Spiritual Guidance
MAYU Star Goddess of the Milky Way, was seen clearly in the skies of the ancient Incas. In Western traditions, the Milky Way is recognized as a metaphor for nourishment in the milk of the heavens. When she appears as an Oracle, it is an omen of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment.
If you develop your spiritual practice, you shall come to experience feeling drunk on Divine bliss, like a baby in an ecstasy of complete fulfillment through the mother's milk. When we connect with the galactic heart, it is a sign of spiritual advancement. We are growing in such a way that our being becomes ready, willing and able to take up more spiritual space in the atmosphere.
You will express that spiritual growth in your life according to your talents. If you are a thinker, your ideas will become more inspired, expansive and original. If you are a healer, you will experience the flow of a new quality of divine consciousness through your work. If you are a leader, you will experience a feeling of being overshadowed by something truly great, kind and helpful, whilst at the same time feeling more fearless, bold and confident to speak your truth and guide those in your care.
Whatever the truth of our soul, encounters with the galactic heart are granted in order to evoke, expand and empower it upon the Earth. Some interpret the Vedas from ancient India and the Milky Way as the heavenly Soma, the nectar of immortality and the drink of the Divine. Soma can feed the soul, but like any food, healthy or otherwise, too much at any given time is hard to digest and can create more harm than good.
More divine light and energy is not always better, at least not when we try to take it all at once. We need to learn when enough is enough to detach from the Divine Mother's breast and rest in contentment and fulfillment for the present moment.To allow ourselves to be spiritually fed. To know when to latch on and when to detach from the inflow of spiritual energy. To allow for the mind, body, and soul to adjust to the increased levels of light and spiritual nutrition, and to metabolize that for healing growth.
We need to feel, trust, and surrender into the divine feminine. If we have had difficult issues around trust, support and nourishment as human beings, then clearly those issues, through grace, so as to be able to receive the heavenly nectar without greed or fear is important.
MAYU offers healing of these matters with grace. Integration allows us to utilize the blessings and become ready for further expansion when it is time to be fed again. We trust that her sacred food will be available when needed. We can learn to rest into all that the Galactic Mother will provide for our soul, growing us into the fullness of our spiritual radiance and maturity. One dose of her extraordinary blessed Soma at a time.
Healing Process
Say this prayer aloud with one hand on the heart, if possible: I invoke the unconditional love of the galactic heart and give thanks for all that is good, true, and nourishing of my being on all levels through unconditional love. I surrender with forgiveness and blessing any issue to do with mothering or being mothered, whether too much or too little. I release myself from false guilt, shame, and judgment. Now I released the mother figures in my life with forgiveness in my heart, for I no longer wish to hold on to old pain. I acknowledge I am worthy and deserving of nourishment, straight from the sacred milk of unconditional love from the Galactic Mother. May all mothers receive healing and guidance, blessing and assistance from the Divine Mother of All Souls. With trust I open myself now to receive what is needed for the ecstatic fulfillment of my own being through divine grace. With gratitude, so it is.
Now it is time to close your eyes and rest for as long as it feels good.
Whether you wish to meditate or sleep, or just close and rest your eyes for a time, give yourself permission to do that. Now you can begin that process by gazing at the image on the card for a moment, gently focusing on the light at the heart center of the galactic goddess and imagining, feeling, visualizing, or pretending that you are stepping right into that heart of light as you either zone out into sleep, rest your eyes, or meditate now When you are ready, ground yourself with some deep cleansing breaths in and out as you emerge from your rest. Move your body a little and ground yourself in the here and now.
You have completed your healing process
Spiritual Guidance
Pono in the Hawaiian tradition has deep and multiple meanings, one expression of which is the return to order. There is a perfection of peace, beauty, and fulfillment that the divine has planned for the lives of all beings. Through the use of human free will, we have at times moved away from what is in the divine plan, stumbled on the path, and become ensnared in terrible suffering and frightening delusion.
This can become contagious, infecting other souls with the poison of hate, anger and fear, and further separating our human collective from the beautiful grace that the Divine has intended for us. It then becomes difficult to use our free will with wisdom and our spiritual disconnection can create far reaching negative impact for others in the planet. One only needs see the pain in the world to understand this. Yet there is a simple spiritual discipline that we can practice to restore the world and all hearts within it to rights again.
The divine dwells in your heart as a healing power and wisdom which tenderly alleviates suffering, liberating the body, mind and soul. This is the immeasurable power of the heart way in the Hawaiian tradition from which it emerges. It is known as Ho'o Pono Pono, or 'to set things right'. The heart power thrives through this simple four step practice that can be done by anyone, anywhere, for any person or situation that they would wish to transform. This may seem unexpectedly easy, and it is. So why isn't everyone just doing this and healing the world right now?This is because only those who have come far enough on their spiritual path to have placed the heart wisdom above the dictate of the mind will be able to accept the practice.
Practice itself is not something that you can approach through the mind. The mind will resist it because it asks us to take unconditional responsibility for everything that we encounter, whether it be in our own lives or out in the world, even if those situations seem to have nothing whatsoever to do with us. The moment something comes into our awareness, we are responsible for it. The mind can rebel at this and say that it is unfair or unduly burdensome or shaming to think in that way. That is because the mind confuses responsibility with guilt and giving with deficit. The heart, though, is joyful at the prospect of spiritual responsibility because it understands that it offers the empowerment to make a difference and that healing one helps heal all. This Oracle foretells of great healing for you as you open your heart to Pono.
Healing Process
Immeasurable power of the heart way.
Choose a person or situation to which you can offer healing.
Gaze at the image of the card. Recognize the heart power depicted. Place a hand on your heart as you tap into the beauty of your heart, including the feelings of compassion, goodwill, and wanting all things to know that they are loved and do not deserve to suffer. When you feel that heart connection, you are ready to complete the four simple steps without them having to make sense to your mind. Feel the truth of what is happening in your heart as you complete this process.
Step one: I'm sorry.
Say aloud: I am responsible for this situation. I feel so sorry for this. Let your heart be in compassion as you might feel the emotion that is evoked by what you are saying.
Step 2: Please forgive me.
For forgiveness, you don't need to think whom you were asking it of; just say, Please forgive me. As you speak these words, feel the remorse you connected with in step one, as you asked to be forgiven. Those of you sensitive to energy may feel or sense a release of energy taking place.
Step 3: Thank you.
Say, Thank you. Again, it doesn't matter if you have a sense of whom or what you are thanking before you even say the words, you may already feel the gratitude that begins to pour through you. This will increase as you say the words.
Step four: I love you.
Again, this will evoke a response in the soul, this time an outpouring of love. You may feel this consciously, but even if you don't trust that it is happening, just go with the process and say, I love you. Let yourself feel love as you say the words.
Place your hands in prayer and relax for a moment.
You have completed your healing process.
Spiritual Guidance
Intuition and instinct are two forms of intelligence, one arising from the heart and the other from the wisdom of the body. These special forms of knowing are essential for living a wise and authentic life, one that is tuned into love and truth that flows through our universe.
Intuition can help us know without knowing how we know, showing us an accurate bird's eye view of a situation in a sudden flash of insight. Instinct can give us a Stark and honest gut feeling about the intentions of another person or the real value of an opportunity. You do not need to have a logical explanation to justify your intuitive and instinctive recognition of falsehood, deception, or other misleading uses of information.
These two forms of intelligence are ways of sacred feminine knowing. Then there are logic and intellect, which can also be gifts for humanity to use for great effect. Provided that logic and intellect are not used to cut off from sacred feminine knowing, they can play a very helpful role in living a happy and fulfilling life.
Finding the correct information in this age when there is an abundance of information with varying degrees of truth and helpfulness is an important skill to develop. We can do this with a combination of logic and intuition. Sometimes intuition and intellect will tell you that a piece of information accepted by others is not actually true for you.
The sacred feminine intelligence recognizes truth and is able to guide you as to how to best use it for your noble goals. The Oracle of Amuata comes to you with guidance, suggesting that you take your time to inform yourself. If you have a decision to make, trust your instincts and your intuition above and beyond logic or other people's opinions, but make sure that you obtain the information that you feel is most useful to your decision-making process.
Amuata urges you to take care around simply accepting the opinion or point of view of another, even if that person has been a trusted guide for a time or has many credentials. Sometimes your inner knowing shall encourage you to a different course of action. Even if you have great respect for the person offering their opinion, the universe may simply have other plans for you. If you have ever been put down, or judged as not being clever enough, or if your intellect has been worshiped and encouraged at the expense of the intuition of your heart, the Oracle of Amuata comes to you now with a message of healing relief.
There are many ways of knowing, and we are all unique in our particular combinations of intellect, instinct, intuition, and insight. You have been created exactly as you were meant to be, for sacred purpose. The judgments of others, for better or worse, are meaningless. What matters is that you find your own best way of sensing truth, honoring when something doesn't feel right, and moving forward when something rings true.
Healing Process
Find a place to relax and say this prayer aloud:
I call upon the grace of unconditional Love and the truth of the Divine mind to empty and cleanse my mind and emotional body from fixed opinion, half-truths, and deceptions. May I trust and be patient so that I can see and know the higher level of truth available to me. May I give and receive peace, enlightenment, and helpful, accurate communication. May divine light shine bright and help all beings find their ways. Through my own free will, so be it. Rest now for as long as you need. Perhaps close your eyes and focus on your breathing for several moments as you allow the power of your prayer to work at a spiritual level and beyond.
Allow yourself to become empty and still and go into as deep a relaxation as possible for as long as it feels good for you. You have completed your healing process
Additional Message
All issues can be healed through the unlimited recourse and creative resourcefulness of the divine. You are destined to be part of a creative solution for any issue that you have in your life or that exists in the world and touches your heart.
The issue only exists so that divine genius can resolve it. Struggles are sometimes the best way for us to learn something we need to understand for our life journey. Trust that when you ask for help, even apparently impossible situations can be turned around.
With willing human engagement and divine grace. There is more than enough light, healing, creative innovation, wisdom and energy available to keep Mother Earth and all her creatures, including humanity, thriving.
Never give up your hope and trust in what is possible, nor your willingness to act upon that hope and trust.
Spiritual Guidance
The Divine Mother in the form of Padma Sundari is Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, beauty, love, and spiritual enlightenment, represented as a shining Lotus.
An ancient symbol for spiritual enlightenment, the Lotus rests pure upon the muddy waters from which it has grown.
Lakshmi's divine Lotus flowers remind us that the spiritual light needs material form through which it can manifest itself in the world as if it were divine electricity, needing the lamp of the soul through which to give the gift of illumination.
Without the lamp, the electricity cannot manifest its power, and without electricity, the lamp cannot fulfill its true purpose.
When the Oracle of Padma Sundari appears, her message is that you are able to do a lot of good in this world. The Divine Mother will assist you with your purpose so that you succeed, but you must take action. Allow the light of spirit into your soul so that you never again feel that you are doing anything on your own.
Remind yourself regularly you have a divine sponsor, guide, coach, partner, and friend with you always. That friend has unlimited resources and the most powerful will of all.
Notice how your confidence to take action increases when you build that belief system within you. How much more secure, courageous, and willing you become.
Part of your spiritual path requires that you walk your talk and live in a way that shows optimism and practicality. When something's not working, we don't need to hide from it in shame. We face it because we have spiritual self esteem and self-confidence.
When we choose courage, we can confront what isn't working and are able to scratch for answers rather than becoming overwhelmed or afraid of any darkness. Remember that the Holy Mother is with you and within you.
With your active participation, she will bring you everything that you need to confront and tackle any issue, no matter how intimidating it may seem one step at a time.
Along with the power of your divine connection, you have the intelligence and ability to find information, to educate yourself, to try out new behaviors so as to become an active part of the solution for any matter that moves you deeply.
Taking these steps will boost your self-esteem and your energy levels, helping you to feel good about yourself and your presence in the world.
It's not about being perfect, it's just about taking that next step for you. Trust in divine timing, realizing that there is far reaching good that can happen through you as you continue to be actively engaged with life and your inner divine relationship.
Believe in what we can and will accomplish together through our passionate love affair with the Great Spirit and our adoring devotion to the Earth Mother and her children.
Healing Process
If possible and practical, this exercise can be done barefoot. If you cannot physically move through the process, then visualize or imagine it instead. Stand comfortably with knees slightly bent and feet about hip width apart.
Allow your posture to be straight but relaxed. Direct your awareness into your feet. You can help this process along by wiggling your toes a little, shifting your body weight slightly from heels to toes and side to side, and rising up onto your toes and back onto your heels if your balance is good today.
Imagine that you can feel your feet from the inside. Imagine, feel, or intend that your feet can sense the energy of the earth, rich, nourishing, and vitalizing in the ground beneath you.
Imagine and intend that the magnetic pulling power of your feet is strong enough to create a palpable connection, a suctioning motion between your feet and the energy of the earth.
Allow the earth energy to build up beneath your feet and then flow up through your being softly out through the top of your head gently cascading down on either side of you soaking back into the Earth.
Say aloud: I call upon divine grace and unconditional love to show me truth and creative solutions empowered by divine wisdom for all matters in my life, including [ Mention anything particular or specific here that you would like help to resolve or heal ]. May all beings know and be blessed, assisted and empowered by the Divine Mother to fulfill their purpose and potential. So be it.
Place your hands in prayer. You have completed your healing process.
In Universal Love and Spiritual Service
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