introspection or other forms of grounding, such as meditation, opens our mind to receive beneficial insight.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
6:53 AM: Moon in Leo oppose Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°29'
2:48 PM: Venus in Pisces square Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 11°59'
9:59 PM: Moon in Leo inconjunct OOB Mercury in Capricorn @ 09°46'
#Art: Alex Venezia
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
💫 Balance between our interests and intimate relations is imperative for positive and healthy growth.
Expanding our mind with continuing education or a topic we are interested in can divert our focus from
📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
💫 Balance between our interests and intimate relations is imperative for positive and healthy growth.
Expanding our mind with continuing education or a topic we are interested in can divert our focus from relationship tensions when the Leo Moon sextile Jupiter Rx in Gemini inconjunct Venus in Pisces overnight.
Guard against too many outside interests that it restricts time with intimate relationships or loved ones/friends midmorning when the Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces. Balance is essential in maintaining healthy relationships and personal growth.
Mid-afternoon relief arrives when the Moon trine Chiron in Aries, enhancing our innate ability to reconcile any polarity between our wounded healer archetype and emotional aspect. Pay attention to intuitive hits during this window.
Avoid impulsive behavior or harsh reactions to others when the Sun in Capricorn oppose Mars Rx in Cancer and the Moon square Uranus Rx in Taurus tonight. Direct and honest communication is the best way to diffuse rising tensions, and exercise to expel built-up energies. Making rash decisions regarding relationships isn't advised during this time.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
1:58 AM: Moon sextile Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 11°57'
2:57 AM: Moon inconjunct Venus in Pisces @ 12°29'
8:59 AM: Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces @ 15°45'
3:16 PM: Moon trine Chiron in Aries @ 19°08'
9:39 PM: Sun in Capricorn oppose Mars Rx in Cancer @ 26°12'
11:10 PM: Moon square Uranus Rx in Taurus @ 23°21'
#Art: Maria Brzozowska
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
⛔V/C begins @ 11:10 PM EST ( Wed ) - 11:46 AM ( Thu ).
💫 Sometimes the energy we need protecting from is our thoughts. Guarding the heart against negativity and choosing to believe in our abilities are vital tools to navigate
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
⛔V/C begins @ 11:10 PM EST ( Wed ) - 11:46 AM ( Thu ).
💫 Sometimes the energy we need protecting from is our thoughts. Guarding the heart against negativity and choosing to believe in our abilities are vital tools to navigate the icebergs of energetic frigidity.
Multitasking may prove difficult early morning when the Moon inconjunct the Sun in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. Adjusting our focus to one task alleviates the potential for frustration, which in turn may cause a daydream state where nothing gets done.
Methods of communication can expand our horizons personally and professionally. A trip is possible when OOB Mercury inconjuncts Jupiter Rx in Gemini. Quite reflection can produce flashes of insight.
It's important not to believe everything the mind says. Protect your heart against negative thoughts this afternoon when the Moon in Virgo inconjunct Pluto in Aquarius. Belief in our abilities and potential is the navigational tool to use during this energy.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
5:10 AM: Moon in Leo inconjunct Sun in Cap @ 26°31'
7:09 AM: Moon in Leo inconjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 27°34'
7:51 AM: OOB Mercury in Cap inconjunct Jupiter Rx in Pisces @ 11°52'
11:46 PM: Moon enters Virgo
2:45 PM: Moon in Virgo inconjunct Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°33'
#Art: Patrycja Kruszyńska-Mikulska
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
💫 It's essential to give without expectation to avoid disappointment; however, it's just as vital to maintain boundaries and integrity for the best outcome.
A beneficial door opens to attract good fortune through positive thoug
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
💫 It's essential to give without expectation to avoid disappointment; however, it's just as vital to maintain boundaries and integrity for the best outcome.
A beneficial door opens to attract good fortune through positive thoughts when the Sun sextiles Jupiter Rx early AM! Legal matters are highly favored during this time, and it's a perfect opportunity to share our optimism and positive energy.
Spread the love socially, but guard against overindulgence and disloyalty that could lead to a blemish on your reputation when the Moon squares Jupiter Rx midmorning.
We'll see things more clearly when the Moon trines Mercury midafternoon, increasing our intuition and psychic ability, enabling us to "read the room". The atmosphere is ripe for expressing our feelings and form more intimate bonds with family and friends.
Our desire to associate with others is heightened late afternoon when the Moon oppose Venus in Pisces. Unbalanced relationships may suffer discontent if one partner feels unheard or taken for granted. Give without expectation; however, maintain boundaries and integrity for the best outcome.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
6:20 AM: Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces @ 27°35'
10:33 AM: Moon in Virgo square Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 11°48'
2:28 PM: Moon in Virgo trine OOB Mercury in Capricorn @ 13°49'
4:46 PM: Moon in Virgo oppose Venus in Pisces @ 14°59'
#Art: Naomi Fuks
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
🌖Waning 3rd Quarter, Virgo -> Libra
⛔V/C: 9:01 PM - 10:34 PM
💫 Rose-colored glasses offer nothing short of illusion. Facing the truth allows no room for pretense.
Keep an open mind regarding new opportunities or sudden ideas early morning when the Moon
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
🌖Waning 3rd Quarter, Virgo -> Libra
⛔V/C: 9:01 PM - 10:34 PM
💫 Rose-colored glasses offer nothing short of illusion. Facing the truth allows no room for pretense.
Keep an open mind regarding new opportunities or sudden ideas early morning when the Moon trine Uranus Rx. Exciting changes could be on the horizon, and we feel less inhibited and more willing to express ourselves, especially when the Moon sextile OOB Mars Rx in Cancer early afternoon, ushering in courage and enthusiasm.
We become increasingly sensitive to energies when the Moon oppose Neptune late afternoon/early evening. Be guarded when dealing with others, as misunderstandings could occur. Turn to imaginative, creative endeavors, as our intuition is heightened.
It's vital not to wear rose-colored glasses tonight when the Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces. View relationships and/or situations for what they are without excuses for negative behavior. This conjunction can enhance compassion and spiritual connection but only if we're honest with ourselves.
The fog clears and clarity arrives when the Moon trine the Sun follows the above aspect, bringing the emotional confidence to view people and circumstance for what they are. There is no room for pretense here, and we wouldn't want there to be.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
9:13 AM: Moon in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus @ 23°19'
12:53 PM: Moon in Virgo sextile OOB Mars Rx in Cancer @ 25°09'
5:48 PM: Moon in Virgo oppose Neptune in Pisces @ 27°37'
8:26 PM: Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 16°05'
9:01 PM: Moon in Virgo trine Sun in Capricorn @ 29°14'
10:34 PM: Moon enters Libra
#Art: Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
☀️Enters Aquarius @ 3:00 PM, EST
💫 Today is the perfect day for creativity, particularly of the written form. Communications should be open and honest, enhancing the quality of our relationships.
The Moon trine Pluto is a perfec
📍Note: Mercury, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect
☀️Enters Aquarius @ 3:00 PM, EST
💫 Today is the perfect day for creativity, particularly of the written form. Communications should be open and honest, enhancing the quality of our relationships.
The Moon trine Pluto is a perfect time for a past life regression or delving into darker topics. Our heightened perception acts as a barrier of protection whether probing others for information or exploring the taboo.
Excellent reasoning ability is matched with honest communication when OOB Mercury sextile Saturn, creating a perfect atmosphere for professional and personal gains.
The alleviation of pressure and desire to socialize creates the perfect cocktail for relaxation when OOB Mercury sextile Venus. Affectionate expressions and appreciation come naturally during this time, creating a perfect opportunity for oral or written expression.
Our imagination is peaked and our relationships flourish from open and honest communication when the Moon trine Jupiter tonight.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
1:51 AM: Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°38'
2:38 AM: OOB Mercury in Cap sextile Saturn in Pisces @ 16°06'
11:32 AM: OOB Mercury in Cap sextile Venus in Pisces @ 16°41'
3:00 PM: Sun enters Aquarius
10:06 PM: Moon in Libra trine Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 11°40'
#Art: Joan Eardley
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